Lost 1.7 "The Moth" (Non-hidden SPOILERS)

I missed the first 15 or 20 minutes. Did I really miss anything except for the cave’s collapse?

What’s with the bad CG insects though?

Kate and Jack, sittin’ in a tree… Next week looks like FUN! :smiley: I also liked the end scene with Locke and Charlie, even though I, too, saw it coming. Except I thought he’d throw it into the ocean. I think I liked this better. I really, really like Charlie; he’s my favorite.

Some people never get over the cravings. Getting through withdrawal symtoms, though, really depends on the person, I 'spose, as well as the drug. I think this show (fake, TV, fakefakefake) will take Charlie through the experience fairly quickly now that he has help from Jack, as well as Locke’s “I’m proud of you” comment (he needed that, and it’s been awhile since he’s heard it). And now that he’s a hero, well… that’ll help, too. I give him two more episodes max before he’s “over it”.

Don’t get me wrong, things like that can help addicts recover in real life, too. It’s just not so quick and dramatic.

God, how I hate spoiler boxes.

Some Charllie flashbacks. He goes from being THE CENTER of Driveshaft, to being in his Brother’s shadow. Also, some not feeling needed feelings on the island. Helps explains the littel speech at the cave before he goes in for Jack.

That’s Shannon (snotty blonde chick); I assume that because Boone is the one who’s talking in the preview. Looks like Sawyer gets the shit kicked out of him. I can’t decide if I like that or not. The sound effect comes right after “Mohammad”, Sawyer’s new pet name for him, walks up to Sawyer with a knife and yanks his head back by a handful of that pretty hair. :eek:

Like I said, it looks like it’s going to be FUN!

I always forget how quickly these threads move…


Thanks, NCB.

Sure. Shannon (the sister?) is gasping and Boone says she has asthma. Sawyer has or has hidden all the inhalers he found. Jack, Sayyid, and the fugitive (forget her name) go to get them from him. Sawyer says he’ll turn them over if the fugitive kisses him. Jack and Sayyid don’t like that and start beating him up. In the midst of the roughing up footage there’s one of the fugitive bending over looking like she’s getting ready to kiss a somewhat bloody Sawer.

Sorry, hun, some people don’t like speculation and I was giving them the option of not reading it.

Re: Next week; it was definitely Shannon having the asthma attack and it was her brother Boone telling the others that she has has asthma and that Sawyer has all the inhalers.

Wait, she saved all her pedicure equipment after the crash but she didn’t have any spare inhalers? Or is Sawyer “salvaging” from everyone bags, dead or alive?

So it was Shannon, eh? I barely remembered to check the previews and missed the first seconds of it, catching only the blonde hair. It did look like she was in black, tho, like the prefer chick wears. But, it makes Boone’s comment more realistic. he would know about his own sister.
Hasn’t preggo girl worn only black so far? Maybe that forshadows her death.

>>Sorry, hun, some people don’t like speculation and I was giving them the option of not reading it.
Yeah, I know. Still… :stuck_out_tongue:
The Fugitive is KATE

This has been mentioned before, but maybe we shoukld use the “24” rule.
Anything shown tonight needs no spoiler boxes. Also, any speculation is OK.

BUT, anything from “next week on Lost”, other ads, epguides, etc should be spoilerboxed.



Works for me.

Whatever happened to 24?

Why that? The previews are shown after every episode and most people watch them, don’t they?

I agree with everything else though. I definitely don’t want to see things for Lost 3:11 or whatever from some site that has “insider information”, or whatever. That kind of ruins all the fun, doesn’t it? Or whatever. :wink:

I just said that way too many time, I know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that’s how these threads worked originally. I thought we’d reached a consensus, so I stopped putting it in the OPs. I’ll include it in future weeks.

I was sure Sawyer wasn’t going to set off the rocket, but there it was. I wonder if he turned on the antenna, though. Given his behavior this week and the scenes in the “next weeks,” he’s starting to be one of my top three characters. Do you think he was really hoping Jack was dead, or was he trying to freak Kate out by making her think she might have missed his last moments? Maybe a little of both?

As much as I love Charlie, I was sort of disappointed in this week’s flashbacks. There aren’t any real skeleton’s in his closet, which I was really hoping for. Charlie’s half of Oasis-From-Manchester? Whee. I guess Liam’s new life threw me for a loop a little. I thought they could have done a better job establishing Charlie’s self-worth issues earlier on in the flashbacks, thus giving a little more motivation for his picking up the heroin, but I guess the temptation issues he discussed with the priest were setup enough without wasting time.

Excellent! IIRC, she was a big star in the old country (Bosnia? Serbia? Some fool place in the Balkans) and is plenty hot in a grown woman way. Us old farts need someone on that show older than our daughters so we don’t feel pervy ogling them.

TV Guide Online has a short, non-spoilerific interview with Dom Monaghan about this week’s episode here (link may change; it’s the Wednesday Insider):

I’m Steve, he’s Scott.

Well, if I was around Charlie, I’d try to take the drugs in case the doctor needed them. While not the best choice in the world, it might beat having your apendix removed with just a branch between your teeth…

I dunno, I think Sawyer has some tricks up his sleeve. I don’t think he’s really as much of an ass as he wants everyone to think he is. When he told Kate that he and Jack weren’t all that different, I started wondering if maybe he is (or was) a doctor or a lawyer or something. I have no idea what his game is, if that’s indeed what’s going on, but I keep thinking there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Not that I’m complaining about what meets the eye, mind you. :smiley:

Whatever. :wink:

I think he was just being spiteful because of Kate’s “why would I care about anything you have to say” comment when he went looking for her to tell her about Jack in the first place. It seemed to me that he planned on telling her until that comment, then instead decided to tag along and spring it on her at his convenience, hopefully getting her riled up in the process.

Sawyer is a piece of work, I liked Driveshaft, Monaghan did a darned fine job in this ep., Locke cooks barbecued pork–is there anything Locke doesn’t know how to do?–and I am dying for backstory on Sayid, Hurley, Pregnant Lady and even bitchy Shannon and her brother.

 Michael checked out the cave for its structural integrity after the cave-in.  Was there any chance that he could have checked  it out beforehand, or doesn't it work that way?  (I don't know nuthin' 'bout no structures; just asking.)

:frowning: I saw a spoiler for the French Woman, deliberately DIDN’T read it and you just confirmed with a non spoiler that she has been cast. Sadness.

First episode where a Redshirt got a speaking part, wasn’t it? I think Scot and Steve might return to us later, now that they’ve got their AFTRA cards.

I’m sorry, what are you talking about?

Sawyer shirtless! FINALLY! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I luurve me some Sawyer.

Hate-hate-hate Kate, aka AAKB, aka Acclaimed Actress Kate Beckinsale. She of but one or two facial expressions. As Dorothy Parker would have put it, “She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B.” “Here, use this sling which I made out of my undergarments!” Bitch. Slut. Bitch-slut!

She was so bitchy to Sawyer, she totally deserved what she got, the way Sawyer told her Jack was in a cave collapse. I don’t see how she can hold that against him in the future; she totally had it coming. Anyway, what is her business with Jack? She totally abandons the antenna project to rush off to Go To Him; suddenly it’s okay to trust Sawyer to shoot off the flare and turn on the transceiver. I hate her. Hate-hate-hate.

Didn’t you think Shannon was totally going to blow it with the flare at 5:00? Talking about guys in bars … that was a setup for her to blow off her flare responsibility, and yet she actually came through. I’m kind of amazed.

Is Sun looking like she’s getting some acne, or something? Her skin doesn’t look quite right.

What a tedious plot with the Hobbit. First, I expected him to totally FREAK OUT this week, what with the withdrawal, and he didn’t really. Second, what’s the terrific heroism about giving up his drugs voluntarily, instead of one week later when they run out on their own? Same result; timing just one week different. I would have weaned myself off as gently as possible, whilst looking for psychotropic plants on the island. And licking toads for good measure.

(You are telling me ganja doesn’t grow on that island? Please.)