I think it’d be interesting to go this way–that she sets out following Ben’s orders, but can’t go through with the con because she trusts Jack or finds new loyalty with the Losties.
So then either she tells the Losties, and Jack is all betrayed and the rest trust her even less, or scrambles to foil the Others’ plan and keep her involvement a secret. It could be a good test of her character.
Her and Kate, yeah. If you watched carefully, you could see Kate have a reaction to Juliet telling Jack how pregnant women were dying. Has it occurred to anyone that the Others allowed Sawyer and Kate to get it on for a reason? Kate’s pregnancy will surely come into play later on.
Sun didn’t get sick because they didn’t kidnap her. Claire’s symptomatic breakdown was intentionally engineered by them to occur when it did.
Or Rousseau was far enough along in her pregnancy/not drinking the Other water/ sufficient distance from the Big Fraking magnet so it didn’t make her sick.
So, when do they start trying to breed Alex like a zoo panda?
Maybe. It’s clear to me that the Others have lost their way somehow. “I’m in a wheelchair and you’re not” and so forth. Something is spiritually out of whack for them, and the island is reacting to that. Preventing childbirth, withholding it’s regenerative abilities, sending forth the smoke monster, things like that.
So the island brought a bunch of folks to set things right.
Are you just assuming Kate’s going to end up pregnant after the Polar Bear Cage Romp? Or did I miss something? I don’t recall any such announcement on the show, or Kate taking a pregnancy test or anything…
Yes, but if Juliet’s original story is to be believed (and the flashbacks seem to confirm this), the pregnant women were dying of their own accord on the island. And according to Juliet, the kidnapping of Claire and administering of the drugs saved her from dying of whatever it was originally. (And then of course, they put an implant in her that could be activated later on, to manifest dangerous symptoms, according to the last Ben/Juliet scene).
But presumably, without the original intervention by Ethan, Claire would have died on her own, just from being pregnant and on the island. So wouldn’t Sun be in danger of the same thing?
Unless Juliet was lying, and the deadly whatsywhosit was only affecting women who actually conceived on the island (which Claire didn’t). There was a flashback comment about something happening right away at conception, after the pregnant woman died in the flashback.
Well, I know that next week’s episode is going to be good. Every time I hear the Requiem For a Dream soundtrack in a preview, I know it’s going to be good.