Lost 3.22 "Through the Looking Glass" (SPOILERS)

Oh, Bernard! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Hah! Rose: “If you say ‘Live Together Die Alone’ one more time, I’m going to punch you”.

And Charlie telling the unbridled truth seems to be working for him. Confusing the hell out of the Looking Glass Ladies! I guess he’s not worried because Desmond has already seen it. Wonder if Mikhail is going to be the one to flood the station.

Damn, Bernard – you’re messing things up for everybody. Alex is in trooouuuuuuble now.

Oooh, I bet Ben’s bringing Alex because he plans on killing Karl with her watching. Wonder if Alex will meet Danielle today?

Sawyer’s stopped caring about anything. Guess achieving his life’s goal of killing Sawyer 1 didn’t seem as fulfilling as he’d hoped?

Yoikes! Mikhail using Desmond for target practice! Guess he’ll rescue Charlie?

They also aren’t showing Jack thinking about the flashbacks!


Oooh, a little tender smoochie moment between Jack and Juliet. Kate didn’t like that too much.

Smart move Charlie – play them against each other. Nice. :slight_smile: Just like Ben does!

Shit! Saw bad things in the guest starring credits.

Nice and blunt.
Sawyer: “So, you screwing Jack yet?”
Juliet: “Are you?”

Sawyer using real names now, not nicknames.

Yep – Ben’s keeping Karl away from Alex was to keep her from being an island pregnancy. Confirmed.

Holy shit it’s Walt!!!

I hope Vincent mauls him.

Flashback Jack still feeling kind of self-destructive.

So who’s dead? Sarah? Maybe her hospital visit was a vision.

Flashback (or forward) Jack is channeling his inner House.

Wasn’t that a Razr phone? Were those out in '04?


Holy crap – did they really kill Sayid, Jin, and Bernard? :eek:

If I were Jack, I wouldn’t just leave Ben there bleeding. Jack ought to snap his neck right now.

Of course, if they are dead – then you know Sun and Rose are going to blame Jack.

I wonder if maybe… just maybe… Sawyer got there in time to save the day for the beach captives?

Now Jack is channeling Jack Bauer!!! Talk about crossovers.

Spoilers ahead:
Was the guy in the coffin Jack’s drug dealer?? I’m sooo confused.

Jin, Sayid and Bernard?

Why didn’t Jack kill Ben? Why didn’t Ben make sure Locke was dead? Do these people not learn ANYthing??

Is Mikhail dead again??

And, finally Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallt!

Or maybe…Waaaaaaaaallllllttt!

Aw, those first sweet words to her daughter: “Help me tie him up” Every adoption reunion dream come true…

Sayid, you da man!!!

Hugo Rides Again!

Ahhh, they faked it! I wonder if Ben gave them that order in advance – “Make Jack think that you actually killed them”.

Nice work, Sayid (the tied-up neck snap)!

So Ben had to know that Jack would beat the shit out of him, or even kill him, if he made Jack believe that.

I have a feeling that Ben’s prediction to Jack will be true – the people looking for the island do not have the Lostaways best rescue interests at heart. Ben will end up being right about that. Perhaps Naomi lied about being sent by Penny to find Desmond. Maybe she’s really working for Daddy Widmore, and they want to find the island for other reasons.