Charlie: “Hairspray? I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but…”
Locke: “It’s not for me.”
That was good…
Charlie: “Hairspray? I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but…”
Locke: “It’s not for me.”
That was good…
Okay, does it say something about me that I was thinking weed, and hadn’t gotten anywhere near bombs?
Make love, not war, man.
Hurley: “Bear? Is that you?”
Looks like you were right, Draelin – it’s weed in the big tent.
Oooh, I used to do that hairspray and lighter trick! Never tried it on a polar bear, though…
Getting kind of cliched, isn’t it? “You’re not a murderer; You won’t shoot me.”
So, Desmond is now remembering things that happen in the future? Innnnnnnteresting…
Oh, and I think it would have been funny if vision-quest-Shannon had showed up and rolled her eyes at vision-quest-Boone.
Just a drive-by posting as I run off to watch the Project Runway finale…
As a Humboldtian, I was HIGHLY entertained by the complete cliche cameo appearance of my beloved home county.
My ears perked up as soon as I heard the hitchhiking sherrif say that he was bound for Eureka. Eureka is an actual town in Humboldt, but “Pittsville” is not. There’s a Garberville though…
Totally cracked me up.
The way Charlie acted towards Locke when he was mute sort of proves to me that Charlie is just a prick.
Rock stars. psssh.
A little case of Desmond-vu, eh? This is a unexpected development.
I thought the whole vision quest gimmick was really lame.
Are they trying to imply that the Polar Bears are super, genetically modified, sentient genius polar bears?
I’m not going to read too much into the whole Lostaways being ambivalent about Locke, Eko and Desmond’s whereabouts. So many of these guys come and go, between the hatch and expeditions that the red shirts in the group probably don’t think anything of not seeing a guy for a day.
From the preview…
Looks like things are going to get muy unpleasant for Sawyer. They certainly seem interested in who Kate’s interested in, I think my previous theory about selective breeding might not be so far off afterall.
yawn Color me unimpressed. Next week looks interesting though.
Well, Charlie was sort of still harboring a grudge against the guy at the start of this one. After all, his last real interaction with Locke was getting punched in the face several times. I figure most people wouldn’t be overly warm to the guy that beat the crap out of them in their last meeting – it might take a little while to work that chip off one’s shoulder.
But I do still wonder why Charlie showed back up at camp all seemingly unconcerned at the end of season 2, when clearly there was some Weird Shit[sup]TM[/sup] going on in the hatch, which he had just recently been a part of (working with Eko).
With Desmond, something that seemed kind of relevant is when Hurley mentioned turning into the Hulk. I thought of Dr. Manhattan, and when he mentioned Locke’s speech I thought maybe Desmond had something like that go on, at least with how he sees time.
I was trying to figure out what that sound was. I was thinking Hanna Barbara cartoon “big cat” noise.
When in the course of televised events it becomes necessary for one viewer to dissolve the online bands which have connected him with others and to begin watching among the choices of the dial, a separate and equal station to which his contract with his cable company entitles him, a decent respect to the opinions of the board requires that he should declare the causes which impel him to the separation.
Which is my way of saying Lost may have lost me. I used to be a fan. Bordering even on the fanatic. I loved the theories and the minutae. And I loved discussing the show here every week.
But over the summer I seem to have lost something. The box set came out and I found myself wondering about the high price. Ads for the show began to appear and I found my pulse unquickened. Online promos were uploaded and I didn’t bother seeking them out. Finally the season premiere aired and I taped it (as I was at work). Then I was tired that night and didn’t bother watching it. And then I was busy so I didn’t watch it later that week. Then next week I was going to be out Wednesday night so I taped it again. And didn’t watch it again. And found I didn’t mind all that much.
Tonight I decided I’ll just watch it. Based on past experience I figured I wouldn’t have missed that much by not seeing two episodes (and I was right - this episode started right after the events of last season’s finale). I hoped watching would rekindle my interest but it doesn’t seem to have.
So it appears my fever may have broken on this show. I may watch more episodes or I may not. But I don’t see myself ever having the same devotion I had before.
This is where they began to lose me. Why should I have to
and etc
just to keep up with a TV show?
And we have some of the redshirt chorus stepping up. Otherwise, I was just pissed John didn’t shoot Eddie. I thought it was weed from the get go-being from the Land Of BC Bud, where we grow more grass than apples.
You don’t. The fact that they’re milking the fanatics for all they’re worth doesn’t mean that you can’t just watch the show.
I realy liked this one. They should have opened the season with this one. But that’s possibly because I’m just so much a Locke fan.
Good question? I don’t do any of that and I still enjoy the show. Recognizing that all that extra stuff is just marketing, I figure equating it with the show itself is bound to make me jaded to the point of losing interest. So I don’t bother with it (except hunting for clues on the internet–that was kinda fun!). Do you have to own all 6,000 releases of the DVD with slightly different bonus features to be a fan of Star Wars? At some point the peripheral stuff starts to detract from the thing it’s promoting, and you just have to ignore it. They’re never going to put anything crucial to the plot on the morning show, and anything interesting enough to be on the show will ultimately be there, not on the secret web sites.
I just like the fact that two years later, they bring back the damn polar bear. It’s about time.
They had to let it out of its cage again to make room for Sawyer.