Lost 3.3: Further Instructions

Desmond in a big shirt—wha ha ha! Seriously, he’s one of my favorite characters and Henry Ian Cusick does a damn good job playing him.
Hurley is still my all-time most favoritest dude, though.
It was nice to see Boone again. Freaky airport scene. Just what kind of hallucinogen was Locke using?
I still don’t get how the three Hatch guys got out when the thing imploded. Wouldn’t they have just gotten squashed along with it?
Oh man…next week’s ep looks pretty rough. So much for the “deal’s a deal” non-promise from Benry to Michael. Won’t hurt the captives, my ass. What a bastard.

That airport scene was fantastic, if you ask me. It brought to mind that creepy British promo that was airing with all the Losties in formalwear, dancing creepily on the beach.

Not only that, but man is it a dumb thing to say almost every time it’s said.

If I was borderline deciding whether to shoot a guy or not, and he said basically “You won’t do it! Nyah nyah! Bye!” the temptation to shoot him would certainly go up, if only due to stubbornness.

Aw, yeah. Boone is, as the kids say, HAWT. If they don’t bring back Sayid soon, I’m gonna cry - Jack and Sawyer do nothing for my girly bits.

Hallucinogen - dunno, but one assumes the same thing he made for Boone back in the day. Looked the same - paste made of alkaloid containing plant matter. Best bet’s something in the datura family, but there are plenty of other options in the jungle.

I liked the airport scene, but it went on just long enough that I started to think “Obsession ad” around the time he climbed the escalator. Still, it was visually neat filmmaking.

But holy cow, what’s with the time-traveling/fortune telling Merlin act from Desmond? Finally, a mystery that’s not simply people not talking! That’s the Lost I remember and love.

I have to say I’m in the same boat as **Little Nemo.[/B

Getting rather disillusioned myself. There’s just no payoff, or so little it seems irrelevant. In other shows/movies/books a mystery or two are presented upon which to speculate, and, if it is a TV show with time between mystery and disclosure, that speculation may become public. But to me the fun of public speculation is the AhHa moment that usually comes in a week or two when you can go “Yay, I was right”, or “Was I way off.”, or “I didn’t see that coming.” Lost has taken this game to a whole new level, and it’s just not fun anymore.

The AhHa moments are few and far between with more and more mysteries piled on top to the point where you don’t remember half the questions you had to start with. So if and when those questions are answered way down the road, you’re at a point where you just don’t care or have to be reminded what question they just answered.

I have a feeling that I’m not the only one feeling this way if only from the fact that this thread is WAY shorter than usual at this juncture.

This keeps getting mentioned, and I’m starting to think I may have missed a whole scene somehow. What are you referring to here, as far as Desmond and some sort of time shifting ?


Desmond made mention to Hurley, merely in passing, that Locke was going after Jack, Sawyer and Kate. Hurley said no, he wasn’t, he was going after Eko. Desmond said something about Locke saying he was going to get the other three "in his speech - " then he (Desmond) cut himself off and looked sort of awkwardly spooked. Locke hadn’t made any speech yet - he makes the speech at the end of the show to rally the troops, and Desmond wasn’t even paying attention to it at the time, he was throwing rocks into the water. Hence Hurley’s staring at Desmond during John’s speech.

So, how did Desmond know? Fortune telling? Already lived it? Predestination? A hunch? We dunno.

You’re not the only one, I thought when he said something to Locke that Locke had just made some rehashed famous speach or something like that. I’m starting to think that there’s too much going on, though I will keep watching for now.

For my fellow Henry Ian Cusick/Desmond fans, I just *have * to share this:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Seriously, stop being me. Though I liked the fact that his hair continued to grow after death. :slight_smile:

While I’m sure there’s just cases and cases of Dharma™ brand hairspray floating around the island…am I the only person who thinks it’s idiotically convenient that Locke (who needs it the least) would be toting some around?


I think Locke sought it out when he decided to go bear hunting. Mostly, I want to know why a skeleton is wearing a Dharma t-shirt that hasn’t been shredded by a hungry bear.

Well, I hear that, but I’m willing to concede that every now and then, realism needs to be sacrificed for the sake of the narrative. Otherwise, we’d all be sitting here saying “Ooooh, who are all those skeletons?”

He accidently read to far in the script, and the directors/writers/producer thought they could add a new mystery in on the cheap.

I used to think this too, until I followed a link from here and watched the new “orientation” video from the Lost Experience game. I was pretty shocked to see, for the first time, a clear look at the head of the Hanso Foundation, an explanation of DHARMA’s main objective, AND a kinda-sorta explanation for what the Numbers mean. (It doesn’t appear to make a whole lot of sense, but it’s way more than we’ve ever gotten from the show itself.) Sure, all the same info may end up on the actual show eventually, but then again maybe not. I hope the writers don’t start assuming that they don’t have to explain anything, thinking “Hey, we can always save that for the online games. That will leave us more time for pointless dream/hallucination sequences, inexplicable survival of characters who should be dead, and bad CGI polar bears!”

Well fellow Losties, I have read numerous times that episode 6 will shake the very foundations of everything we know about Lost.

Then I think it takes a hiatus till the new year. I predicting that there is at least a 50% chance it will Jump the Dharma Tattooed Shark".

I figure no matter what I’ll at least watch till the end of the season.

Who am I kidding, I’ll keep watching till they pull the remote from my cold dead fingers…


Episode titles through the hiatus …

Every Man For Himself (Sawyer flashbacks)
The Cost of Living (Probably Eko, from the blurb)
I Do (No other info available)

Was this Locke flashback supposed to have happened before he worked at the box company?

What I loved about this show is that we haven’t seen Hurley all season and his first line is “Duuuuuude…”. We laughed our asses off.

OK, so I guess Ecko, Locke and Desmond were “magically” saved from the implosion somehow. Maybe the same way the Losties were “magically” saved from a plane crash. But what’s up with Desomnd losing his clothes…? And suppose that being exposed to all that electromagnetic whatcha-macall- it has made him psychic.

Kind of a letdown ep after what I thought were two really good ones. But it looks like they me bringing some of the ackground Losties into the foreground.

I would say so. After Dad screwed him and Helen left him, before paralysis and box companies. He was wearing a hat, but he still seemed to have a good deal of hair under it.