Oh, ZipperJJ beat me on the Faraday. Well, then…
I am not persuaded the NTSB and the US NAVY would not try to recover the wreckage of 815, if only to get the flight data recorder, and find out how a flight from Sydney to Los Angeles ended up off Bali. It may take years (and island time is only 92 days from the crash.) but the attempt would be made. Ocenaic would have no say in it.
(I am going to bed at some point, really…)
Maybe it’s because they haven’t payed a lot of attention to her in more recent seasons, but I feel like they’re pretty much done all they can do with Claire in flashbacks at this point.
In the flashforwards, that’s a different story–and I hope they return to the Aaron is Special angle, because that was pretty creepy / cool. But as far as Claire’s backstory is concerned, I think she’s done.
What exactly was supposed to have happened to the helicopter pilot? He comes stumbling over the hilltop, gash on his head like he’s been in a bad accident, then says “No I landed it, its right over there.”
WTF? Did he trip over his seat belt getting out of the chopper?
My favorite line of the night was when Sawyer was grilling Locke about talking to Walt and said “And you didn’t ask any follow up questions?”
And a physicist named Faraday? Wearing a tie for a search and destroy (oops I mean rescue) mission?
Good episode- I love that John lived because he was scammed by his father out of a kidney.
ETA: Oops beat out on the Faraday, too.
I loved Sawyer’s new nickname for our favorite “Lost” kid: Taller Ghost Walt.
I am a little dismayed that it’s almost like there are other “Others”. I’m starting to think they are never going to wrap this up.
Remember back during the first season, when the writers said that everything would have some kind of “real-world” explanation? Do you think they screwed that pooch a long time ago?
C.S. Lewis? Have to wait and see if Berty Russell shows up. (The only reason they haven’t had a character named Sam Beckett is that it would make people think of “Quantum Leap”.)
Good episode.
When Miles was at that house, they made a point to show the family pictures on the wall that included the grandson that was murdered (I think). Who was it? Walt? A drugs connection to Eko or his brother? Anyone see it? Am I crazy?
To be more exact, they said that everything could be explained with “science or pseudoscience,” and they included parapsychology in the psuedoscience department…which leaves open just about every possibility except that it’s a dream.
Had we not seen clips of Jack, Kate, and Hurley in the future, OFF the island, the helicopter and freighter would make this a very modern version of Gilligan’s Island…
Am I the only one who thinks that the helicopter crew were shipped out to the island on a ‘secret mission’ so they can conveniently disappear too? Since they know too much? Scientist girl uncovered the Dharma link with the polar bear, pilot guy figured out the plane wreckage was a fake, psychic ghost whisperer guy maybe talked to someone on the other side who clued him in? Not sure where the other, antsy and random crying scientist guy fits in though. Maybe he’s a plant to make sure the plan works.
And who is the 3rd shadowy mystery group? The one who sends the helicopter crew? The government? The Other Others?
I also suspect that helicopter is never gonna make it off the island. I think there’s going to be some other way the Oceanic 6 escape. That helicopter is doomed.
I think the mystery group is Dharma.
Yes. This is the kind of “Lost” I like. I really liked that the “rescue” mission was a bunch of hapless bunglers.
So, I’m wondering what happened to the rest of The Others. Not all of them were killed, and some of them (presumably) are still holding the kidnapped children from flight 815. And, of course, the mysterious Richard is still out there, right?
I noticed it, too. I thought the pictures looked like Eko’s brother, but that would be very odd, since he was never in the US.
I think the Losties don’t get rescued by these guys. It happens some other way.
The reason I think this is because the pretend “lawyer” asked Hurley in 4.01 whether the other losties are alive or not. But in 4.02 we find out that the guy is actually one of the people in charge of the mission that turns into a rescue mission. You would think that if the helicopter people performed the rescue, and the losties came back on the “freighter” or whatever it is out there, then pretend “lawyer” dude would be filled in on the issue. But he’s not. Ergo, his people aren’t the ones who rescued the losties.
They were on their way to The Temple, right?
And I’d pretty much forgotten about the children, and the disappeared tailies. Nobody seems remotely interested in them anymore.
I seems apparent to me that Miles can talk to the dead the same way Jack, Locke, and Hurley have seen apparitions of the dead. So, there’s definitely some tie into the afterlife.
As far as the polar bear skeleton goes, did they say how long it had been in the ground? We talking a decade, or more like hundreds or thousands of years? And was that its collar she pulled out of the sand? The DHARMA logo that was on it, I forget which station that signified.
Fun episode… but I’m on board with, the addition of new characters is getting somewhat tiresome. We have myriad threads, zigging and zagging, and still have now idea how they’re all gonna meet in the end… and now there’s 4 more threads.
And the drunk pilot is The Lawnmower Man! :eek:
It was The Hydra-- that was the station where Kate and Sawyer were kept in the polar bear cages.
I agree that’s likely. But Abaddon might not know because the Oceanic 6 may have commandeered the helicopter, leaving the rescue party to deal with the remaining island folk–or Ben may have killed them. And Abbaddon could be asking about the hapless four instead of the Losties.
In other words, it’s possible that Abaddon doesn’t know whether his own people are alive and might or might not know that any other Losties, others, or DHARMA people are alive because he sent the Fantastic Four to get Ben and the Oceanic 6 came back, with a hero story about Jack and a bullshit story about what they were doing and where they’ve been.
- Charlotte says its a few million years newer than a dinosaur.
- Yes. It was a collar.