Lost 5.13 "Some Like It Hoth"

More like a great spinoff.

Hurley and Miles Go To Endor?

Well, well. what an episode. I’ve appreciated the Miles character since he appeared, but tonight I thought the actor did a really fine job. Heck, all the actors on this show do a fine job.

The shadow of the statue indeed.

For what was billed as an “offbeat humor” ep that certainly had a lot to chew on, didn’t it.

So are the Aijira folks really Widmore goons who were just testing Miles, arranged by Richard, or some sort of third faction (Dharma)? Crazy. crazy.

I figured Hurley had something to do with the Hoth reference in the title…still waiting for the Hurley episode though. I just want to know what Hurley improved on in Empire.

When Dr. Chang said “Ann Arbor” at the end I was expecting that we’d finally meet the head Dharma/Hanso folks we got glimpses of in the hatch films.

Open timeline question (I think…), have the events near the Donkey Wheel in the season premiere happened yet or will they close the loop in the season finale…

And now I’m hungry for a fish taco, damnit…

It was pretty plainly obvious the house that Miles visited was in Hawaii, but I’m guessing that was supposed to be Southern California somewhere, they usually do a better job of genericizing the off-island locations…

I’m thinking that maybe Hurley will try to sabotage the hatch in order to stop the whole thing from ever happening, and end up causing the incident instead. He seems to be the only one who hasn’t figured out the “What Happened, Happened.” rule yet.

I’m getting curious as to what the next season will be about. Usually these last few episodes of the season set up the next, and let you know what it’ll be about.

“Miles I need you!” “You do?”
awwwwww :frowning:

Somewhat of a weak episode, but it was nice to see Miles’ background, see Naomi again, and see Ilana’s mysterious group.

Boy Sawyer screwed up (with help from Miles). With his con man ways he might have been able to talk his way out of this, but there’s not much he can do now that he knocked out and tied up Dharma guy.

It’d be kind of cool if THAT is what tells us whether or not time is flexible.


I am just throwing out there that I made that call last week: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showpost.php?p=11021589&postcount=73


I took this to be an ending where Father and son talk out their differences and the series ends without Ewoks.

I was so excited it was going to be the Degroots, that I was mildly disappointed it was Dan!

Goddamnit–too many “daddy issues” crap, not enough meat. I don’t care about Mile’s daaaaaaaddy issues. I want more details on what Dharma’s up to, what The Others are up to, etc.

Also, continuity glitch–if Hurley saw Empire 200+ times, there’s no way he wouldn’t get the time-travel stuff. He’s probably seen Back To The Future a hundred times. He shouldn’t even blink at this.

Since Dr. Candle had a hissy-fit when the time-travelling bunny got near it’s earlier counterpart, I’m guessing The Incident is Big Miles touching L’il Miles – which is how he got his “I See Dead People” powers–he’s unstuck in time too, just in a different way than Desmond.

[li]Hurley points out that Luke could have avoided losing a hand if he’d only talked it out with Vader. Chang apparently loses a hand instead. [/li]
[li]Chang doesn’t think much of the work they’re doing at the Hydra station. [/li]
[li]How did Roger Linus survive long enough for Ben to kill him?[/li]
[li] Horace is turning into a major dick. [/li][/ul]

Why shouldn’t he, assuming he had seen BttF a bunch of times? The “rules” of that trilogy are different than the ones that Lost are using, in that Marty was able to change the future by changing the past, as evidenced by the fact that at the end of the first Back to the Future, his family was totally different than they had originally been, before he went back in time. (That’s quite a sentence; I know.)

If Hurley’s seen The Empire Strikes Back 200 times, you’d think he’d know that Vader cuts of Luke’s hand before telling him he’s his father.

I guess Hurley’s never been detail oriented.

There are no Ewoks in ESB. Or maybe there were before Lucas got Hurley’s script.

Hurley seems to think you can solve the problem of Jedi by short-circuiting the trilogy and end it with Empire, but then that ruins Empire because Luke has to fail (to save Han & lose to Vader) for the movie to have any sort of drama.

But back to Lost, interesting to ponder how Sawyer is going to deal with his new hostage. And how long until Ben wanders back into Dharmaville.

As a female, I’m peeved at the ‘daddy issues’ in another way – is Miles completely indifferent to his mother? You know, the woman that raised him? Does he care at all about seeing her interact with Baby Miles? Does he want a chance to talk to her again?

Nope. It’s all Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Hrmmph. :mad:

-31 years.

::smiley: & R::

[quote=“Gfactor, post:31, topic:493202”]

I’m gonna be very, VERY pissed if they rehabilitate Ben with an emotional “primal scream” type thing–“MY FATHER NEVER SAID HE LOVED MEEEEEEeeeeee!” and it sure seems like that’s the direction they’re going. I oppose any rehablitation/redemption for Ben. He’s too good of a villian.

I’m willing to give Horace a pass—I’ve known guys like him: nice guy but doesn’t handle sudden onset stress well. He’s clearly trying to keep it together and not be a dick. He’s failing, but he’s making the attempt. (And the actor is just wonderful.)

Also, why did Sawyer clock the little security guy as his first response? He’s a CON-MAN. The sort of fast-talk required should be his meat-and-potatoes. I really, REALLY hope they’re not setting this up for a major fuck-up on Sawyer’s part to prove that Jack really is the One Troo Leader after all.

Umm…Miles knows what kind of relationship he had with his mother. He lived it. His lack of a relationship with daddy gives him all sorts of “what might have been” feelings.

It’s just the “what if” of it all.

And mom didn’t seem to be too affectionate to me. Maybe Miles/LittleMiles actually DO cause “The Incident” (Big Miles’s fault, but little Miles is part of it) so mom blames him?


So where did (adult) Miles get the last name Straume?