Lost 5.13 "Some Like It Hoth"

I’m not fond of Daddy Issues either, but I am very happy to see more of Dr. Chang. He has always seemed extremely important to Dharma, and has appeared a lot in the non-tv canon.

Also, I am really curious now how the Changs went from happy family to “get out you bitch and take the brat with you!” My theory is that the Doctor knew something was up and wanted his family off the island for their own safety but Mom wouldn’t go, so he had to get drastic. This is the default “daddy didn’t hate you, he loved you so much that he had to do it this way” television meme, but the big question is what happened that he needed to save them from, and how did he know about it so far in advance?

  1. He soooo needed a good punch in the face though, didn’t he. I think the island wanted it.

  2. I don’t get why he only clocked him. I think the power move would be to waste him and blame anybody who was convenient–heck he coulda blamed Roger Linus. :stuck_out_tongue: As he pointed out, he is head of security. And by the way, how the heck did he get promoted over Phil?

  3. Maybe he plans to waste him in Other territory-or just hand him over to Alpert. I sure hope he’s not stupid enough to just keep him tied up in Dharmaville indefinitely. That’s not gonna work, and if he gets loose, he’s going to scream like a little girl.

Maybe Chang is unstuck in time too.

I thought he was specifically talking about Return of the Jedi at that point. Something about how if they had just had a sit down and talked they could have had a resolution. I think Hurley said something about it all working out in the end(referencing ROTJ), which is when he said everyone knows the Ewoks sucked.

Anyone have a transcript?

Some Like It Hoth transcript | Lostpedia | Fandom

Last night we got a couple of honest to goodness answers.

  1. The identity of Marvin Candle’s baby
  2. Why Miles asked Ben for 3.2 Million dollars.
  3. The “What Lies In the Shadow” gunmen are not Widmore men.

Here’s my wild-assed prediction: Richard Alpert is some sort of Anubis-worshipping Egyptian Sorcerer that was able to travel from ancient Egypt to that island and bring his religious philosophy to the later inhabitants. That’s why he alone can time travel and not age, and why the Other leaders respect him so much. He advises Jacob, just like he used to advise his Egyptian King, in a “Merlin” kinda way.

Interesting Egyptian classroom discussion on that chalkboard - any screenshots of that yet?

Hurley Davidson and the Miles-boro Man

I found this one: ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs

And here is another version of it: iimmgg.com

from this discussion: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/celebritology/2009/04/lost_dueling_analysis_some_lik.html?wprss=celebritology

Take it from me: that totally could have been west side L.A.

Hmmm…way too many elements in that Periodic Table…a 1977 table probably wouldn’t have anything above Element 105, 106 tops…

I certainly hope someone gets fired for that gaffe…

Here’s one gaffe that I noticed - those Dharma beers from 1977 should’ve had pull tabs.

I was thinking kind of the opposite: Richard was born of the island and that the island’s culture and iconography and heiroglyphics migrated TO Egypt. The donkey wheel drops people relatively close to Egypt (in a global perspective), and it’s apparently hard to get TO the island.

I bet Miles tells him. Hell, he may already suspect, if he’s already been studying time-travel (unless I’m ignorant about how popular the name “Miles” is among Chinese-Americans).

Plus: I’m guessing when the shit hits the fan for the season finale, the Losties’ secret about time traveling will come out.

It’s a little known fact that pop-tops were invented by DHARMA Corp. It’s unknown where all their money from the invention went…


I noticed that one too! (I guess having a beer can collection in the 70’s has finally paid off!) My wife just gave me one of these :rolleyes: and said “What, you expect them to manufacture beer cans with pull tabs just for the show?” Hey, why not? And actually, if it’s 1977, it seems likely that the cans should have been steel rather than aluminum.

I knew the Marvin Candle being Miles father was mentioned previously a looong time ago.

fiddlesticks called it after Episode 1 of this season back on January 22nd.

Post #91 & #93

Hampshire-“What about Dr.Cheng/Marvin Candle/Edgar Halliwax’s baby they showed at the beginning of the show? Do you think they grew up to be anybody of importance on the island?”

fiddlesticks-“One might imagine that the Miles, ghost-hunter scientist, could be Dr. Cheng’s offspring…figure the scene in the past took place around about 1975 or so…”

Holy crap I complete forgot about that. I seem to remember predicting that the number would have some sort of importance. Guess I was wrong. Miles is just greedy.

/Doing a Lost successful prediction jig.

:smiley: Thanks Hampshire :smiley:

Also, you might recognize the guy from the van and from the beach last episode as “Tony Tucci” from Dexter - The security guard from the ice rink that was tortured in Season 1 by the Ice Truck Killer