Lost 5.15 "Follow The Leader"

That was the cartooniest cartoon sub I’ve ever seen. FAIL!

Just you wait until the Sleestak show up.

Oh, and maybe it’s the glory of my HD set, but holy hell did that sub look terrible.

(notes that everyone else has commented on it, but nobody did last night)

I’m so going back in time and making sure I mention the sub first.


After seeing the sub I found myself wondering how Captian Nemo managed to get hired by the Dhamra people to cart them back and forth.


Admittedly superficial comment to follow:
The years have not treated her well.

I have one idea I would like to throw out there, I don’t know how much sense it’s makes, if any.

Remember at the time that Desmond and whoever before him were in the hatch, they were under the impression that they could not go outside without wearing some kind of hazmat suit because the environment is toxic.

My idea is this: what if Jack and company do set off the bomb, but somehow, it fails to destroy whatever is causing the event.

Now the island is radioactive and someone must press a button to prevent a reoccurrence of said event. And we all know the rest.

Any opinions?

A couple flaws.

First, the “issue” with the island was supposed to be biological. That’s why Desmond was shooting himself up with…whatever it was.

Second, they found out that the suits weren’t really necessary anyways. As evidenced by Kelvin walking around with a torn one.

I think we’re going to end up with Orgone or something, assuming it’s anything.


Orgone? What’s that?

Nice to see another member of the Brotherhood cast in last night’s episode. The woman that plays older Eloise Hawking plays Rose on the series and the Dharma guy that loaded everyone into the sub plays Freddy the mob boss on Brotherhood.

I was having “Myst” flashbacks.

So perhaps Jacob is stuck flashing through time. The only thing we’ve heard Jacob say is “Help me” to Locke…perhaps the side effect for him is that he’s virtually immortal and isn’t happy about it…

Great, great episode. This is why I love this show, even though I realize, simultaneously, this is probably why some people hate this show.

First episode in a long while where Locke seemed vaguely sinister. I hope we’re not heading towards a moment where cocksure Locke is really, really wrong (see: not pushing the button) because I’m thoroughly enjoying his unkillable smugness right now. I loved when he just smiled at Ben and said “I’m not afraid of anything you can do to me anymore, Ben.” I literally cheered.

His timing on the bullet removal, however, leads me to believe he’s tuned into something. Whether that’s a good force or a bad one remains to be seen.

So: next week’s an two hour episode? I always get wary when they say “2 hour event” as I worry the first hour will be the producers patting themselves on the back, narrating a clip show.

Clip show runs first. Then a two-part finale.

I must’ve missed something, what’s the TROO LUV amendment to the “whatever happened, happened” law?

Thanks Gfactor.

Frustrating, that’s what.

A week or two ago, just before he was shot, Daniel said something like “No! Don’t you understand? I always thought 'Whatever happened, happened” but that’s only if you don’t factor in the power of the human heart <3 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)! Human will and love can change aaaaaany-thing."

It was a cringe-worthy, eye-rolling moment, only barely made better by the fact that it’s entirely possible he’s still brain-damaged.

anyone else find an odd connection between the mysterious “Jacob” and the mysterious Management from the HBO series “Carnivale”?

FARADAY: I studied relativistic physics my entire life. One thing emerged over and over–can’t change the past. Can’t do it. Whatever happened, happened. All right? But then I finally realized… I had been spending so much time focused on the constants, I forgot about the variables. Do you know what the variables in these equations are, Jack?

JACK: [Chuckles] No.

FARADAY: Us. We’re the variables. People. We think. We reason. We make choices. We have free will. We can change our destiny.

I found this well thought out theory as to the possiblity of Jacob not really existing on the DarkUFO site.

I have to say… makes a lot of sense. I like it. I like it a lot.