“Hey Juliet. I have an idea. Horace offered to let me stay, and he offered us jobs. If we do that, maybe we can find out just what the fuck is going on with this island!”
Sawyer felt an obligation to stick around to wait for Locke.
Jin had nothing to do and nowhere to go, plus he seems kind of puppydog loyal to Sawyer.
Juliet was going to leave, but apparently Sawyer managed to convince him to stay.
Miles and Daniel? Who knows. If nothing else, Daniel might be time-locked to where he needs to stick around to tell Charlotte to keep off the island.
…and I can’t believe that I’m the first one to mention THE FOUR TOED STATUE!!!
1992, according to Lostpedia. Just located how that speculated year was arrived at. In this article on the Purge, it says:
The exact year that Purge occurred was not mentioned during Ben’s flashback in “The Man Behind the Curtain”; however, Horace Goodspeed told Locke in a dream that he had been dead for twelve years. Assuming that this is correct, it places the Purge in 1992. (“Cabin Fever”)
- (Ghost Horace tells Locke that he’s been dead for 12 years)
So I wouldn’t worry about the Purge. But we will definitely see young Ben.
We saw the back of the statue.
My biggest question now: Where the hell is Daniel?
I think the best development of this episode is that Jin now speaks English fluently.
Finally, Daniel Dae Kim gets to be a full part of the show.
Thank you for not being the guy (someone is going to post it, I just know it…) that the statue itself would have (presumably) eight toes, not four.
Counting down…
So here’s another thing… I remember when we first met Horace Goodspeed (when he stopped the car and was present at Ben’s birth), he had a woman with him. I don’t remember who the woman was, but Lostpedia is claiming that his wife was Olivia Goodspeed.
And I do remember Olivia – she was the teacher, played by Samantha Mathis. IMDB just lists her as “Olivia the Teacher” – no specific mention of her being Horace’s wife. If she was his wife, then how long has she been gone? Because she was teaching the class that young Ben was in. But apparently Horace has stepped in and wooed the grieving Amy, and married her perpahs? Somwhere between 1974 and 1976 (so that she can have a baby in 1977).
Anybody remember if it was Samantha Mathis’ character in the car with Horace in “Man Behind the Curtain” (with the Ben flashbacks and the Purge)?
Well, we did see him as a construction guy a few episodes ago when they were building the Orchid station. Guess it’s a good way for him to see the innards of the anomalies up close.
Whoa, wasn’t Charlotte born in 1979?
I adore the Juliet/Sawyer dynamic and how they’re comrades-in-arms and now, literally, arms. Watching them is like listening to a symphony. When Sawyer saw Kate, my mental soundtrack switched to Wackety Sax. I know you’ve been screwing Juliet, James, but for gawdsakes don’t screw Juliet over.
This could be a different statue entirely. Perhaps it’s a monument to one of the first Dharmites – who lost one leg in a drilling accident at the Arrow, and who grew an extra toe after radiation exposure at the Swan. Good ol’ Six-Toed Stan.
Haha, I did the same thing, although my mind went “Here we go againnnn!” first.
Also, I wonder if we will be getting more flashbacks from the rest of the islanders (we really need a good name to differentiate them from the Oceanic 6). I’m sure a lot has happened in the last 3 years.
They’d have to ask questions to find out. These characters don’t ask questions. And even if they do, the answer is always interrupted by some event and they never think to re-visit the question.
According to info provided by Ben. Which wouldn’t make sense if the little girl Daniel saw really was Charlotte – which it may not have been. Perhaps the red hair just made him think it was her. Then again, we heard about the birthdate from Ben! Since when did listening to him get us anywhere we wanted to be?
If little redhead was Charlotte, then she would have been born in the late 60s, perhaps? How old did that little girl look? It would make Charlotte mid 30’s when she came back to the island (2004). The actress playing Charlotte is 29 right now.
Well, that was the point. Maybe Sawyer and Juliet finally got smart and decided “it’s high time we found out what the hell is going on!”
Jack would never do that, of course…
The Flashers
Great episode. and I’m with y’all…don’t want to see Juliet screwed over by Kate’s appearance, after seeing the great dynamic between Juliet and Sawyer, as was pointed out above. Woo, hot.
Anyway - any speculation on why they didn’t leave the island on the next submarine run in two weeks?
First off, I wet myself when I saw the statue. It was one of the mysteries I’ve been waiting for answers about. I actually paused it for a minute and examined it thoroughly I was that excited. One thing I noticed though was that it looks like it has something in its hand(s). My guess? It’s the ankh.
2 Weeks!?
I don’t recall any gaps in last year’s season…they must be planning an extra two hour episode down the line.
We’ve seen that the ‘sonic fence’ can kill. Have we ever seen that it has a stun setting before?
Maybe a small man-bag? Looks like some sort of animal head as well…an Egyptian god of sort perhaps (or maybe an actual Egyptian statue that got zapped onto the island somehow. Or maybe a four-toed guy wearing an animal headdress.
Also looks like its wearing a Popeye hat.