Lost 5.8 "LaFleur"

Well, when it killed Eyepatch (Mikhail), he was only “mostly dead”.

Last spring, there were 8 episodes, then about a 5-week gap, then the remainder of the season. Of course, that was due to the writers’ strike. Which ended after they started airing the 8 they’d already produced (of the originally planned 16). Then they did a break, and ran the rest of the season (what turned out to be 6 hours worth) timed to end in May Sweeps.

Didn’t he also survive a harpoon through the chest, though? I’m not sure he’s a good guinea pig to test the lethality of anything.

Hmmm…this isn’t the first year that they’ve done the “premiere” in January and run with limited interruptions to May, yes? Maybe I was think of the season before last…

The third season started in October with a six episode bloc with no breaks before going back on hiatus for three months, after which the rest of the season spooled out weekly, again with no breaks. So the bulk of the season, which ran Feb. to May, was uninterrupted. It just had been preceeded by a mini-season quite some time earlier.


I’ve been watching Lost since it began. I’ve tried to keep up and my daughter is a fanatic – she knows everything about the show and even buys the magazine.

However, although I really liked tonight’s episode, I can’t get my mind around one thing: I’m assuming Sawyer is in his mid-30s. Would he have not been born at the time when he’s working with Dharma. What I’m saying is: Can two Sawyers exist at the same time?

I see no reason why not. It was made clear that one of the flashes occured while the survivors were still on the island (circa 1st season events). So, not only would there have been two Sawyers (and Lockes, Jins, Juliets, etc.), but they were also both on the island at the same time. Sure, we haven’t seen anyone run into their past selves (yet. Anyone else expecting an old Ben/young Ben encounter?), I don’t think it’s out of the question.

OK, but aren’t we going to get into that old “I’m my own grandpa” thing here pretty soon.

Skinny tie guy, I can’t remember his name, saw Charlotte as a young girl. But, wasn’t he her father?

He did say something about it not being set to lethal power.

Here’s a question: Have we seen anybody other than Hurley play chess? When they showed Sawyer walking through Dharmaville it seemed like the camera paused on someone playing chess, but we only saw his arm. It felt like a clue or reference to someone.

Daniel? No… :dubious: He was in love with her.

It’s not revealed who her father is, I believe. Unless there’s very spoilery info out there somewhere, in which case I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and will be in the corner shouting “LA LA LA LA LA!”

Charlotte seems to think Daniel told her, while she was a little girl (and he an adult), that she should leave the island and never return, lest she die. I think it’ll actually be interested to see what happens, regarding that. Daniel knows the warning won’t save her–he watched her die. But he also knows that what happened, happened. And since Charlotte remembered it, he had to have said it (assuming she remembered correctly). So will he tell her, knowing full well that it won’t fix anything, knowing she’ll still die? Will he tell her, having some faint glimmer of hope that it just might change history, despite all evidence to the contrary? Will he snap and try telling her something else, some other warning, saying “to hell with space-time continuity!”? To say that I’m interested in how all this time travelling plays out is a bit of an understatement.

True, but see, that harpoon again. He could have just lied about the fence, to explain why he was still alive. There’s no way to know if he was telling the truth or not.

As for the chess, I seem to recall one of the now-dead Other henchmen playing chess at some point. But I could be mistaken.

If I was one of the Flashers, I don’t think I could have the self-restraint to not try to play around with changing history. Not for any specific reason (unless it was to put Ben out of my misery). I just have to poke and fiddle with things to see how they work. It would just be too much temptation not to, say, find a way to go and see myself and have a chat about the future.

I wonder if they’re going to cover this in the show; maybe by having someone try to change the past and be thwarted by inexplicable coincidence.

Sawyer: “By the way, Horace. There’s this kid named Ben. Ben Linus. He’s going to be a turncoat, join these ‘Hostiles’, and when he grows up, he’s going to gas your asses and kill everybody here in the Dharma compound. Just thought I’d warn ya.”

next day

Horace: “Duuuuuuuude… I think that Jim guy was telling me something weird last night… But man… I was soooooooooo wasted… Must not have been too important… Got any weed, man?”


Eyepatch had a chess program on the computer in his remote station.

We saw Hurley playing chess with ghost Eko. And in a mobisode we saw Ben playing with Jack.

Not necessarily, but I do remember a reference at one point to “turning up the power” on it.

Absolutely. Remember when they were flashing around and Sawyer saw Kate and Claire having a talk in the woods? There would have been a sawyer running around then, too. No paradoxes that we know of have occurred yet, except for Daniel’s message to Desmond.

Let me guess, the game lasted like four moves?


I don’t like this whole love triangle/square thing. Kate can’t decide if she loves Jack or Sawyer, Juliette loved Jack, now she’s in bed with Sawyer. Maybe next season, Jack and Sawyer will have some kind of weird connection and decide they’re in love with each other.

When Sawyer saw Kate last night, Harborwolf sighed and said, “This island is gonna be one big key party!”

So from this epsiode we learned that all the Losties (with the exception of Locke) have more or less experienced the same passage of time when they are reunited. I wonder what Rose, Bernard, and the redshirts have been up to? Have they been roughing it in the woods on their own? Hanging out with the “hostiles”? I guess we will find out at some point.

One minor thing that bugged me from last night was Michelle Dressler’s ear plugs. How could she put them in without the Losties looking right at her noticing?

My guess is either they stayed at the camp and they died, becoming Adam and Eve, or they joined the Others.

Sawyer already told Horace that he had other people out there, so that could work. It makes me wonder what job they said Bernard had on a salvage vessel, but I’m sure Sawyer could have come up with something.

I enjoyed this episode. Sawyer and Juliette are much more fun to watch than - just to pick two people completly at random - Jack and Kate. I don’t care if they’re together as a couple or not - the whole “shipping” thing is of no interest to me. I just want them on the screen more.