Jacob may have been manipulative, but I don’t think he’s killed as many people outright in cold blood as Smocke has.
Awesome episode. One of the best of the series. I was hoping to see Jin though. I wonder if he has already joined up with Smokey.
I guess we’ll have to wait until the next Jin/Sun episode to find out how they got out of the airport.
Still sulking in Othertown.
Yeah, they were making like they were going to leave after Sayid gave his message, and I’m pretty sure I saw them in the group shot at the end.
Yes, THIS is what I want the show to be like. We may not have gotten any final answers to the big questions, but at least STUFF HAPPENED!
I normally don’t like speculations/theories since they almost always turn out to be wrong, but just to be contrarian I’m going go out on a limb here. Most people seem to hold one of two views: either 1) Jacob is really evil and the MiB is really good, or 2) the writers are going the postmodern route, there’s no good or evil, Jacob and the MiB merely hold two different perspectives, neither of which is more right or wrong than the other. I predict that they’re going the traditional route: Jacob really is good, and the MiB really is evil, period. You heard it here first, folks.
Well Sawyer was with Smocke at the end of the last episode. Sawyer, no, don’t go to the dark side!!!
Sawyer is still there? I thought Fakelocke left him in the side of the cliff, after Sawyer said, “Hell, yeah,” to joining him.
Did anyone else notice that one of the doctors walking down the corridor when Sayid and Nadia went to see his brother in the hospital was none other than Jack?
Well, that was the last time we saw him. Who knows where he is now? A couple of episodes ago, we saw Smocke carrying Richard away over his shoulder, then the next time we saw Richard he was hanging from a tree in a sack.
Yeah…MiB/smokey is pretty much The Devil, no? You “sell your soul” for something really wonderful and a whole bunch of really awful stuff happens in return.
I really liked this episode. Mostly because I really like Sayid. There’s a lot less “staring quizzically for the camera” with him and a lot more action. Is he gonna stab Smocke through the chest? Hell YEAH he is! And god, do I love me some hand-to-hand combat! Not to say that I didn’t like him taking out all of the Keamy baddies in the kitchen. GIT R DONE!!!
Yeah, where was Sawyer during the great Temple invasion? He’s not crazy or possessed (yet) but I thought he’d be there at the end when the Others followed Smokey (or whatever they were doing, they are so sheeplike) Sawyer would be there in the crowd.
Ilana kicks ass even though she’s late.
I guess the parallel with Sayid is that he’s evil on the Island and was pretty evil in the Sideways-verse–I mean, he did kill Keamy after the guy offered to release the debt on his brother. Now, I wouldn’t have believed Keamy either, but there had to be another way.
Yeah. Did it look like he was in on the surgery tho? It didn’t seem that way to me but then again he’s a surgeon so he might look less panic than say, I would, if presented with a collapsed lung.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. :smack: Hard to say where he’s at then. Probably with Jin at where ever it is Smokey is leading his people to.
I’m guessing 'cause he’s figuring that anyone left on the island would know how to bind him to the island again.
I’m sticking with #1.
Murder of the Temple dudes is much less evil (since Smokey gave them the chance to leave) than the Jacob-sanctioned Dharma-purge. There were children among the Dharma-types and no warning allowed.
Smokey is all about giving people information to make informed choices. Jacob demands blind obedience and uses trickery to get his way (“Well, if I told you the truth Hugo, you wouldn’t have done what I wanted”–paraphrase, but close)
I don’t know – Sayid already saw some effects of Keamy’s influence. And Keamy’s offer? total bullshit. He was just trying to get out of the “got a gun pointed at me” situation. No way I believed he was going to hold to it, and if I’m Sayid, I know he’ll be coming after me if I let him go. I figured Sayid was going to make the only safe choice and shoot him right there.
yeah, who knows what that f-ing alt timeline means.
anyway, how do we know Jacob okayed the Dharma massacree? Smocke still seems more evil to me.
One thing I’m still confused about (among a buttload of other things, of course) is how the whole “sickness” thing works. We know Claire caught the crazy somehow, and now Sayid’s got it too, but when and how did they get “infected” in the first place? And why only them? How does one catch it? Do you have to actually die first, and then you’re revived as a Bizarro version of yourself? Did Claire die offscreen, and was subsequently resurrected like Sayid?
I had the same question. Ben and Richard initiated the massacre of the Dharma Initiative. Does that mean Jacob was cool with it too? Also, when the Others were stealing people from the tail section, were they killing them too?
The writers have seemed to switch the Others from bad to good rather abruptly. And if Jacob was against all this killing by the Others, why didn’t he bother speaking up?
ZipperJJ, I don’t see why Jack would be handling a collapsed lung since he is a spinal surgeon, no? I think he was just supposed to be working on the same floor of the hospital.
Off-topic, but the contrast between Sayid’ and his brother was totally jarring. It really made it obvious that Naveen Andrews is of Indian heritage, not Arab.
Ummm, not if 46% of Lost viewers “claim they put up with confusing plot points in hopes that Hurley will deliver a clever riposte”.
How many of that 46% will keep watching if the writers “lost” Hurley?
I say unexpendable.
I’m wondering if we’ll ever see Desmond again…and dang, Frank Lapidus is a good looking man! … thats all I got.
Well certainly not in the case of Cindy and the kids – who we’ve seen at the temple. It looks like they were on Jacob’s “lists”, and the snatched tailies (many were kids, I think) seem to be living happily among the Others.
Not all that abruptly, given that when Michael first asked Ben “Who are you people?”, Ben replied, “We’re the good guys, Michael”
So at least they’ve toyed with us in that regard. The Others think of themselves as the Good Guys, even though we’ve seen them do some pretty nasty things to our Losties – apparently the Others think they are justified in their actions. (Like Mikhail…)
And of course, there’s Frank Lapidus’ great observation to Ilana in last season’s finale:
“In my experience, the people who go out of their way to tell you they are the good guys… are usually the bad guys.”
I’m sure the writers want us to keep wondering about who we should really trust until the bitter end… heh