Michigan Renaissance Dope--Believe It!

OK, as I mentioned over in the Detroit thread, I think it’s high time we had a gathering at the Michigan Renaissance Fest. Why should the Dopers in the other 49 states have all the fun? I’m aware of at least 5 Dopers who want to do it, so now’s the time to add your name to the list.

The basic details on the Fest are here.

The short of it is that the Fest is close to Flint (home of the goddess Persephone, whom I petition to grant us her bountiful appearance) and it runs weekends from August 17 to September 29. (I return to Ann Arbor next weekend, so I’ll probably be too bushed to do it then.) That gives us roughly eight weeks to decide which weekend we want to do it. (Note that there’s “theme” weekends, so if you’re partial to any number of weekends, this will help you narrow it down.) Oh, and it’s $15.95 to get in, although in theory if more than 15 of us went, we could get discount tickets.

I’ll be willing to drive however many Arborite Dopers I can in my car. Cranky and HelloAgain are required to attend, just so I can tell my friends at school that I had two hot women in my car at the same time. :smiley:

Also, note that I will be wearing my full renaissance costume. The rest of you are not required to do this, although it does add to the spirit of merriment. Acceptable costumes include traditional renaissance costumes, “fantasy” costumes, and for some reason…Star Wars outfits. (Don’t ask.)

Anyhew, research away and respond here if you want in. Let me know which dates are best for you, and I’ll do my best to coordinate everyone. We’ll play it by ear from there.

Whoo! lives in Flint Sounds like fun to me! :smiley:

FYI back when I lived in MI. You could get discount tickets (usually $5 off, up to six people) occassionally in the paper and always at Mobil stations (though you may have to buy gas).

Have fun folks!

:: desperately trying to figure out how I can get to Michigan for this… ::

We just came down off our NY RenFaireDopeFest weekend, and you can read the comments for yourself. Lordy, we had a blast, and I’d so like to do it again.

*:: desperately trying to figure out how I can get to Michigan for this…

desperately trying to figure out how I can get to Michigan for this… ::*

Dude. Duuuuuude. Du-u-u-u-de.

I’m there.

I’m going to be out of town that last weekend (Sept. 28) and also over Labor Day weekend. Otherwise, it looks open.

No f’in’ way am I wearing some getup that makes me look like a medieval barmaid with my tits fighting it out over the bustier.

Damn! I’m already scheduled to go to two of the weekends already, and my pocket book can’t afford another outing (I’m not even sure it can afford the second weekend, but that’s beside the point).

:scuffs foot:


I expected you all to show up at the Ishpeming Ren Fest last weekend. Nobody showed. Nice way to greet yer newest MI doper.



Which weekend(s) would work best for you anyway? You never know when some extra cash will pop into your pocket, and maybe a few of us could spot you.

Well, the weekends I’m planning on going to (already) are the first and second weekends. The first one I’m going with friends; most of them are moving back to school after that weekend. The second I’m going with family (who wouldn’t appreciate me seeing “net friends” even though I’m 20 years old, paranoid as they are ;)).

If people decide to go the opening weekend, I’m gonna be there the 17th. Maybe we could run into each other then. I’m gonna be in garb too (bar-wench stuff with an ample rack to begin with ;)).

I wanna go!

Labor Day weekend’s a bust, but if we do it on the weekend of Sept. 13—15, I can pretend it’s a birthday party for me. :slight_smile:


I personally believe that we should hold this Ren Faire Dopefest on the weekend of August 24th and 25th. The theme for the weekend is “Highland Fling”

:: gets all hot and bothered just thinking about big, burly Scottish men in kilts ::

Of course, I’m pretty much available for any of those weekends.

[sub]Repeat after me “Men in Kilts, Men in Kilts, Men in Kilts”[/sub]

OK, the 24th-5th is sounding increasingly feasible. (I almost certainly can’t do the week before, as I’ll be returning to MI that Friday and I need to recover from the long drive, as well as go food shopping and unpack.)

Is Saturday or Sunday preferrable for anyone? I got church on Sunday and prefer to sleep in, so I’m casting my vote for Saturday.

By the way, this is by no means set in stone–if a lot of people prefer a later weekend, we can move it around…or do TWO fests, I’m flexible. :smiley:

Although the highland fling sounds good, since it’s an excuse to break out my kilt.

Checks in…

Yea, I can probably make it. I’ll allow the others to wear the kilts, though.

Say when. I’m there.

if I can get mrblue to give me a ride again…

Please note that this entire thing rides on MrBlue giving Persephone a ride to the Faire. Shall I call ahead and warn them the goddess is attending? :smiley:

I’m such a kiss-ass bastard. OK, let’s set the date for Saturday the 24th since there have been no further objections. Soon I’ll nail down a time and a specific location for meeting (unless, again, anyone has specific ideas).

Oh please, Res! I’m not really a Goddess. I just play one on TV. :smiley:

And hey, TheOnlySaneOne, you’re in Flint? Drop me a line sometime, and I’ll tell you what I do for a living. I so love making enemies. :wink:

All I can say is…maybe. Depends on healing and whatnot. If I CAN’T be there y’all better have fun dammit!!!

Hey, **Xploder, ** I was gonna call you and tell you about this one later this afternoon! Maybe we could car pool, you, me, & TheOnlySaneOne? That is, if the newbie is okay with riding in a car with completely strange folks such as us?


Hey, I need ideas from folk who have previously been to the RenFest (I’ve only been once, sadly). Where do we want to meet at this thing? Are there any particular lunch areas that would be good? Is the entrance better?

Should I walk around with a giant “Dope” sign? I live in Ann Arbor, so it shouldn’t astonish anyone… :smiley: (apologies to the Crankmeister).

Alas, I myself haven’t been to a Michigan Ren Faire since…a really long time ago. I have no clue as to the parking situation. I myself am okay with meeting at the entrance. But, if anyone else has a better idea, that’s fine too. I’m most likely not going to be driving myself anyway, so my opinion really doesn’t mean a doggone thing. :slight_smile: