The upper case Seven is bigger than the lower case seven, so they aren’t quite equal.
Senior Citizens-Please tell me this is fake
What, are we living in the world of Logan’s Run?
I’ve posted to both of these and I still misread them:
Liberal Christmas vs Conservative Christmas. I guess everything is political now.
How to program HVAC system when snowboarding. How about “Cold enough to make snow”?
Fun fact: According to some car blog I read a few months ago, 1970s era AMC cars had a “desert only” setting on their air conditioners. Apparently if you used this setting in a humid climate the AC would literally start blowing snowflakes out the vents.
Well it was my first post. And I can see how my thread title and opening thread weren’t taken as I intended. People are debating about Mormons and deities.
What did you misread about my thread title? How could I have improved it?
I’m not LSLGuy, but the confusion is they read “Christians” as “Christmas”. Not really much you can do about that one.
The point of this thread is not a serious critique of people’s thread titles.
But merely a bunch of of us admitting the odd ways our minds misread words when skimming lists. And how easily a wrong impression gets wedged in there even when you (any you) know the correct word is something else.
So there’s no intent to criticize your work. Speaking just for me, I got the point of your thread’s title (once I read it correctly ) and understood and agreed with your problem exposition.
Your challenge, if any, is that the legit question you ask is essentially unanswerable. With a large side order of “On the Dope, every discussion about religion turns into a rant/Pitting of religion.”
Cameras with auto functionality as witnesses to crime
Funny thing is that works out to almost the exact same meaning. If you had an auto with a camera that was always taking pictures, the camera would be a “camera with auto functionality”.
Should I undercook my marijuana
I hear it’s good for baking, but not so good for broiling or canning.