Mist and Murk in the MMP!

58 out, which is the predicted high, wind advisory in effect until 2200, and a 100% chance of (heavy) rain this afternoon – an inch and a half possible by tomorrow morning. Blech.

Got up around 1130, have fed myself (breakfast burrito) and am working on caffeine. Dropped my car off at the dealer’s last night, and the only definite plan for the day is to pick it up when it’s ready. May as well stop off at BJ’s and/or Wallyworld while we’re over on that side of the river, though.

Visions of Nut stopping by the farm store for a bag of Purina Bee Chow… :smiley: Good luck with the job!

{{{{}}}} to all who need (or even just want) it.

There’s actually a bee supply store near work, so I pretty much did that… Two small bags.

Well, 55 years ago I did… :stuck_out_tongue: Perhaps I should have said adulting clothing. Better?

Taking a break from the dust and crud. I’ve got a crate full of stuff to go to my daughter, and I need to take a few things off the wall, but she has our cordless drill, and there’s too many screws to use a manual driver, 'cause I’ve got delicate hands. Dammit.

But the closet is emptied, swept, and ready for shelves. I also cleaned the bathroom and scrubbed the terlit. Plus I took all the assorted rags out of the laundry room and put them on shelves in the bathroom so they’re easier to access. And I found the flashlight we’d been missing for ages - FCD left it downstairs when we rerouted the network wires last month. AND I cleaned out the small shop vac filter - ick!

Sheets are out of the dryer and ready to be folded. Blanket and FCD’s pillow are in the dryer. It’s time to think about lunch. Supper will be fish of some sort, and I pulled a chickie out to be rotissed tomorrow.

Sheesh, no wonder I’m pooped!!!

Morning, all. Today it’s back to work after Thanksgiving Break. Only 2 more weeks of classes before semester finals. I don’t think my seniors will make it sane. Ought to be an intense 14 days.

Woke to multiple cat pukes. Both Pixel and Caelan were hairballing to beat the band this morning. Luckily most of it landed on wood or tile flooring and not on the bed. Tango did his part by only going slightly nuts to greet the dawn.

Finally decided on the Christmas gifts for my support groups - Cumin-Cured Olives. Simple to make and always a hit. For Mumpers the recipe will have to suffice. I’ve made these for years and they always disappear in a flash.

Happy Monday, y’all!

Holy guacamole!! The sky has opened, there’s thunder, and wind, and parts are falling off our trees!!!

So glad I don’t have to go anywhere today.

And now LaZBoy is saying our chairs won’t be here till January. Two weeks ago, they said we’d have them this week. I am not impressed.

Afternoon all. Finally made it out of the house and picked up the minimal shopping (bananas and bread) and my Jersey Mike’s sub. Three of the four sammich-makers had their masks down below their noses, which did not impress me much, so if that happens next week I’ll take my bidness elsewhere.

It’s warmed all the way to 35F, so inside is a good place to be.

FCM, had to wait about 3 weeks for a nightstand here a couple months ago, seems like there is no rhyme or reason to furniture availability.

Nut, so what is ‘Bee Chow’? Some type of pollen-based concoction? And best wishes on the job market, will keep all appropriate digits crossed (and if it becomes necessary, inappropriate ones too…).

OW, lawyers exist to be hated; it’s a fundamental law of the universe.

Wheelie, I don’t know that anyone here play’s ‘favorites’ (except for FCM; everybody loves her because she’s nice, dammit and swampy, for who couldn’t love a Gay Georgian Christian with a swimming pool). We all are Mumpers together and we all stand for each other. IMHO. YMMV.

OK, my Regular #3 with chips is happily digesting, so need to do some house-irk and finish the weekly schedule. All y’all take care.

And just like that, the sun is out. Weird weather…

And on that note, tomorrow it might snow. Snow. I know it will be December, but I’m not ready for snow. On the bright side we are at home tomorrow and don’t have to go anywhere.

On the not-so-bright side, my husband’s been diagnosed with hypertension and the doctor said to try 30 minutes of vigorous walking every day. That means tomorrow we’re going walking in cold rain or warm snow. Basically slush. Could be worse.

So we bought a machine to measure blood pressure and in three months he goes back to the doctor to see if the exercise is helping.

This exercise will be good for me as well.

Show’s almost done, so time to get ready for bed.

Have a good Monday.

Egads you all are a verbose bunch today! Da cave is all spiffed and nappage has been achieved. Go Us! Also it’s gettin’ colder out. Right now the temp is 45 Amurrkin and 'tis windy out. On the plus side, maybe the rest of the leaves on the trees will come down so they can be mulched with the mower. MetalMouse the temp is supposed to be 27 Amurrkin overnight, hence the FREEZE WARNING. Glad you made it back to nawth Alibammy safe and sound.

Nellie usually I haul the biiiiiiiiiiiiig trash can all the way down the road for pickup the night before. However, it was rainy yestiddy and I did not want to, so I did it this mornin’. A lot of folks in da ‘hood put their cans out the night before. Speakin’ of which, the biiiiiiiiiiiiiig trash can got picked up around eleven this mornin’ and has thus been hauled all the way back up to where it stays durin’ the week. I imagine you are either on your way or have arrived in Seattle by now.

I love all of y’all. None of you can ever leave. Does that clear things up?

Wordy YIKES! That’s a thing that ought never be. Glad your mom is doin’ better at least. Carin’ for a parent is not fun (been there, done that) and it’s understandable she is somewhat afraid to be alone, but maybe the doc can convince her that she does need to be mostly responsible for herself with some help from others.

Nettie hope you’re feelin’ better today. Not a bad idea to take an extra day off from the germ factory.

Die moderate exercise, such as walkin’, does indeed help lower blood pressure. I am proof of this. Matter of fact, my doc took me off the bp meds, so I do intend to keep up with the bit of walkin’ round da 'hood that I do. I’ve probably never mentioned it before, but I do a two mile walk around da 'hood three to four times a week.

Nuts appropriate/inappropriate appendages crossed re the new gig.

Everyone else, yays, boos, hugs, noogies, trouts, chitlins, and how you doin’s all around, as needed.

MetalMouse, you are correct of course. Be it known that although I’m not the best at replying, I read every post, and I care about all of you!

People are not exactly flocking to the zoo after all. It’s a pretty quiet day. The train ride, which I’ve complained about here previously, had gotten much better. Management actually listened to me and scheduled enough help, and we tweaked the system a bit to make loading and unloading more efficient. It was fun again! Then the City shut it down again since our county has moved to a more restrictive COVID tier.
Today my job is regulating the flow of guests from the main queue to the check-in windows. Most folks are being good about following directions, and social distancing and keeping their masks on and stuff. So I guess I’m havin’ a good day!

And it’s raining again. But if the radar is to be trusted, this is the last of it. Then the cold moves in.

I’ve started taking down the wall that daughter and SIL put up in the basement to create their living room down there. The 2x4s and OSB will be repurposed as shelving in the closet. Then we can start moving stuff on to those shelves and making the basement a usable space for us. My treadmill will live down there, as well as the Roku that I just ordered. Eventually, I’d like to get a bigger TV, but the one we have will be good enough while I walk.

I may get some spackle and fix the bad spots on the walls, then slap some fresh paint on. We have a hunk of carpet that has been in the attic for 16 years - I’m going to try to spread that out down there, hoping the folds ease. We shall see. Worst case, it goes to the dump.

I yanked a hunk o’ cod and a tuna steak out of the freezer for supper. I think cauliflower will be one of the sides, and I bought some fresh pineapple, so we’ll have that also. And maybe the leftover fried rice as the starch? Then after we eat, I need to take my car over for service tomorrow. Or maybe before. Decisions, decisions…

Just as long as it’s not my beloved daughter or spoons being hated…

Nah. See above. Many lawyers are a force for good.

I’m here in my hotel room, which is very nice, especially for the bargain rate I got. The Amtrak station nearest my home is a nice little place staffed by volunteers–retired guys (no women, and I wonder why not). One of them bought his little white terrier, who wondered around, sniffing our shoes and allowing a minute or two of therapeutic pets. :slight_smile:

My tummy is still crummy, and I have a headache that won’t quit. I think it’s a sinus thing. No complaints, though, especially when I think about wordy’s mom’s issues.

You’d have liked my dad–an attorney who later sat on the bench. He refused to charge more than his clients (mostly blue collar) could afford, and he was adamantly opposed to attorneys advertising. (Once upon a time, the ABA forbade it.) A man of integrity, my father, and a kindly gent.

We still loves ya, MetalMouse.

Fun fact: The “First, kill all the lawyers” line from Henry VI, which many lawyer-haters quote, was from a speech about getting tyrants into power. Shakespeare saw attorneys as necessary to prevent political evil.

Nut, also curious about bee chow. Is it pollen-based? How is the pollen harvested? (Not by bees, one assumes.) And how do you make it available to the bees, since they normally find it in flowers? And fingers crossed for the job!

Wheelie, always happy to see you here. You seem like a very genial person, and who doesn’t love someone who works at a zoo?

Apparently they’re earning their name.

I brought a sandwich with me for dinner, which is good because the room service prices are unreal. I’m thinking of treating myself to a bowl of Second Mortgage Soup (actually, it’s called clam chowder), though, because it sounds like something my tummy would appreciate.

Light flow today, but long, drawn out, and chaotic. Picked up another midnight shift, because why not? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As long as you ain’t buying 50lbs bag and shipping 'em via UPS. :honeybee:

I get a lot of crickets and worms, and once we had live bees :honeybee:. But I’ve only handled one small unidentified mammal(we were careful with it).

Well, last MMP, she took off her clothes before making the bed, so…

Feel better, Nettie!

And add me to the pro Wheelz group.

Wordy, wow! Glad mom is gonna be OK, and you forced her to the ER.

nellie, I know a good lawyer. he’s also a metalhead. \m/–\m/

We have supped and it was good, if’n I do say so myself, since I did all the cookin’. Plus, leftovers for tomorrow, so WIN-WIN! Oh and the temp has gone from 45 Amurrkin to 49 Amurrkin. Heat Wave!

The temperature here has dropped 9 degrees in the last 3 hours. Brrrrr.

I’ve known some lawyers who were/are terrific people, and some that were total asshats. I suspect that the distribution of asshattery is prolly close to the same as in the general population.

Have done absolutely nothing today. Tomorrow I vow to be better. (at doing nothing, possibly.)
Actually I need to install a light on the side of the house to light that part of the deck. There’s already a wire going out there from a switch inside, so prolly a couple of hours. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 42f, so maybe longer. Warmup breaks, ya’know.

Take care, and have a wonnerful week.

Speaking of switches, my daughter figured out one of the mystery switches in her house - it goes to an outlet in the living room. They found it when putting up their Christmas tree. She suspects the other mystery switch might be for a light in the attic, but she doesn’t care enough to find out. :smiley:

Supper was good - I lurves me some tuna steak! And I’m glad to have the electric blanket on the bed - it’s preheating my side for a comfy climb-in later. We dropped off my car before supper, and with luck, I’ll get it back pretty quick. Our car guys take good care of us. I need to run to CVS to pick up some meds for FCD so I’ll be getting out of the house for a little while tomorrow.

Now back to the recline position until bedtime.

Good evening! I sound like a vampire when I say that. In my head, anyway.

Not much is happening around here. Just eating WAY more bad stuff than I should, and not taking the insulin that I should. I’m a mess. Good grief.

Anyway, we got some light snow flurries, today. On and off. Nothing stuck, though. So, that’s good. My Fix-It Guy messaged me, and told me he’ll be here on Wednesday, to put up a tiny awning, over my back door, that I’ve been wanting. Glad of that little development! I’ll have to run to the bank tomorrow, to get some cash, so I can pay him. I think that’s all I’ll need to do, other than the usual hovelwork, and laundry. Gawd, the laundry! It’s like we have a dozen people living here, when there’s actually only two of us, most of the time. My husband is OTR for two weeks straight, and he’s only here every other weekend, for 1 1/2 days. Plus, he brings home his laundry for me. So, I’m always saturated with laundry.

It may be an early night to bed. I hope. Time will tell! Have a pleasant, uneventful evening/night, everyone!