Moving on up-- TO HELL! Mr. Sick (Chick) really skewers evilution AGAIN! CHECKMATE!

And also how, despite the fact that these people have never heard the least mention of Jesus in their entire life, they completely accept the idea that his death would save them from eternal damnation.

“Did you know that you’re going to burn in Hell forever?”
“What? Where did you here that?”
“Qwerty Uiop told me that.”
“I’ve never heard of this Qwerty Uiop character before. But how can I avoid burning in Hell?”
“Don’t worry. Qwerty Uiop decided to save everyone from burning in Hell by sacrificing himself.”
“Wow, that Qwerty Uiop must have been a great guy. Praise Qwerty Uiop!”

Soon, soon! We just got a draft the other day, and the final any day now…I’ll check back in if this is still going in a couple of days…

Orac looks at this tract

I’m really glad it’s not just me that has that reaction.

“You ignored God’s love gift.” Snerk.

Here’s my take on this one aspect of Chick’s damnable (hmmmmm!) lie about what those wascally wesearchers claim.

Pretty recently there was a news story about a fish-like fossil that was showing signs of resembling an amphibian-- with limbs that ended in extremities with “fingers” and in just the layer where they would be expected.

Chick probably has heard of all this smarty-pants science stuff and either blindly or deliberately misrepresented it. Since the extremities with “fingers” or “toes” have been described as “feet” – a common enough term when dealing with non-bipeds for all four extremities-- Mr. Sick picks up on this and gives the distorted idea of fish getting a pair of legs with feet but no arms/hands.

It’s hard to tell when JTC is being straightforward or actually in-your-face annoying. He probably knows that hominids are supposed to have branched off a chimpanzee-like line, and that monkeys aren’t even classed as apes.

Heck, he probably even knows that the changes of biological evolution are supposed to be very gradual, with unusual mutations that gradually affect the course of a population.

He certainly doesn’t appear stone-stupid enough to think that evolution “says” that sudden changes occur within an individual life form, and are passed on. The scene with the individual monkey holding its detached tail seems consciously obnoxious to me, rather than a matter of plain ignorance.

(I don’t know why a monkey would be so happy over a tail coming off. Unless he thought it could be used as an “extra” on his girl, or she thought it could be used as a dildo. :smiley: )

Ditto with the mother calling evolution “our religion.”

In any event:



If I was a complete and utter coldhearted sadistic bastard, I’d indoctrine my firstborn with that just for kicks, just to watch people squirm when he answers about “his family’s religious beliefs.”

wiggle wiggle

Sometimes I dream that his whole schtick is a joke, and one of these days he’s going to announce that he’s pulled the biggest whoosh in the history of mankind.

If only…

They’re so over the top the first time I saw one I really, truly thought it was an over-the-top satire of extremist Christians.

I was REALLY depressed when I learned he was actually serious.

I saw a copy of the reprint on a pharmacy counter the other day. Perfect title, being as Chick is one big “Oops!” Haw haw!

Who would ever think such a hilarious cartoon could also be educational.

The angel chucking Tyler like a frisbee was just awsome. Everything else that made me choke on my water has already been mentioned. Bra-vo. golf clap

I’m fairly certain this is a revision of one of his earlier comics. I swear I’ve seen that same boy give the same exact speech with the same exact crazy eyes.

It’s still hilarious though.

Well, beforehand he was all thumbs, and danced like he had two left feet. That’s why he gave Eve the apple, you see. It was an apology for stepping on her toes, then dropping her on her butt during what should have been a standard reverse turn.

A-HA! So when the Joker asks Vicki Vale whether she ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight, it’s not just a throwaway line to sound ‘menacing’–the Devil is an dangerously awful dancer. Now I get it! Thank you for fighting my ignorance!

This is a minor point in the discussion of this opus, and certainly not of the level of import of the significance of the bat/dog pet thing, but:

What in hell is the cow in the field so pissed off about?

Cathy and Tyler are walking down the road, Cathy’s going on about Jesus coming down for us, and there, in the field, is a really angry looking cow. She’s eating, she’s in a field, she should be happy, but she’s giving those kids the serious stink eye.

Is she Satan?

Giving up dancing lessons was one of many sacrifices he made while attending law school.

Jesus comes across like an abusive boyfriend. “It’s breaking my heart to do this, Baby. Why you makin’ me do this to you?”

His dad was the same way.

“Somebody Goofed” was animated by Syd Garon and Rodney Ascher in 1998. Boing-boing link (with Verizon ad): Boing Boing tv | Boing Boing
Lower res, but probably not an ad in the middle:
Jack Chick, animated: "Somebody Goofed," by Syd & Rodney