My Crush on Eddie Izzard

My wife and I were arguing when a friend came over and had to introduce us to a comedian. I said yes, which didn’t go over well, but we let the friend in and watched the cut version of Dress to Kill from HBO.

Oh My God.

Possibly saved my marriage. We laughed so hard we forgot what we were fighting about!

We ended up getting all of his shows on VHS and then on DVD. We saw him in Chicago in '06 and loved the show! It was his Stripped tour and apparently I missed that the DVD came out because we have wanted to see it again for years.

So, we love Eddie Izzard!

“Death, please. I mean cake!”


Pretty much all of it. i have a huge crush on him.

I saw one of his shows, got my picture taken with him. I was giddy for weeks :slight_smile:

Here is a clip about religion. “What have you been reading, the gospel according to Saint Bastard?”

He actually made the Munsters reboot watchable.

Well, no, but it came a lot closer because of him. :wink:

Well, I’ll settle on he did more with the role than most could have done.

And he’s been doing that at least since 1999’s Mystery Men, when as Disco Brother Tony P, he faced Janeane Garofalo and her bowling ball of death! It was an absolutely nothing part, but he gave it panache.

I’d always loved his stand-up, but when you see the contrast of him in The Riches,you truly realize what a genious you are watching.

“I already had his money. Get out while you can.” Still gives me chills. I just can’t believe this show got canceled. Argh!!!

Also, his little snippets in the Ocean’s movies are great.

HAHA that is superb.

I guess my legs are too hairy for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in love with him, he makes me laugh more than any other person. I have tickets to see him on 11th May, which will be the 6th time, I think. My highlight is probably a couple of tours ago - we saw him at Wembley Arena, and he had a sign-language interpreter with him. He started to riff with her and I laughed till I cried and my stomach ached.

Plus, he’s really really hot. He looks better in a skirt than pretty much any man I could think of, and most women. I find him fascinating as a person, too, from what is publicly known. Can’t remember the name of the documentary he did a couple of years ago, and I’m way too lazy to google on this damn iPad, but it was really interesting. His ambition and drive were striking, I wonder what he’s like to be around!

Disco is not dead! Disco is LIFE!

Don’t touch my boyfriend, Eddie Izzard. We’re totally in love, except he doesn’t know I exist.

I know several someones that are cd. I always say, “Oh, are you an Eddie Izzard fan?” When they occasionally go, “Who?” I supply videos and books.

I saw him once in Las Vegas with my DAD, who laughed his ass off.

I lifted a quote from him. He was getting heckled, “ooh Eddie where’s your dress?” His response: I am a transvestite. I don’t have to dress like one to prove it.

I was so surprised

Is this a sexy tune, Mrs Badcrumble?

He’s on Hannibal this week also!

I expect that the cross-dressing started early in his career, before he was known and when he needed some sort of gimmick to stand out. It’s probably hung on through tradition, but he doesn’t need it any more. My first exposure to him was an audio-only track, so I had no idea he was wearing a dress, and he was still absolutely hilarious.

The episode they will allow us to watch? :slight_smile:

My understanding is that he stays pretty much in male-normative clothing when performing or in public nowadays, but that it is not a show gimmick, and Eddie just likes wearing women’s clothes and makeup (and not as a sexual fetish, either).

Watched him get interviewed on top gear was funny, no idea who he was.


It appears that the Hannibal episode is next week.
He was not in drag nor make up in the preview. :slight_smile: