My "Friend" Wants a New Name

Green Awesome!

(Y’all know I’m right, just admit it!)

Olive Buddy Bell Bottoms

Satisfies: love of green (olive), Texas Rangers (Buddy Bell), 1970s (Buddy Bell & bell bottoms), hippy-ness (bell bottoms) and as a bonus it’s a pun: “I love Buddy Bell bottoms.”

It could also be broken down for parts, if you didn’t want all of that awesomeness in one place:
Olive Buddy Bell
Buddy Bell Bottoms
Olive Bell Bottoms

Laurie Partridge.


Bonnie Franklin

All right, I had not forgotten this, I was mulling over my choices. So, here are the ones I’ve liked the most so far (plus some of my own)…

*fool faith and credit

*Granola Zombie


*Alice in Daisy Chains

*Buddy Bell Bottoms

*Serendipity Doo

*Pet Rockstar

And any others anyone would like to suggest. :smiley:


No, …

I don’t know why this thread popped into my head, but it did.


You could go with Article IV Section I and let people figure it out.:smiley:

I keep trying to pull the trigger, then get cold feet, think some more, can’t decide and end up with inertia. I’m sorry!

Ha! I likey.

Have you tried the Unused User Name Repository yet?

How about “Eenie meenie chili beanie”?

If the OP was a guy, I’d assume he was talking about what he called his penis. Right?

This is adorable!

If so, I’d have stuck with wonderfool.

Zombie Apothecary

Horror Monger

The Fraidy Bunch

I’m not convinced mmm would be a good user name.

That’d make a pretty good name itself.

Sorry, Czar, don’t know how I missed this the first time. I’ll check it out. Thanks!

faithfool is one of my favorite SDMB names. :frowning:

Awww, thanks! That’s so sweet of you. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I really like your username. It’s clever and memorable in ways that the new options aren’t. (no offense to y’all!).

I actually thought, “nooooooooo!” when I saw your question.