New TV Season... what's gonna be good?

As you may know, here in the US the fall season brings new TV shows, both entirely new series and the revival of old series from the depths of rerun hell. Here is a schedule of what things are looking like this year.

So, what storylines are you looking forward to getting back to? What new shows are you anticipating? What’s gonna be good?

Personally, there’s not a new show on the roster that I am really enthusiastic about, except possibly Firefly. I’m actively dreading Greetings From Tucson. And I’m psyched about seeing Angel, Buffy, West Wing and The Gilmore Girls return.

Yay! No more reruns!

I can’t wait for Buffy, Angel, Bernie Mac, The Simpsons, and Scrubs. Except why do they have to mess up my Sunday night viewing schedule by moving Angel? Someone really wants that show cancelled. I want to know what he’s been doing in the box. I’m also eager to get back to ER now that Dr. Green’s finally gone. That plotline was so beat by the end of the season.
Firefly’s also the only thing I’ll be making an effort to watch. I can see myself checking out Fastlane (don’t laugh) for the simple cheese factor. I’ll also give The Twilight Zone a shot; why not?

Buffy. Firefly. Simpsons. Bernie Mac. Can you tell I watch Fox a lot?

Where is the Twilight Zone going to be?

Firefly, Haunted, The Twilight Zone, Birds of Prey, Hack, Dinotopia, Push Nevada, CSI: Miami, and Without a Trace are all shows I will want to see at least once.

I am looking forward in particular to the return of Buffy, Angel, Alias, and The Practice. There are several other returning shows that I expect to continue watching.

I have concluded that I watch way too much TV, and that I have got to get at least one new VCR.

I’m pumped about not watching “24” again this season. I think I’ll give Firefly a shot, it could be decent. My stand-byes are going to be West Wing, Smallville, Enterprise, and Survivor. I’ll give Survivor 6 weeks, then it gets the axe if it’s too pitiful.

According to the site at the link in the OP, it will be on Wednesday at 9/8 Central, on UPN.

It is 100% false.

…what is 100% false?

Apparently that the previous Bond actors will appear in the next 007 movie.

Mahaloth posted to the wrong thread.

Boomtown seems cool!

oops Boomtown not in the listing you provided MrVisible…
Where is it!? where is Boomtown, I’ve seen previews about it…

Looking forward to Boomtown, Firefly, & John Doe myself. Plus the returns of 24, Bernie Mac, & Grounded for Life.

Boomtown is at 10pm on Sundays on NBC, according to that schedule. Which may or may not be correct, keep in mind.

I’m interested in seeing whether 24 will be good again, or collapse under the weight of its concept. It was pretty close to the edge at some points last year (amnesia???), so I don’t have high hopes.

And I hope Firefly doesn’t suck.

Oops, I missed it, thanks Mister!

Birds of Prey, hoping if this show does good, maybe a resurrection of the Wonder Woman TV series.

And I’ve seen and heard a New Bionic Woman (Jaime Summers)
which I hope is good.

Scrubs, ER, The Simpsons, and I might very occasionally drop in on Friends.

Oh yeah, Futurama, while it lasts.

I spend a hell of a lot more time on the computer now then I do watching TV.

Correction: I spend a hell of a lot more time at the SDMB then I do watching TV.

Not that that’s a bad thing.

Well, maybe a little.

I can’t remember the name…I think it is Push, Nevada. Looks to be worth checking out.

Fortunately, Lynda Carter still looks good.

The Shield and Monk.

One beats up the bad guys, the other picks lint off of their jackets.