although i do understand, after all, I single handedly brought the entire west coast within inches of nuclear holocoust when i posted a page full of smilies,(part of my hazing) to CHIEFSCOTT.
so i can understand that nobody wants to interact with me in fearthat i might do something that stupid again, but i promise you, i wont piss someone off that has access to nuclear weapons. the world will not come to an end by my hand directly or indirectly. so will someone be my friend now?
I don’t love you nor do I hate you.
I just don’t know you.
But if you ever do that smilie stuff again none of us will ever get the chance!!!
It’s ChiefScott for god’s sake!!!
what were you thinking? :):):):):):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
ok, that oughtta do it.
i still don’t love you pal, but i don’t dislike you either.
don’t feel so down, it’s my day to be evil and down, wait your turn.
It’s alright, man. Nobody dislikes you. We just don’t know you very well yet. Post more.
I think that there are enough teenyboppers in this world for both of us to be evil, i mean you cant start your morning untill you plan at least one horrible demise for a screaming backstreet groupie.
and as for posting more? i have no social life so that should be no problem, but i will be taking a few days off to go to the Vans warpped tour in Boreal
Since I don’t actually know you, my indifference is overwhelming.
Be brave, little soldier,
Nobody likes me either, but at least we haven’t been flamed yet (although I have probably deserved it a few times).
We’ll take our time, pay our dues and eventually everyone here will realize what great fun loving sweethearts we are and will wonder how they ever got along without us.
Unless of course, you turn out to be a total asshole, in which case, the agency and I will deny any knowledge of you. This post will self-destruct in ten seconds…9…8…7
Well if this doesn’t make you feel better, I don’t know what will…
(More conversations from my WallyM7 archives)
Shayna 06/14/20 9:09 PM
This fnord1966 guy is a hoot!
WallyM7 06/14/20 9:12 PM
Yeah, I liked him right away. I hope he sticks around.
<end transcript>
Oh, and just to set the record straight for all you people who didn’t take the time to read through the whole smilie face thread, that was the doing of me, who came up with the bright idea to haze fnord because he seemed like someone with a great sense of humor who would be a good sport about it, and ultress who told him to post the thread full of smilies.
Hope that clears things up.
And fnord, pay attention to what people are saying above. Post more so we get to know you better, k?!
Shayna always comes through with the goods. even puts together nice little ditties. gotta love her man.
Ok, thats fine, I’m happy for you. Shayna has stood up and taken you under her wing.
Now that you’re accepted, just forget about me, your fellow newbee who tried to console you in your time of need. No, really, it’s alright. I’ll (sob) be fine.
All the best to you in your future dealings with your new friends. I’ll just stand here in the rain and be content to say that I knew you back when…
Reasons I’ve found to like VaHermit:
[ul][li]He gave good and thoughtful advice to H82W8 about his family’s accident.[/li][li]He wrote a hilarious limmerick about my trophy husband, matt_mcl in this thread.[/li][li]I like his “DNFFT” policy![/li][li]He saluted my friend, Wally![/li][li]He seems to understand the meaning of “forgive and forget” when it comes to friendship. This is a good thing.[/li][li]He is compassionate, even to those he doesn’t know.[/li][li]He likes corned beef hash.[/li][li]This reply: [/li][quote]
"I’m telling my mom and kids more often (if that’s possable) that I love them.
I am making a point to remember that there is a real living, breathing person behind every name here and whether I know them or not, I will try to emphasize with their grief and problems, even if all I can do is say “sorry”.
And mostly, if there is a member I respect and want to know, I will try to add something meaningful to their thread, even if it means that I’ll get called a putz once in a while.
Life is short with no promises, if you don’t say it now, there’s a good chance you never will.
Rest in peace, Wally…not a stranger, just a friend I never got a chance to meet."
in the Things you’re doing in rememberance of Wally thread.
In light of such profound and meaningful words, I’m saying it now, VaHermit.
[li]And last, but not least, he knows how to use the “F” word quite eloquently when appropriate. Wally would have been proud to get to know him better.[/ul][/li]
Feel better, hon?
Oh, and soulsling, you make my soul sing. You make everything… groovy!
Anything nice to say about me?
fnord, I’m neutral on you, which makes you a good guy on all accords.
I think I love you. :o
I wish the people on this board liked and respected me.
I also wish I had a pepperoni and extra cheese pizza.
Come to think of it…if I had a pepperoni and extra cheese pizza, I could live without the people on this board liking and respecting me.
<exits stage-right and heads for a Pizza Hut>
(Note–this scene stolen and adapted from Garfield.)
Well, nobody here loves me either. Live with it.
HEY!! Maybe we should start a club.
I’m getting to kinda dig ya
Well thank you Sam. So, what did it for ya?
Well, your intelligence is unquestionable. I like that. Wit, charm, all the good things that come out in a thread about smoking dope
Also, “” Now, aside from sounding like a stripper’s address, who couldn’t be intrigued by an E-mail address like that?