Numfar! Do the dance of Lost 1.12:Whatever the Case May Be

I thought it was like a “Chinatown” thing: the “My sister, my daugher” bit. I’m pretty sure Kate meant that she had killed the man she loved.

It’s back! Yay!

-Yes, I caught the look when Shannon asked Boone if Locke was his new boyfriend.

-How about that look that Boone had when he saw Shannon singing to Sayid? Was it jealousy? Does he really hate her singing? Is he a bigot and doesn’t want her sister to date someone non-caucasian? Is he mad because now that he heard that song he won’t be able to get it out of his head anytime soon?*

*I happen to love the song but if I do hear a little of it I can’t stop singing it.

-“Whatever The Case May Be”. There was a suitcase. She cased the bank. Her legal case may have something to do with what was inside the case. Charlie was a basket case … and maybe Boone, too.

-What is the significance of the song, “Beyond The Sea”?
-I knew Kate really knew how to use a gun.
My spec:
From the beginning I thought that Kate was guilty of a mercy killing. I feel that’s even more likely after she said she killed the “man she loved”. I think it was her father. The toy plane was something of his. I have no idea why it was in a safety deposit box though. Perhaps her mother didn’t understand the mercy killing and put the plane in there to get it away from her.

Here’s a wild one: The island is a ship, this is why the tide changed so suddenly. This would explain the metal in the ground, it’s a hatch to the interior of the ship.

Perhaps it is a space ship?
Somewhere beyond the sea
She’s there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms I’d go sailing
It’s far beyond the stars, it’s near beyond the moon

“La Mer” was written by Charles Trenet. It is the original, and “Beyond the Sea” is the translation.
From here (about halfway down the page):

Here is a link to the lyrics.

I thought it was a pretty solid episode tonight. There was nothing super-exciting, but the stories moved along pretty well. I was really happy to see Rose again. Kate gets on my nerves, as does Jack.

Next week looks exciting!

They keep adding questions, but no answers!

Nice to see Charlie getting back in touch with his faith. Keeps the good vs evil, is-this-the-afterlife sort of theme going. What’s Rose’s role going to be, if anything?

The tide is moving in awfully quickly this week, and the beach-dwelling half of our castaways are being forced inland. Due to a weird natural occurrence, or is there something else behind it? They’ve had to leave most of their camp behind, it looks like, and the fuselage seems to be lost to the waves. Not sure if it’s just the way the ending was edited, but it seemed to me that both camps are now together in the same place. Am I nuts?

Why did Kate go through so much trouble, creating a bank heist for a little plastic plane? Again with the planes! Remember the mobile over the crib in Claire’s nightmare?

Now, what Kate tells Jack: It belonged to the man I loved vs It belonged to the man I killed - one could be true, or the other, or both. Maybe she said “loved” to try and appease Jack, and then switched to “killed” when he pushed for the truth? Or do we take it as it seems and she killed the man she loved? Either way, what the heck kind of man has a safety deposit box containing nothing but a little plastic plane in an envelope? Perhaps the plane contains… the microfiche! :dubious:

The song that Shannon translated and sang - same as Crazy Danielle’s music box, right?

And her brother was giving her a creepy look watching her sing beside Sayid. Have his dealings with Locke out in the jungle with the axe and the mystery metal box turned him to the dark side?

I was wondering the same thing. :slight_smile: I’m leaning towards a father thing. Maybe an accident? That would pull her back up from being a bad girl with her own agenda.

But seriously, what would be so iimportant about a small toy that it had to be locked up in a bank vault/ And why wouldn’t she be able to get to it in some NORMAL way? Does it being an airplane have anything to do with them being lost? Is it a representation/talisman/fetish related to the (possible) airplane Boone and Locke found?
Though this show may not have been strong, it was pretty deep. Set up for future events, I’m sure.

Ooh!! Wasn’t it an* army * plane? Like a C-46 or something? Daddy was in the army!

You may be on to something…

% v near simulposts saying essentialy the same thing! :slight_smile: We are all defifnitely on the same track. Is it the right one, tho?

Repeating that i noticed Walt leading the beach group out. Isaiah’s paradise prophecy: “A child shall lead them.” Anyone else think that may have some importance in a future ep?

C-47. The civilian name is DC-3.

Rose was wearing a necklace with what appeared to be a gold (wedding?) band on it. Whose is it? They never found her husband’s body, did they??

Kate may turn out to have some redeeming qualities; IMHO, the writers made her a more interesting character tonight (up 'til now, she’s been kinda blah), but she really digs the bad boys. Anyone catch the grin she gave Sawyer as she swiped the case while he was treebound? And the kiss she laid on her bankrobber buddy was hot–as was the kiss she gave Sawyer in an earlier episode. Jack needs to stay away, far away.

An earlier episode where Jack was talking to Rose she said her husband’s fingers swelled on airplanes so he gives her his ring to hold for him (on the necklace) while they are flying.

Was it Shannon who was sucked up in the trees next week?

The ring belongs to her husband - his fingers swell on flights and she holds it for him.

Ahhh. One mystery solved.
About the only one, unfortunately. :rolleyes:

What I meant to write was:

IS it Shannon who is sucked up by the trees in next weeks episode?

Well, I for one hope so! :stuck_out_tongue:

It *was * Shannon being scooped up…made me think it might be a giant robotic pterosaur… :eek:

What I want to know is why Locke hits Boone in the previews. Is it just to keep him quiet about the metal thingie or is there some other reason, something we aren’t shown? I don’t want to believe Locke is a bad guy, but…
I am thinking the lyrics to Beyond the Sea mean that wherever they are IS indeed beyond the sea…that they are in another dimension or an afterlife of some kind.
Of course, the physics symbol for the speed of light is “c” so maybe they’re in an alien spaceship that’s going faster than light…beyond the “c,” ya know?
Sorry, that was silly. :smiley:

I thought it looked more like the snare Locke used to catch that boar he used Charlie as bait for.

It also appears to have caught her around the throat…just as CHARLIE was caught around the throat.

I missed much of the last couple of episodes threads, so maybe this was already discovered…but did anyone else get the anagram of Ethan Rom?

Ethan Rom = Other Man

Also, and I’m just throwing this out there, but has anyone *actually * seen a shot of Hurley on the plane? I know he’s everyone’s favorite character, but *he * was the one with the passenger list…did anyone check to see *his * name (Hugo, if I remember right) on the manifest? Hmmm?