Oh, 2020. How do I pit thee? Let me count the ways

How and why do you pit 2020?

Covid, of course. Amy Coney Barrett. And next week we in the US have an election. On July 26, at the age of 104, actress Olivia de Havilland died.

Repeats allowed. This isn’t a game. It’s a pitting.

Let us count the ways…

Record October snowfall in Minnesota. Why? 'cause 2020 of course.

Don’t forget the record cold in Minnesota.

And all the wildfires, killing and displacing people and animals out west. The number of serious storms that have hit down south.

Oh, and murder hornets.

My health & fitness level is in the shitter due to the inability to go to the gym. I used to be fit for a fit guy half my age. Now I can barely run a half a mile without suffering. Tired all the goddamn time. Body hurts for no reason. Motivation to do home workouts is at an all time low. How did it all go so wrong so far so fast?

My career as a musician has stalled.

My father died.

My state is on fire.



I’m drinking too much. (Steps are being taken.)


I am sorry for your loss, @Jumpbass. And about the steps you’re taking, good for you.

Lost my job. Panic attacks are back after six years.

For me, I was just starting to get my shit together before this whole debacle; talking to people more, exercising more, etc. But the stay-at-home order back in like March (I think) put me right back down to where I was before. Granted, I did just get an exercise bike a few weeks ago, and it works really well, but I didn’t have that then, and the stay-at-home order sucked extra because I actually gained weight during it, instead of losing it.

My husband, long-time poster Kopek (a/k/a Ruble in the MMP), died on Feb. 24.

A good friend’s husband died unexpectedly on April 21 after only 9 months of marriage.

I’m sure there’s more, but those are the most Pittable.

kaylasmom passed away.

My 89-year old jazz buddy had to cancel his planned travel out to California to produce his jazz marathons (they were meant to happen in April, July, and September). Still holding out hope for his 90th birthday marathon, next May.

All of the above, plus Neal Peart & Eddie Van Halen.

Wow let’s see. Besides all of the above …

Mom hospitalized. (Better now)
Step Daughter’s dad died.
Mother-in-law died.
Step Daughter in accident. (She’s ok)
Sister-in-law late in stage 4 cancer.

Tubadiva taken from us too soon.

Too many tragedies to even count.

Oh my God, dude, I’m so sorry! I hope you’re coping well!

And then there’s @Beckdawrek’s son.

This year has been bad bad bad.

Yes to all the wildfires. Lots of losses. Here in the SFBA CA, one day a few weeks back the sky was ORANGE.

Eerie. Like something out of a Stephen King novel, or a Tim Burton film.

For many days we’ve woke up to ash dusting on outdoor surfaces. Many people have been displaced, or worse.

We are surviving. The funny part, in 2019, I was praying for 2020 to get here cause it sucked. I had no idea that 2020 could suck this bad though. I keep waiting for the 10th shoe to drop. Hopefully it’s not Trump winning.

Bite your tongue Get a hangnail on your typing finger.

The most depressing thing about the 2020 Ant Man meme is that it keeps needing updates.

The Dodgers won it all last night. To an SF Giants fan like me, that is pit worthy.

But I’ll hand it to them, they’re a class act especially Roberts and Kershaw. Congratulations!

But, still pit worthy.

I LOLed at the “I’m still in January”