(OLD) The Dessert MMP!

There’s been too much sad of late in the MMP, so let’s do something we all can agree on - DESSERTS! Everybody loves desserts! I’ll tolerate no argument on this topic!!


What’s your favorite? Or favorites? Feel free to share recipes.

And have a sweet, yummy, gooey Moanday with a cherry on top!!

First! Tis good to be both juvenile, and covered in frosting.

I love a bit of good, dark chocolate. Of course, those sickly sweet rainbow colored cupcakes from the Wal-Mart bakery hit the spot sometimes, too, especially on a boring afternoon at work when it’s Bob in accounting’s birthday.

I guess I should answer my own question, tho it’s hard, since I have an over-developed sweet tooth. Fairly recently, I finally caved and tried the Mountain High Mudd Pie at Red Robin. Not by myself, mind you - FCD and I shared it and even at that, we worked hard to finish it. And it was yummm! Then again - how could chocolate not be yum?

As for non-chocolate desserts, my MIL’s peach streusal pie recipe is a fave, as is her punkin’ pie. And ice cream is always acceptable, with or without toppings. And too many cookies to mention…
Yep - uncontrolled sweet tooth.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s a not-very-toasty 8c/47f with a predicted high of 9c/48f, and cloudy. Weather app says “It’s cloudy and the sun gives zero fucks. Like, literally fucking zero.” Looks about right to me, it’s cloudy and overcast, I haven’t been outside as it’s a working from home day but my hands and feet are chilly.

Desserts…I don’t have that much of a sweet tooth and rarely have desserts when I’m eating out. I think my favourite would be lemon meringue pie although when I was a kid, it was definitely apple and blackberry crumble with custard!

Nothing exciting so far in my day, I have called the vets to order some more meds for Shadow as we’re getting to the end of the bottle we had originally. I have a training session to attend this afternoon, and I have my eye on an exercise class when I’ve logged out of work later. Nothing else on my horizon yet…

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’.
YAWN ‘Tis 60 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 75 and cloudy for the day. I get to start dealin’ with twuck today. I need to get a copy of the police report and call my insurance guy. We’ll see what happens from there. This will cut into sloth time, which annoys me greatly. Sup shall be boxed lasagna (don’t judge!), sallit, and cheesey garlic bread.

German chawklit cake is my favorite cake. I am also a fan of peach cobbler. Chawklit, cookies, and, of course, ice cream rank right up there. I like dessert.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Music is the language of the soul, and mine was uplifted this morning.

YouTube Flash Mob

I don’t have a sweet tooth so this will do for me.

My mother was a master pie maker, so I’ve always been partial to that. It’s hard to find pie commercially that comes anywhere close, but there is a place about 40 miles from here that does an excellent job of it.

The niece and her husband will be coming over for dinner today. I’m making up a batch of lumpia for the occasion. Got some running around to do this morning, as the wife’s doctor has managed to screw up one of her prescriptions. A lot of good specialists in this area, but the GPs seem to be hit or miss.

Cornmeal pancakes and sausage for breakfast this morning, which is always a treat.

Mornin’ all. Today has set up for the typical SoFL “Everybody gets their streets washed for a few minutes some time” song. Our turn is right now, an hour-ish after sunrise so I’m indoors. Coffee is going down nicely after an uneventful prep. Her Ladyship is awake and lounging in bed, having requested her first round of water and apple juice without me needing to solicit. Yaay!

I just glanced outside and a cluster of a dozen or so bright kid’s balloons is floating skyward. Perhaps someone has launched a signal to Darci to come home. I’ll take it that way at least.

Desserts, eh? Hmm. Her Ladyship, still being petite & svelte despite her age, is a carboholic and the sweeter & gooier the better. Her idea of ideal breakfast is something like a Nutella-stuffed French Toast drowning in real maple syrup with powdered sugar on top washed down by a caramel macchiato with extra sugar. By contrast, my raggedy pancreas is whimpering in fear just looking at that pile of Death. Her idea of desserts goes up (!) from there. She manages her figure with very firm portion control, exercise, and being almost as restless and active as our own FCM. Almost; nobody can keep up with FCM … nobody.

My dessert choices now run from cheeses to berries to dark chocolate. and an occasional spoonful of ice cream or bite of cake / pie / whatever that somebody else is having.

A fave at home is ~1/2 cup of mixed black-, rasp-, and blue-berries with about 1/4 cup of heavy cream poured over, and about a half-square of Lindt’s 76% dark chocolate shaved on top. Takes all of 2 minutes to prepare and is both elegant and yummy.

Last nights’ dessert was a couple ounces of Trader Joe’s Blue Stilton served on Colombian wheat crackers. The “Colombian” part matters since a lot of US-made whole wheat products add honey or sugar or HFCS (or sometimes all three :eek: ) to hide the flavor of whole wheat that Americans don’t like and substitute the flavor of sugar, which they lurve. “Whole grain” is totally different from low-carb or low-sweet. The Colombians have no such faults, preferring the grains themselves, and their products are commonplace in our stores since their people are commonplace in our neighborhoods. Yaay!

From last night of last week’s thread:

Quickly Poached No-Fuss Egg(s):

  • Start with an individual ramekin or Pyrex bowl big enough to comfortably hold the cracked egg(s). I have some hemispherical dessert bowls ideal for this, but almost anything that size will do.
  • Put ~1/2" of water in the bowl. A little less is better than a little more.
  • Microwave the bowl+water on full power for 30 seconds to get the water good and hot. In the dead of polar winter you might need 45 seconds. No need to boil the water, just get it close.
  • Carefully crack your egg(s) into the bowl of very hot water. A broken yolk means a disgusting but still nutritionally adequate result.
  • Pierce each yolk with a toothpick, knifepoint, etc. CAUTION: Skipping this step results in needing to wash out your microwave.
  • Microwave on 50% power for 50 seconds for 1 large egg, up to maybe 110 seconds for 2 jumbos. You’ll have to experiment with times versus your own microwave, size & number of eggs, etc. No need to cover the bowl with anything. CAUTION: Skipping the “50% power” part results in needing to wash out your microwave.
  • Use a slotted spoon to carefully get under the cooked egg(s), then tip the bowl into the sink to drain as much of the liquid as you easily can. The bowl will be very warm to the touch, but not too hot to comfortably handle. No awkward mitts are needed. You’ll lose a bit of runny white in the water if the eggs are less-done. So be it. Rinse the slotted spoon and set it aside to dry.
  • Eat the egg(s) with whatever toppings you enjoy. The bowl & spoon are the only utensils needing to be washed afterwards.

My standard breakfast is one such egg, some dairy like cottage cheese or non-sweet yogurt, some fruit like berries or a tangerine / mandarin, and a small slice of low-carb bread with a thick smear of PB. Sometimes I skip the bread in favor of more fruit, but still eat the PB.

During the ~2 minutes total that the microwave is running I can get out the bread & drop a slice into the toaster to warm, get out the PB, fruit, and dairy, and pull out the slotted & regular spoon. Plus a paper napkin to serve as a plate & placemat for it all. Before the spoon gets eggy, eat your serving of dairy out of the container, then spoon out a lump of PB onto the toast & spread it a bit with the back of the spoon. Then eat the egg, fruit, and toast together in whatever order.

When you’re done, close up the napkin full of bread crumbs, dripped whatever, and perhaps fruit peel. Into the trash it goes after a quick face-wipe. Rinse the egg bowl & spoon & into the dishwasher they go. Done.

With practice, you can put the whole thing on the table in 4 minutes flat. The key is to do all the non-egg prep work while the microwave is running. If the eggs sit 20 or 30 seconds in the cooking water before draining while you’re busy with other prep, they’ll continue to firm up a bit, but not too badly. This meal definitely takes longer to eat than it does to make. Clean-up is all but instant too.

Now that Her Ladyship has joined my life the process is less efficient and creates more mess which results in more cleaning. At least while she’s watching. :wink: You may not have this constraint.

Cloth placemats and cloth napkins are needed. To be laundered after the single use. The toast needs a plate and a knife to first serve the PB onto the plate, then to spread the plated PB onto the toast. Ideally two separate knives of different shapes would be used. Eating dairy from the container is right out; a separate bowl is needed. Even though she doesn’t eat my kind of dairy so we’re not sharing germs / cooties. She has relented that it’s OK to use the same spoon to serve the dairy into a bowl then use it later to eat the egg. Barely.

The result is my way dirties a spoon and a bowl. Her way dirties 2 bowls, 2 spoons, 1 plate, 1 (or 2) knife(s), a placemat, and a napkin. Good thing she’s Hawt. And likes washing & putting away dishes and doing laundry. Me? I’m all about speed through effort avoidance, not delay through effort creation. :grin:

Morning all. Back in the house again and hopefully will be sleeping here tonight. The guys from Purolater are supposed to be out today, but they didn’t leave me a POC so I don;t know when, so will stick around the house for awhile (if it gets to 9am and no contact, I’ll try on-line). Cold today, 45F to start and only going to 64F today, and it looks like the week will be mostly like that with a good chance of rain Thursday.

As for dessert, my favorite in my youth was Mom’s apple pie, and am fond of most any type of chocolate cake, and, of course, living in the Southern USA I have developed a taste for pecan pie.

Hippy, thanks for that earworm, it is one of my favorites.

OK, onward into the day. Take care all.

I haven’t met a dessert I didn’t like. Despite living in America, my fave has to be from across the pond. Sticky toffee pudding. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting was always my birthday request. Pecan and blueberry pie are pretty nummy.

The sun is peaking out although the furnace is going. Winter coats have not been put away. Ariel is wearing her light blanket. I’m kinda getting tired of this limbo weather.

Fingers crossed Darci is home.

G’morning, kids!

I had a Completely Sedentary weekend in preparation to (hopefully) finish all my coursework this week. It’s gonna suck but then, ya know. Done. Unless I decide to try for another degree, which if I want to go far in academic librarianship might be prudent… We’ll see. I need at least some kind of time off to rest and heal before I do anything like that.

I love key lime pie or any kind of fruity tart or pastry or danish, but my all-time fave is a cherry cheesecake. Costco cheesecake with a can of cherry pie filling does the trick nicely. I try to get one for my birthday each year.

Pilot, your berry dessert sounds like what my grandma called a “blackberry fool.” What do y’all call it?

Swampy, my grandma also made a wonderful peach cobbler. I should try to make one sometime and think about her.

Shoe, I feel the garbage-packaged-dessert love too - those crumbly-soft Lofthouse cookies you can get in various seasonal colors in box-box stores at every holiday time are a delicacy and I shall not be convinced otherwise.

Berries & cream.

“Peaches and cream” is the “official” title of a similar dessert now too sweet for me.

Much as it pains me point this out, either you or your grandmother are wrong. A “fool” includes cooked fruit & ideally custard:

for me ice cream is a meal. usually breakfast, sometimes dinner.

I just earned the title of devotee for visiting SDMB 365 consecutive days. I don’t know whether to be proud or embarrassed.

You are correct! I learned about the “correct” way to make a fool from a lovely picture book that I bought for my old library. I’ve never known why Grammy called hers by that name (and none of my family know either, they didn’t know that was the “wrong name”), so I was curious what y’all called it.

My favourite dessert is donuts. They’re light yet savoury.

Never really been that much of a dessert person. Oh, I’ll eat it if my dining companion is so inclined. But I usually forgo the sweet ending and instead go for a port or grappa or the like.

Except for apple pie. With aged cheddar. Or maybe ala mode. That is my dessert weak spot.

Yesterday was the first day the AC kicked on all by itself, which tells me Spring has arrived in SoCal. That didn’t stop it from being cold and wet this morning, however. Typical weather for the time of year. Spent the weekend planting flowers and the like. The place actually looks presentable for a change. Project of the Week will be installing new shelves in the garage along the north wall. That should get the last of the crap off the floor and organized to where I can find stuff. I hope.

Home from heaving. Still no word on Darci.

Spot is perturbed that it is Monday again.

Just a quick check in before storytime starts. CtE and BtY are both at school. Hubby is workingfrom home. Dad called and his blood pressure is low but we’re going to the doctor’s tomorrow. I’m enjoying all the little ones coming into the room.

As for dessert, either I’ve cream or whatever cake or pie I decide to make.

Dessert? Yes, please!
Like FCM, I never lost my sweet tooth when I growed up.
A good moist chocolate cake, any kind of cream pie, tiramisu when I’m at an Italian restaurant, cheesecake, ice cream, profiteroles, pastries… you name it. Fruit-based pie is not my favorite, but I’ll take it if that’s what you’re offering.

I do have one controversial opinion: chocolate and fruit should never mix. Ever. Ruins both the chocolate and the fruit.