Ongoing Snark Thread

BobArrgh apparently missed the thread about altering quotes.

This thread has been very successful.

There’s been no shortage of posts to snark about, but I think everyone in the OTRU thread has been too busy feeding a troll to read them.

I do think about it, for example when D’Anconia was mentioned the other day, but it gets buried.

Revelling in the douchonics (which I just now made up), doorhinge starts the threadshittery at post 28 in the following thread:

Not-quite-cool ensues, with one of my most highly-regarded posters, Stranger On a Train, getting a warning that wasn’t deserved, thanks to D’orange. I remember Stranger not being happy with (I think) pop-up ads, a while back, and I hope this current petty horseshit does not accordingly turn him off, either.
What would be really cool if Stranger was reading this and can maybe expand on anything, here, if he feels he needs to!

That thread went sideways. I don’t think dorange demonstrated what he thought he was demonstrating. I do think he’s got the IQ of a fern.

When he first started posting here, I thought doorhinge was a foreign language-speaker posting through a translator. There was a combination of incomprehensibility and failure to comprehend that I thought only a lack of fluency in English could explain. But he’s probably just a moron.

Okay, can we lock Marcus Flavius and Machinaforce in a room together and bet on which one depresses the other to death first?

Yes to the first, no to the second.

Unless you want to be the one to go in the room to check on them.

Why would you check on them? Just give them a small barrel of amontillado to share and be done with them.

BeenJammin’s beenjerking it up in the amazon thread. Got two warnings already.

The thread definitely gets more entertaining as it goes. Whose sock do you think BJ is?

He’s probably got another one coming for that troll/insult comment he dropped in response to warning 2.

He just got suspended.

Wasn’t he just saying, I won’t bother sending you another PM, just substitute the word ‘insult’ for ‘troll’ in the last PM I sent you?

I’m wondering what Kedikat wants to build. I haven’t noticed him/her before, but I thought this was some sort of practical engineering question for something that he actually wanted to build. But then came this odd followup. And it is probably related to this thread that I hadn’t read before. And looking back, apparently he doesn’t believe in the objective existence of time.

My alarm didn’t go off this morning, time is not on my side.

This might clear things up… a little.

This thread from Shaggy baby just popped about date rape drugs. It now seems really creepy.

That is weird. The thread was pulled up by Fotheringay-Phipps and 25 minutes later posted to by a user named gren who just joined today. It smells odd.