Phrases you don't really want associated with your name...

[li]Shunned by humanity[/li][li]An embarrassment to all sentient species[/li][li]Incompatible with the entirety of Earth’s biosphere. [/li][li]They managed to crawl into his sinus cavities before laying their burrowing larvae[/li][li]Clumsy wood chipper operator[/li][li]Noxious fumes from every hole[/li][li]Mistook the spiral cut carrot slicer for a pneumatic penis enlarger[/li][li]Autopsy was disgusting, yet humorous in a slapstick sort of way.[/li][/ul]

“Bullet-riddled corpse”


“raging alcoholic”




Many of these are quite appropriate for this thread, certain phrases you really wouldn’t associated with your name. A few examples that work:

“Ignominious end”
“Unlikely revolutionary”
“On thin ice”
“Little noticed”

torn asunder
shot to ribbons
run through a wood chipper

More than one of these applies to me.

Maybe we should start a “how many of these apply to you?” thread. I’ve been called infamous. Also “deposed”. It’s true in the legal sense, although I’m not sure that’s how it was (incorrectly) meant.

…claimed he resigned in order to spend more time with his family…

…drugs were ineffective…
…ward of the State…
…the previously-unknown syndrome was named after him…
…home invasion…
…transfer was refused…

…the formerly female, then formerly male…

“…from N. IL”

Geriatric pole dancer from Decorah

squirrel fetish man

A failed Village People impersonator with acne and a lisp

…who married a horse…

smegma dude

Infamously flatulent

Two based on real incidents I dealt with on my job. At least my job is not boring. I personally took the 9-1-1 call for the first incident.

…his scrotum was torn from his testicles…

…forcing the Delta Air Lines aircraft to make an emergency landing…

“…before turning the gun on himself.”

Chair of the local chapter of the Man/Boy Love Association
… attached to the milking machine for 8 hours

Swat team
Black Friday victim
Friend of Bieber and Cyrus
Worms got him
Pee Wee
Found inside shark
When the snow finally melted
New Fox anchor

who, according to the coroner, was likely conscious when
Darwin Award
the first known fatality associated with
wrongly convicted
is being extradited to Nigeria on charges of
was widely disliked
to be served consecutively

…of the machine manufacturer stated that they had never believed it possible for someone to remain conscious inside…
…embarrassing, yet strangely hilarious…
…swore that 'the hippo had a pleased…
…credit-card number was posted to over…
…personal electronics were searched and seized under a special…
…clot, he could not explain…
…at the end, over 75 parasites…

White House insider
In addition, I prefer not to have any laws or diseases named for me

“tastes like chicken”

“…was ejected from the vehicle”

Ew. You know that’s bad news.

“…generously donated…”
“…bravely stood his ground…”