Actually the trailer looks pretty good. Is it the first movie made about an amusement park ride rather than vice/versa?
Nope. Disney released a kids movie based on the “Country Bears” ride last year. Although I use “ride” in the loosest possible sense. The movie was, by all accounts, atrocious.
I’m very psyched for the Pirates movie, though. Zombies? And pirates? In the same movie? It’ll be better than Citizen Kane!
Orlando Bloom? And Johnny Depp? In the same movie?
What more reason do you need to watch?
Plot? Who needs a plot? I’m just looking at the pretty pretty boys…
Is there a link somewhere with information about the film?
Mmm, Orli and Johnny. Miss Knightley doesn’t look half-bad, either, and I’m sure that there’s someone out there who fancies Geoffrey Rush. This must set some record for the prettiest cast ever.
Heh, that would be me. Though I have been nursing a Johnny Depp crush for the past 10 years. [squeal]He’s wearing mascara! I love men in mascara![/squeal] I’m interested to see how Orlando Bloom does in this movie. He looks stunning in LotR, but I’m not convinced he can actually act.
Saw the trailer before Matrix: Reloaded. I’m pretty sure this will be a “guilty pleasure” movie. From the trailer, the plot looks non-existent and the dialogue sounds horrifying, but as Miller pointed out, zombies AND pirates! And ZOMBIE PIRATES! I’m so there.
How long has it been since there has been a successful pirate movie?
Unfortunately, even with JD starring, this movie will bomb.
Well, lessee… there was The Pirates of Penzance with Kevin Kline, back in 1983. There was Pirates by Roman Polanski with Walter Matthau in I think 1986. Ah, and then there was Cutthroat Island in 1995 with Geena Davis, which - forgive me - I actually liked.
Or maybe it’s Hook with Robin Williams…
Like I said, “How long has it been since there has been a SUCCESSFUL pirate movie”.
Hey! How about Swashbuckler with Robert Shaw!
Oh wait, successful… never mind.
Has there ever been a really successful pirate movie in the modern era? By successful, I assume you mean money-making?
It won’t matter if this one sucks, it will make a boatload of money.
I am there.
[Annoyingly pedantic nitpick]
The “modern era” goes all the way back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Technically, there’s no such thing as a “pre-modern” movie, as the cinema was an invention (and in many ways the primary cultural motivator) of modernism. Pirate movies as a viable genre died out around the rise of post-modernism in the late '50s, although I don’t know that there’s necessarily a connection.
[/Annoyingly pedantic nitpick]
I liked Cutthroat Island, too. And Pirates! Hey, anyone remember Yellowbeard? “Stagger stagger stagger roll crawl crawl stagger…” I don’t think it’s physically possible to make an unwatchable pirate movie.
This brings up an interesting point – what did “Captain Blood” and “The Seahawk” have that “Cutthroat Island” and “Hook” didn’t? Well, besides Errol Flynn…mmmmmm, Errol Fl- okay, there’s the answer.
Is it just me, or is there a serious decline going on in Hollyweird?
Movies made from old 60s TV shows.
Lost in Space, Mission Impossible. Check!
Movies made from comic books.
Superman, Batman, X-Men, Green Lantern, Flash. Check!
Movies made from theme park rides?
WTF? Check!
When you’re designing a movie based on a theme park’s ride, you are scraping the barrel’s bottom. Hollyweird is bankrupt.
I think the last successful pirate movie was the Crimson Pirate, with Burt Lancaster.
Now, if this new one is only one tenth as good…
I’ve always enjoyed Minelli’s The Pirate with Gene Kelly and Judy Garland, myself.
If Hollywood were bankrupt, this wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunetly, Hollywood will continue to make this crap so long as people continue to shell out huge amounts of money for it.
And God help me, I’m one of them.
Obviously, as my name indicates, I’m karmic-ly bound to see this one, good or bad. But it looks pretty fun, and one of my friends has been quoting that line about the corsets for weeks. Guess I’ll just have to get my booty on over when it comes to a local theater.
Hey, Captain Ron had Caribbean pirates and it was one of the best movies ever!
Don’t forget The Ice Pirates!