Pop Tarts - my guility childhood pleasure.

I had a working Mom (who, frankly, dislike cooking), and every morning for breakfast, from kindergarten through high school, I had Pop Tarts and Instant Breakfast. It is a miracle I am still alive.

They will probably find out that Pop Tarts and Instant Breakfast cause cancer of the heart attack, but only if you eat them every morning for breakfast, from kindergarten through high school.

(Frosted Pop Tarts by the way, should *always *be eaten frosting-side-down)

I voted yes - all the time, but I wish it was no. I lost a lot of weight last year by eating sensibly, and I’d get pretzels from the vending machine in the cafeteria at work when I wanted a snack - until I noticed the Hot fudge chocolate frosted sundae Pop Tarts they started selling. So I tried them, and they were good. Ever since then I’d go to get pretzels and see the Pop Tarts and cave. I think crack is one of the ingredients. I started bringing other snacks to work, like chocolate cheerios, but still I hear them calling to me from across hall. I tried leaving my money at home, but someone will always lend me a dollar. I don’t know what to do next, maybe start paying off the vending machine guy to stop selling them?
I am a creature of bad habits.

Ah. The Instant Breakfast I had every morning. Chocolate Malt was the best flavor–it made a kind of thick foam that you slurped off the top.

We used to have them all the time when my son was home - since he’s left, though, we haven’t bought one box.

I love the unfrosted strawberry ones, and I recently discovered that Amazon sells the unfrosted blueberry ones (which are very hard to find) but only by the case.

I remember when they first came out. Never did care much for them. I suspect there are new flavors and they’ve been approved, but it’s been almost 50 years since I tried one.

No. Awful, Awful things, with gluey cake and about 1 cc of filling.

When I started working at my first job, I started a tradition of depositing my paycheck in the bank and buying Pop Tarts and a Slurpee on the way back home. I had never gotten either nearly as often as I had wanted them as a kid. To this day, Pop Tarts and Slurpees taste like freedom to me.

Never ate them as a kid, liked them for a while as a twentysomething and then decided they weren’t worth the calories. Would eat one in a blue moon if they were around. Strawberry frosted was my jam.

As to adult pop tarts:

Take a refrigerated pie crust, roll out and cut into squares. Apply liberal amount of good quality preserves/jelly. Fold over and crimp. Brush lightly with butter, sprinkle with coarse sugar, Bale at 350 until golden brown and delicious.

These will get you laid. :wink:

Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon for me, please. The frosted fruit flavors are pretty good too. I can’t stand the chocolate varieties at all, even though (or because) I like chocolate.

I only allow myself to have them occasionally, because they’re just too calorie-dense. 420 calories in a twin pack? You’d have to try hard to cram more calories into a smaller, less satiating volume.

I voted no because I have no kids, but my husband eats them. He does not ever toast them.


Indeed. In those states that do allow cannibalism, there are health regulations against eating children raw. Worse than blowfish.

I didn’t grow up eatIng them, but did want them. When I was very young, the family was too poor to afford snack foods like Pop Tarts. Then we moved to a country where they weren’t sold.

Now that I’m a grown-up and can buy kids’ junk food whenever I d@mn well want to :smiley: , I don’t find Pop Tarts as tasty as I’d like them to be (and competing brands are even less appealing). The only PTs I kind of like are the plain strawberry and plain blueberry. Both flavors are hard to find; it seems stores prefer to stock the frosted varieties.

You said just about everything I wanted to say, other than this: I’d rather eat a piece of toast with Nutella if I wanted a sweet toasted treat.

I don’t think that I ever ate them as a kid. When I got married and was in charge of grocery shopping, I wanted to buy them frequently, but couldn’t justify their relatively high cost. I will eat the unfrosted strawberry ones on rare occasions, but I don’t like the frosted ones.

I have refrigerated pie crust, and I have strawberry spread. This stuff is just pure fruit, pureed. Originally, I bought it to avoid sugar, but now I buy it because I think it tastes better than preserves/jam/jelly. I will have to try this recipe with the spread.

I’ll be happy to join you, but for the unfrosted cherry instead. Toasted with a little butter on top.

Good start! Now about that frosting…

Have you tried freezing them? The chocolate fudge ones come out really good.

I like the Apple Strüdel ones. And the Wild Grape. But yeah, they are kinda dry, and could use more filling.