Rate Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ performance

Wow. This woman seems very good at this.
She had a strong, confident response for everything, controlled the narrative, got in the administration’s talking points and expressed a friendly yet unflappable attitude toward the press.

I think she’s shoveling bullshit all the same, but she’s doing it with great aplomb.
I’m kind of sorry to see the bumbling Sean Spicer benched, but I’m surprised he lasted this long given his remarkable incompetence.

So, laying political leanings aside for now, as best we can, how would you all rate Sander’s performance as the new (for now) Mouth of Sauron?
I’m giving her 4 1/2 out of 5.

Wrong forum for me to rate anybody that would work for her boss.

Today she admitted that the President fired Comey in order to try to end the Russia investigation, video that will undoubtedly be used if Trump ever faces impeachment.

So…is there a negative number?

I love that she said that because I hate Trump and his minions. But if we are strictly judging her performance, she gets a 0 for that comment alone.

Yesterday I thought she did a great job for her first time before the mob. I give her a 4 out of 5. Today’s performance I haven’t seen. It sounds promising (for my entertainment I mean).

Spicer should update his resume and watch CNN to see if he should bother coming back to the WH.

She lies as effortlessly as Conway and Spicer. So for doing the job she’s supposed to do, maybe a 5. I’m quite surprised she got hired, given that she is not a thin girl.

So, she’s the daughter of Mike Huckabee and Bernie Sanders…? :eek:

Mr. Spicer hasn’t been benched; he’s on Naval Reserve duty.

…and Sarah Palin’s namesake.

And yet, no Clinton or Bush. How refreshing!

I’ve seen this woman several times before. She has a better speaking manner than Spicer (talk about your low bar), and does exude confidence. But she can sling the BS just as much as they can.

Odd how there was no announcement from the White House explaining why there’s a replacement Press Secretary.

Maybe they didn’t think anyone would notice.

Looks like Cecily Strong has more screen time coming.

Well… at least no Clinton.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Also, as a Trump spokes-obfuscator she’s damn near a ten. Beats Kellyanne with a stick. But I won’t take that joke any farther.

How do you know they didn’t make an announcement? And why is an “announcement” important to you?

If you can link to one, fine.

Last month, he did his weekend and it was publicized on FoxNews.

He just took off for this month’s service. This is not the weekend. That means it’s his annual two weeks.
No heads-up that the Deputy Press Secretary would be handling things?

Well, they’re on to the whole “on a farm upstate” thing.

“Well, I can speak to my own personal experience,” she said. “I’ve heard from countless members of the FBI that are grateful and thankful for the president’s decision and I think that we may have to agree to disagree."

Countless, countless members of the FBI… :dubious: :smack: :smiley: