Replace one word in a title with a homonym

Back to the Future: A society refuses to acknowledge that tomorrow will ever come.

Pie – The story of an obsessed young baker

the Life of Pie – three days, tops.
Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches – porno film


Tom E. – the Who’s groundbreaking rock opera about a deaf, dumb and blind inventor.

Dammit, now I really want to see that.

Blind Fury: After years of being unable to make his window coverings remain in the up position, a martial arts master chops them to pieces with his katana and installs curtains.

Blind Ambition: A woman dreams of being a window covering salesperson.

Concur. That sounds frakking awesome.

You also borrowed this one, from Ron Luciano

Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Documentary of Anorexics in a 1980’s High School

I didn’t borrow – I never heard of that.

Great Minds Think Alike.

Mu-lan Rouge – Disney’s Chinese Female Warrior starts a political movement to overthrow the Emperor of China
Knight of the Living Dead – the body of Roderigo, el Cid, still bound to that horse, returns to lead the Zombie Apocalypse. Except in Spain.

Batman – P.G. Wodehouse’s adventures of Bertie Wooster and Jeeves
Die, Monster Di – Adapted from H. P. Lovecraft’s masterpiece, The Colorado Space

The Born Supremacy - In an epic struggle for the universe, living, breathing humans conquer the non-existent.

Docked Her Strangelove – The heaviest punishment a university can mete out to tenured faculty caught in flagrante with undergrads is a reduction in pay.

Bach to the Future–A musical lover invents time travel to meet up with his favorite classical composer.

Did it already in #31 above
Great Minds Run in the Same Channel.
Or Fools Think Alike. Or something.

Correct me if I’m wronhg, but aren’t these homophones, rather than homonyms?

The OP said homonyms, but actually gave a homophone as an example. Most of us have gone by the example, I think.

Real Steal - This time, the robot is stolen.

District Nein - A concentration camp during the Holocaust becomes home to an alien invasion, with hilarious results.

Million Doll-Hair Baby - The story of a twisted orphanage that surgically implants doll hairs amongst other things into their youngest orphans.

Hard Wear - A wandering soldier finds a robot penis in the desert and brings it home to his girlfriend…

Phonetics . a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air; a homophone ( def. 1 ) .

The Byrds, Alfred Hitchcock: An aging 60s rock group suddenly attacks the inhabitants of a small town, poking out their eyes with guitar picks and sitting on their fences, staring menacingly.

Full Metal Jacquet: The famed jazz musician plays Kiss.