Right, so where are we with that then?

Yes, yes, yes! We down here in legal got your email and replied to it 10 days ago seeking clarification and instructions on our proposed changes (made to accommodate new legislation). Hello???

Unfortunately, you submitted the DS-1167 form which is obsolete. It has been replaced with FG-27659(b), which must be filled out in triplicate, all original. We can’t move forward until we recieve it. And don’t forget about page 247 of the FG-27659(b). So many people overlook that page and it’s essential. And on the signature page (pg 411), we need both you, the CEO, COO and your Aunt Grimelda to sign. I know she’s in Botsawana now but a faxed signature is not acceptable. It must be original.

Thanks so much - we look forward to serving you! Have a Blessed Day!

Remember, like I told you:



You can pick any two of the three, but by doing so, you eliminate the one remaining.

So, what’s it going to be?

I sent that stuff you asked for over to Marketing. They’re still conducting the focus groups. Until they’ve finished their research, I can’t do anything for you. Sorry.


Well. first of all the project manager quit two weeks ago. We’ve appointed another one but he went in the hospital yesterday for some deal involing his pancreas.

It doesn’t matter, though, because we’re still waiting for the CAPEX authorization form to be signed off by the COO. Considering how things went the last time, I wouldn’t expect that for another 2-3 months. Sorry.

Two weeks!

As soon as I get the stain out of the knees.

Are we working weekends on this? The team leader told me I wouldn’t have to work weekends.

Did you check your ass? It’s not up your ass again, is it?

With all the delays, we missed the current fiscal planning cycle. That means the budget will need to be resubmitted, next quarter. Problem is, with the election, getting it approved again will be a lot harder. It might not happen at all.


Yeah, hello? So I’ve been here a couple hours? They said some fella namedSnakesCatLady was gonna let me in so I could take care of the stuff that you had that form for, with the stuff? But nobody gave me any phone numbers. So this is the number in the book, but you’re probably not there on account of the weekend and all, but I don’t really get a choice about being here–you know, when you’re on the clock, you’re on the clock, right? Anyway, I’ll be at the Starbucks across the street.

Look, I submitted all the required forms and fees to the guvmint. I can’t make them work any faster–IT’S THE GUVMINT, DAMMIT!

Dude! Where are we… like… what? Like, I just started here, man. Chill out, dude.

Which Starbucks? There are 13 of them on this corner!

My manger said we need more detailed metrics before the preliminary budget can be escalated.

Before you make any decisions, I want you to ask yourself "Is this good for the company?’

Yo, silenus, dude! I’m at the Starbucks across the street and to the left! Can you see me? I can see you. So I was gonna ask you where we are with that, but they left the form up there and nobody’s up there to let me in, so, you know. Anyway, same time, same place, tomorrow morning? I’ll buy you a grande skinny mochalatte, no whipped, in a venti cup.

I put it right on top of your pile of stuff for you to initial. Yes, I did tell you I was putting it there. And I left you a Post-it to remind you. Yes I did…see? It’s right here, on the monitor. And there’s a second one here on the paperwork. And I left a note in the To-Do book, right here, see? With the big rubber-ducky sticker next to it, and the big red arrow pointing at it. And I called from home at 2:30 to remind you to get it faxed by three…you were standing right next to Beth Anne when she answered the phone, because I could hear you talking to a customer. She said she’d tell you… and I know that the regional left a reminder on her voicemail this morning, and again at noon. But you’re saying I dropped the ball on this, and we need to communicate better? I’ll make a note of that…

Here’s what you do. Every day for a week you feed it a banana and a cookie. The next day, just feed it a banana. When he sticks his head out of your throat and hollers “Where’s my cookie?” you snatch him and pull that sucker all the way out.

Have your people graph it and get it to my people ASAP. We’ll talk Monday.

Make sure you leave that note where I can see it this time, kittenblue!