RIP Bob Saget

Well, John Lovitz will be moving in the other direction…

Bob Saget died from head trauma. He whammed his head on something, thought he was OK, and went to sleep.

No drugs or alcohol involved.

That’s just tragic. Reminds me of Anton Yeltsin - a talented guy who made what should have been a very minor mistake that ended up killing him. Just terrible.

Occasionally, I am reminded of just how incredibly fragile life is. This news of Saget’s cause of death is definitely one of those times.

It’s a wonder I can get out of bed. I have to lie to myself and convince my brain that some random thing (a head bump, a flying rock, some deranged person, etc etc) won’t kill me as I stand.

Hell, some people die just sitting in their own fucking house!

We need start a rumor that he died by Donkey Punch. I think Bob would approve.

Yelchin. I think his was even more of a freak accident and more tragic. Younger and I have almost never heard of anyone being pinned by their vehicle like this. When he died, I could not stop replaying the potential struggle and final moments in my mind.

Natalie Richardson also died from a head injury skiing:

So if I have this right- he went to bed with a bump on his head and couldn’t get up in the morning?

Was it raining and snowing, and was he snoring?

Jokes aside, I can’t thinking of the “old wives advice” that you shouldn’t let someone with a head injury go to sleep. There was a famous MASH episode about it where Hawkeye was babbling to a confused Korean family to keep himself awake until help arrived.

But we were all reassured in the the recent decades that that wasn’t true, that sleeping with a head injury wasn’t that dangerous.

Well, it’s an old wives’ tale. There’s no reason to stay awake following a head injury.

Mostly, the concern is behavioral changes after hitting your head could be a symptom of deeper injury, but medicine says that’s really the only reason to stay awake.

Natasha Richardson is who I thought of immediately when I heard the news of how Saget died. She fell and hit her head on hard-packed snow of all non-lethal sounding things, thought she was fine, even signed a waiver to that effect.

Just goes to show I guess, you never know when your number’s up.

Maybe it’s me - but I was never under the impression that sleeping with a head injury would cause problems , just that symptoms like loss of consciousness, confusion or slurred speech wouldn’t be noticeable if a person was sleeping.

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I am left wondering what might have caused him to fall and hit the back of his head. I recently had a fall where I blacked-out (caused by sudden back spasm pain) and fell forward and smashed my face on the floor, but I supposed I could have fallen the other way just as easy and ended up like Mr Saget. Damn.

A dog running at high speed into the back of your leg while you’re walking will do it.
Any suspicious dogs hanging around that hotel?

Without googling it up, IIRC William Holden died in a similar fashion. However, he had been drinking with friends. He fell and smacked his head good and was bleeding, and his friends tried to get him to go to the hospital, but he pooh-poohed it. He went to bed, and never woke up.

Slipping in the shower?

When I was a kid I slipped on some ice on the sidewalk and hit the back of my head on the concrete so hard that my field of vision took on a weird yellow cast for a split-second, like a monitor gone wonky. I didn’t tell anyone and didn’t seem to suffer any long-term ill effects afterward (though friends and family might say it explains a lot).

This story worries me, because I’m a klutz and regularly whack my head on cabinets and other things that any normal person would not.

Yeah, from what I gather, Saget must have had a significant blow to be able to have this outcome. I would expect minor blows such as what you mention to be handled as normal wear and tear on the skull without serious risks.

Yes, perhaps this or slipping on wet tiles somewhere in the hotel if it were raining.