I thought the second episode was great. It reminded me quite a lot of the first season–that blend of comedy and drama that manages to be touching without edging into maudlin. It had heart, and that’s something that’s been missing from this show the last few years.
Cox was OK for me. Overall I wasn’t impressed. Hate the new interns - Ed especially. The second one was depressing. I read an article where they said they were going to take themselves more seriously this year. But I tune into a comedy to laugh, not come away depressed.
The best Scrubs episodes have always had a huge streak of pathos, though. My Lunch, for instance. Or My Screw Up. Both are considered the best episodes of the series and are pretty tragic.
Thanks for the actor’s name, Auntie. I’ve got his wiki profile pulled up in another tab.
Let me guess, you also didn’t care for the episodes of MASH where that pesky-ass war intruded on Hawkeye’s hilarious hijinks.
Part of making a show about doctors good is acknowledging that life as a medical professional isn’t all wheelchair races and sticking tongue depressors up your nose to be a walrus. Because doctors for whom it’s all one big party and the patients they lose never matter a tinker’s dam SUCK. Nobody wants to watch a show about people like that, because they’re assholes, and not entertaining sorts of assholes. The inhuman, no-redeeming-qualities-whatever sort of asshole that you can’t even love to hate.
“Joe” Was great! (Joe? What was her name?) She is going to fit in to the cast nicely.
I’m just getting into this show… They run late-night reruns, but they stop when JD finds out his girl is pregnant. Just so I know how far back I am, what season was that the end of?
Dunno, I’ve never watched that show. When it first came on the previews looked kind of boring, and it conflicted with my work schedule anyway so I never got in the habit. I understand they’re to blame for the execrable “vajayjay,” though, for which I’m sure they’ll all burn in hell.