OK, so info about my girlfriend and me. We’ve been seeing each other for two years plus change. We are comitted to each other, though NOT engaged. (We likely will be someday… but I think part of the problem I need advice on might be preventing me from asking.)
So, here’s the thing… she’s had a chance to experiment with several different guys sexually. But I never really have. She’s basically my first…
So, I think there is basically the crux of the problem. I’ve been feeling like I’d like to get out there and experiment more with other people before I finally settle down. NOT to leave my g/f, but to have different experiences that I can bring to the table. I absolutely do not want to ruin what is between my g/f and me. But, on the other hand, I really have been feeling like I’ve lost a lot by not really getting out there and seeing and being with different types of women. I don’t want to be 70 years old and regret that I lost my youth or anything.
I talked to her and we are having serious discussions about maybe seeing other people non-commitally for a period of time. But as I see it, this only has a couple of turnouts. 1> It actually works, I get it out of my system and we marry and live happily ever after. 2> We end up really hurting each other either through the course of this, or because it was never really “OK” even though we thought it would be, and break up in the long run. 3> We end up hurt, “work it out,” stay together, but never are completely satisfied with having done this and never really quite get over it. (despite staying together)
So, what to do. She’s afraid we’ll end up like her parents (Her dad was in the same situation and ended up cheating on her mom down the road. Largely because he just never had his chance to “sow his oats” so to speak.) if we DON’T do something about it now before we’re married, or even engaged. Or like I said previously, I end up regretting her or myself when I’m older. But we’re also afraid of ruining the relationship by continuing on with the plan.
Is this just typical relationship-jitters? Am I crazy? I really don’t know anybody I can talk to about this. So I am turning to the vast wisdom on SDMB land. What do you guys think? What would you do?