November 4, 1999, 2:35am
AH HA, caught ya, the old sex trap always works ! Now 'fess up that you opened this thread !
You don’t really have to confess, I just posted this to see if the subject line would catch Joe Blank’s interest.
Ayesha - Lioness
You sound reasonable. Must be time to up my medication.
Well, it didn’t work on me. I never open or respond to sex threads. Good try, though.
This space for rent.
All right, I confess. I am interested in sex.
The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity
November 4, 1999, 2:59am
Wally !!!
And here I thought you had abandoned me !
Too late Wally, we all know what a cyber-slut you are.
Spiritus Mundi,
Ah aren’t we all ? Or almost all.
Ayesha - Lioness
You sound reasonable. Must be time to up my medication.
sigh Is there no hope for me? Will I never gain redemption for my chequered past? Is there no one with a charitable heart who will forgive my past transgressions? Have I not paid my debt to society?
By the way, Ayesha, you are looking especially foxy tonight! Hot Damn!
This space for rent.
Wally a cyber slut?? Wow Wally… you have been holding out.
We are, each of us angels with only one wing;
and we can only fly by
embracing one another
I am completely innocent of these inflammatorry allegations.
Sue, I’m crazy about you. Let me take you away from here to some exotic retreat. How about Saskatoon?
This space for rent.
What? Sex? Oh, um, my goodness, I thought this thread was about… sox! Yeah yeah, sox! So, er ah, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be going now…
Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!
November 4, 1999, 9:37am
Okay, you caught me, but still, where’s the sex?
Yes, please. I’ll have some.
“You know how complex women are”
November 4, 1999, 11:24am
at my house or yours?
*you didnt give me an advice, you gave me a pickup line
*closeness smoseness…there were two of em
bj0rn, are you asking Coldfire that? Strange Bedfellows indeed…
November 4, 1999, 12:28pm
Nothing wrong with being interested in sex, it’s not like I dont get any. I get all the sex I need, really.
Well at least I’m not desperate enough to invite my “archenemy” over to my place for steaming action.
when you mention it sox are damn sexy
bj0rn, don’t make me start a “bj0rn is coming on to me and I’m scared shitless” thread now…
“You know how complex women are”
November 4, 1999, 1:20pm
oh…eh…when you read it in that perspective it sure sounds like that, but NO.
omniscient: i dont know your sexual fantasies, and i dont want to know em either. and if you are going to make a joke, why not make it funny too?
Omni’s joke was quite good, albeit scary as hell at the same time…
“You know how complex women are”
Yes, I am very interested in the German numbering system. Perhaps we can all get together sometime and discuss it. I live in Assboink, Ida…
Oh wait, sex could mean something else entirely.
Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.
:::grumble grumble:::
Off to start a thread about misleading titles(And to get slammed there too).
Never let it be said that I don’t admit when I have been had. Tip of the hat to you, Ayesha.
November 4, 1999, 2:14pm
Ayesha, you beat me to it- I was going to start a “free beer!” thread for Joe.