Still waiting for Spring in the MMP

Worked, came home. There was a pollen fog on the way home.*

Waitm swampy’s gray? :eek::smiley:

You rang?

*since pollen is tree reproduction, and multiple species mix theirs together, does that mean that there is Elm/Oak sex?

**swampy **- how long have the 2 of you been together?

Supper was grilled cheese. Dessert was a chocolate bunny. I’m not doing anything productive. I’m awake… barely. I want to stay up another 90 minutes or so…

swampy I missed that part of your news. Congratulations! :smiley:

i say we go dig out that damned groundhog, bringing along the traditional pitchforks and torches, and roast his butt over a slow fire. He *promised *spring would be early this year!

swampie, are you two going to make honest men of each other?:smiley: I’ll bake the cake!:stuck_out_tongue:

swampy, you may have to pick up another hobby with only the yahds at your house and the church house to take care of. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we’re having dandelion winter here. Supposed to be really nice tomorrow and freeze warnings the rest of the week.

I dropped the rent check off this afternoon and met the new (again) manager. She fell in love with Nelson. He reminded her of her recently departed chiweenie. Her husband is in stage II Alzheimers and I volunteered to bring Nelson by for a visit if it’s something he would enjoy. The little squirt tends to be good with most people.

I forgot the update on 'Beamette. I did speak with the district, who admitted that she is enrolled and is at school. It was something to do with some days she missed in March when she was sick.

were mourning as easter was annoying as are most holidays here are but our kitten passed on yester day he was just barley 2 years old …

Molten Aluminum

As long as they have a deviled aig tray, it’s legitimate.

nightshadea, I’m sorry about your kitten.:frowning:

dogbutler, I’ve seen lot’s of videos about moltem aluminum and ants. Some of those structures are very pretty.

And as for the deviled egg tray, you do have a point. And on another board **swampie **once said no Soutern wedding is legitimate unless there are cheese straws at the reception.

nightshadea, bad news about the cat; condolences.

Baker, haven’t been to a Southern wedding, but if swampy and OYKW ever do decide to tie the know, I’ll be there…might even wear a tie.

Had a fairly good soccer practice, only 5 of the 9 boys showed up, but we worked on stuff. During a break the 3-year old (my guess) sister of one of the players came up and gave me a hug. Don’t know why, but she did and there is nothing better than to get a hug from a 3-year old (well, maybe a hug from a 23-year old Playboy model might be a bit better, but I’ll take my hugs where I can get them).

nightshadea sorry to hear about your kitten. :frowning:

metalmouse I’d road trip myself for that occasion. (The wedding - you’re on your own for the hugs.)

My favorite post of the week so far. (o)/

For metal mouse and anyone else worried about fraudulent charges, check with your bank about their available alerts. I’ve got mine set to send me a text for pretty much every online and phone transaction.

Between swampy’s tacklehug and helping someone build their pantry yesterday, I am sore all over. In about ten hours time, we re-sheetrocked one wall, primed and painted, and laid out and installed about 130 running feet of shelving. Before it was a pantry, it was a closet-o-crap, before that, it was their house’s front entrance hall.

I’m in the middle of a weird semi-vacation. My work computer went tits-up this morning - no boot, no usable repair options, which is bad enough, but since I work from home, there’s no “just bring it down and we’ll look at it” IT department. I have to drive over to the Big Bad City tomorrow to pick up a replacement. In the mean time, a day and a half lost. Then once I get back home and logged in, I’ll spend the afternoon finding where my email and internet favorites were hidden, set up mainframe sessions and then set my out of office message that I’m on vacation as we’re taking a few days in Vegas starting on Wednesday.

Wow… two years is awfully young to lose a cat. :frowning:

Up, caffeinated ,and sheveled. Off to work.

I SLEPT!!! Huzzah!!!

I’m feeling almost human this morning. A few more hours would have been nice, but the commute wasn’t terrifying, so that counts as a win! :smiley:

Baby Engineer comes back today - I hope he enjoys his Easter egg hunt! Boss is out today, the slacker. **FCD **has a meeting at 2:30, so I may beat him home. And that’s how it’ll go.

Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 55 Amurrkin and partly cloudy with a predicted high of 84 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. Rah. No remodel is happenin’ this week as the tiles ordered yestiddy won’t be here until Sattidy. No sense in startin’ on the bathrooms until all the materials are here. Makes sense to me. Burgers ‘n fries shall be supped upon due to an intense gnawin’ and cravin’ on my part.

OYKW and I have been together since 2005. That’s when we met even though we kinda knew each other already through mutual friends. We went from keepin’ it casual to decidin’ we found each other to be more of less tolerable. :smiley: If a hitch up does occur it will be very low key cause that’s just how we are about that stuff. I imagine it would be a civil ceremony followed in a couple of weeks by a blessin’ from the Priest and a reception afterwards. Cheese straws would be present since it is true a southern U.S. of A. marriage ain’t legal unless there are cheese straws at the reception.

{{{nightshadea}}} so sorry about kitty!

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Afterwards, onward into the day!

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Happy Toosday!

Toosday is my get to sleep in day so of course I’ve been awake since 5:30.

It’s a rainy 43 degrees outside, supposed to warm up to 57, so no snow.

Speaking of the evil white stuff - long range forecast says we could get 1-3" on Saturday. I am NOT amused!

Spring has arrived to Valencia just fine. It’s sunny, windy, with highs of 20º. The invasion which descended upon the area for Fallas and Easter has gone back home.

He’s been lying to us all this time?
nightshadea sorry about the cat.

Absolutely! Southern wedding are formal affairs.

You could go Commando; of course I would wear something brand new & appropriate, too. :cool: