[http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/sr=8-4/qid=1100735515/ref=sr_8_4/602-9415309-9133448?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B0002KPIBO]Anal Massage??
You save 10% and they have a pretty good return policy. That’s good.
I’m pretty happy they don’t have picture.
[http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/sr=8-4/qid=1100735515/ref=sr_8_4/602-9415309-9133448?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B0002KPIBO]Anal Massage??
You save 10% and they have a pretty good return policy. That’s good.
I’m pretty happy they don’t have picture.
URL was goofy.
Here you go.
What the hell is it supposed to be?
And then there’s the bargain-priced Uranus Massage !! Available NOW.
“Anal Massage for Relaxation and Pleasure by the New School of Erotic Touch”
I am without words.
Malarkey? Or effective way?
How to Good-Bye $35.96
And they’re offering some new and used! There isn’t an EEEWWWW big enough.
I read what was available on the Amazon link and still don’t get it.
Are you massaging with your fingers? Is it a tutorial on tossing salad? Is it technique on anal sex? WTF?
And why the hell would this be in Target next to Annie on the DVD shelf? :eek:
I’m almost ready to call, um, bullsh…heh, I said almost.
Sometimes there are questions you don’t want to know the answers to. Such as “Something is crawling on my leg. I wonder what it is?’”, or “I wonder what the Supreme Court Justices look like naked?” ([sarcasm]Thank you America: The Book for answering that question[/sarcasm]).
I think that this is one of those times.
Duffer I’m with you, I think it’s 98% bullsh… :dubious:
It’s disgusting to watch a used DVD about anal relaxation techniques? What, do you think people stick it in their bums or something? Sounds like you’re taking natural squeamishness to a rather silly level, to be honest.
Well, if I can get a certificate of hand washing…
It’s the massage part. While the case may not be stuck anywhere in particular, I’m fairly sure that various digits will be. Digits then used to return the DVD to it’s case. Judging by the number of people who don’t wash up after dropping a grogan in a public washroom while I’m standing there washing my hands, I shudder to think what they will do in the privacy of their own homes.
It’s the same reason why I don’t buy used porn. My body fliuds or my lovers? No prob. Random stranger? Not so much
Although, I hasten to add, I’m sure all cases are properly sanitized and perfectly healthy. The idea just gives me the jibblies.
Am I the only one who thought this would be something substantially different? I was thinking that Target was going to sell dildos or something, or maybe even open up little Anal Massage booths in the front of some stores.
Compared to those ideas, a simple DVD seems rather tame.
(Of course, this was after I realized that the title wasn’t Anal Message.)
Brilliant! I love it! “This is a special message recorded especially for your anus, to help it relax, thus helping you relax. Soothing ocean sounds play in the background as the soft, feminine voice gently coos to your nethers. Never fear another burrito! And your lover will thank you, too!”
I wanna know why you were searching for it in the first place.
The banner ad I got when I clicked on the link was for the Phillips Home Defibrillator. Handy for when you’ve had a bit too much anal massage.
And, I’m sorry, but there should be no such thing as a “student of anal eroticism”. That conjured up an image of someone with a notebook and a pencil scribbing furiously as the masseuse demonstrates her technique.
This might be handy for those of us who have to talk to uptight assholes all day…