The days are getting longer in the MMP

The bus ride sounds like a good solution for you nellie.

The meds for the tremors may be worth a go baker.

Hope the storm doesn’t do any damage for either of you nut or BooFae.

Glad you’re having a social life shoe. :wink:

Ouch sari. I hope that you’re not too sore.

flyboy, when I retained the title to my '88 S10, I was able to buy liability insurance. YMMV.

Welcome back magic! We’ve missed you. :slight_smile:

It was a !@#$ing Monday all !@#$ing day today. I came in to a broken printer that the weekend shift didn’t bother turning a ticket in for (and on-site IT doesn’t come in until 3 hours into my shift), they left a mess in other areas, then my monitor took a crap. When IT came for the printer, they replaced the monitor too. Once I got going, things went better, but there was a bit of reconfiguring for our new setup.

When I got home, the guy next door was out with Sully, his standard poodle. I let Nelson off leash for a bit of play time (Sully is ~2.5 times his size, but they play well together). Now, the little reddish dog is asleep in my lap.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Evening all. The rain began here around 1pm and it is still raining, not heavily but at a steady pace, so it’s rather wet out. Still managed to get out and got my Wake/Shake/Bake workout in (swam 600 yards and left a wake behind me), sat in the whirlpool for about 15 minutes (let the water jets shake me) and 20 minutes in the sauna (bake). Tomorrow I’ll mess around with some weights and ride the stationary pedaling machine. No Charles Atlas body change, but at least the bio-mass will be a little more durable.

Butters, hope the move goes well and the leg improves for you.

Flyboy, nothing to add on the Prius decision; you know your budget better than we. Hope the Jeep keeps in eccentricities at a low level.

Wizard, hope it can work out for your parents; I have a friend up in N.Hampshire who is heavy into Ham Radio, so I know folks who do it are very dedicated.

Sari, dogs is dogs. And sorry your bruised and sore. I’m sure the dogs were very concerned…

OW, that’s Naughty…and very clever.

talky, hope the girl isn’t hurt to badly, let us know. And that flower story could make a creepy movie sometime…

Taters, I sympathize, but I wonder if anybody is looking at the parents and why the girls need to scream all the time…

OK, the King of the Burgers provided dinner and it is quietly (for the present) digesting, so internettin’ and readin’ are planned for the next several hours. All y’all take care.

Howdy Y’all! Home from men’s night over to the church house. As usual a good time was had by all. We ate, we drank, we made merry, and of course, solved all the world’s problems but once again, can get no one to listen to us. One of the guys brought some banana puddin’ and pee-kahn praline flavored liquor. I had a shot of the pee-kahn praline and it tasted just like a praline but with a kick. One shot was quite enough. We also discussed plans for the annual St. Patrick’s dinner which we are responsible for. We have not had it in the past two years due to the plague, so I am excitated to get this goin’ again.

shoe good for you! I shall clutch my pearls and fall onto the faintin’ couch in celebration.

MOOOOOOM great pic of the spawn and grandspawn.

nuts perhaps it is because you can write in comprehensible, complete sentences, so the teacher knew it was you. Sorry about your exhaust pipe.

MIss-Owl < snerk >

Butters good look with the move. I know you’ll be glad to get into your new digs.

I watched early hockey. Made burgers for dinner, having a beer.



Good luck with the move, Butters. And that suck about the leg. :frowning:

My goodness! I’m late today, and there’s more than I can possibly respond to, even though I want to respond to it all.

My daughter’s usual Sunday call came with the news that they’re buying a house–their first! Two weeks ago, their landlady decided to put the house on the market and promised them generous compensation if they’d vacate 6 weeks before the lease is up. Daughter says her head is spinning, but their soon-to-be home looks very nice and should suit them well. I remember the excitement and trepidation of buying my first house. Sweet and scary! :slight_smile:

I got the taxes done. I still hate TurboTax. I had a simple question I asked on their “LIVE HELP” chat, but he bot claimed technical difficulties ( as it did on Saturday) and offered me some totally irrelevant articles. :frowning: Well, at least I don’t have to think about taxes for awhile. Still waiting to hear from the IRS on their 2019 SNAFU.

Tomorrow is the appointment at the ortho clinic. Wanna bet I get a PA? I’ve started a concise, bulleted Concerns list. So far, I have the following: *&$#%!

shoe, good for you! (Really…very good for you.) I won’t clutch pearls but will throw them in the air with a “Whoopee!” Ironically, a friend of mine is trying to break off an FWB with a clingy 23-year-old. She’s 62, unlike young you, and he clearly has dependency issues. She sure had fun while it lasted, though!

Wishing you a very smooth and easy move, butters.

Mom, dang, you have adorable grandkids! And your daughter is pretty cute, too.

OW, I’m with FCM. Give us an update, please!

magic, best of luck on the parental situation.

Nettie, I have a two former students in Ukraine, one US-born with a Ukrainian wife and 2 kids. They’re worried, so I’m worried. Putin is an evil, greedy, power-hungry megalomaniac. I don’t trust him an inch.

Soooo much more I want to respond to, but I’m trying to be more concise.

I once knew a girl whos mom was 49 and British and dad was 22 and American when she was born the story was apparently mom had a romance in college it ended badly and decided it wasn’t for her (there were reasons for that as we discovered later) well even though the moms family was minor nobility and she had money and she worked for fun pretty much (that and she swore she wasn’t going to be “an empty-headed tea party twit” like so many females in her circle)

Well the company she worked for had an office around here because they made aerospace parts which is where dad was pretty much a paid intern well apparently she had to ream out the local staff and no one but said intern would work with her … well after a few weeks the problem was fixed and mom and dad to go out and mom says “I introduced him to gin and good whiskey and he introduced me to tequila and vodka” and spent the night together …

The only catch was he was married and friend’s sisters were born 3 months after my friend … stepmom wasn’t impressed but apparently, a discussion was had and tho stepmom and daughter never got along really her sisters thought big sister and aunt Constance were the coolest because of the farm and such her family-owned and they didn’t know it at the time but big sis’s grandparents left a trust for all the kids …

Even funnier tho my friend had a daughter of her own who 5 now and since the rules changed shes going to inherit everything since no one else had offspring … last time we talked she was all " did you know in gonna be a princess (not quite but shell learn that on her own) and ill won all the cows and houses and everything like Elsa and jasmine …"

I laughed because she was soo wide-eyed about all of it I asked her … "you know you have to take care of the farm animals like a kitty and that’s a big job …whos gonna help out and she said with all the seriousness a 5-year-old can muster … well we can have servants like cinderella and snow-white and even the queen of here … I told mom she was gonna have her hands full … mom was like "yeah I’m noticing that

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Morning, mumpers! It’s still very windy out there today, we don’t seem to have suffered any structural damage at home but I had to haul the recycling bin out for collection today so that might be halfway down the street by the time I get back. Apparently the bin men decided on one route to lay all the bins down on the ground so they didn’t get blown around, much to the disgust of the residents who then had to pick their bins up again and wheel them to safety.

Moooom the next one’s going to be Gladys, and should be with us by the end of the week. Unless it’s Glady’s today and we’ll be moving on to H for…Hector, maybe?

shoe yay for the social life! I would clutch pearls and make use of a fainting couch but my mum always said the women in our family were made of sterner stuff :slight_smile:

Miss_Owl don’t disappear! We need to catch up on whatever we’ve missed from you!

Magic good to see you again too, hope the lighter days are cheering you up.

nut sorry to hear about bits falling off your car. I remember losing the exhaust from my very first car (a Mini), it fell off as I was reversing out of our drive onto a main road. Not the greatest experience, but at least they’re easy enough to get fixed.

One of our mogs is not well, Shadow’s been off his food for a bit and therefore off the cystitis meds that I give him sprinkled over some fish. I managed to tempt him to eat some tuna from a freshly-opened can yesterday but he wasn’t interested in anything this morning. He’s drinking and using the litter tray so that doesn’t seem to be the cause of the problem. 'im indoors has been tasked with keeping an eye on the cat, and says he’s doing something odd with one of his front legs, and he keeps picking up bits of food and dropping them again. I’ve told him to phone the vet for an appointment, and that he will need to go in with the cat so he can tell them what he’s seen because I haven’t seen any of it myself. He seems curiously reluctant to do anything at all…which annoys me greatly.

Many eons ago, we had a VW Jetta. One day, FCD was backing out of his parking space at work, and suddenly, there were ball bearings everywhere! One of the CV joints self-destructed - thankfully it didn’t happen when he was on the highway. The car had a lot of miles on it, plus a few other issues, so we just sold it for scrap and moved on. Good times!! :wink:

Today and tomorrow are supposed to be almost spring-like. My daughter is giving me one of their strollers so I can take Toby outside - actually, he’ll just sit there while I rake for a while, assuming it warms before I have to take him home. So that’s a tentative plan. Beyond that, I got nothing. Altho after I return him to his mom, I need to run into CVS for my BP meds - luckily, it’s on my way home.

Thus begins the day. Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 56 Amurrkin out and mostly clear with a predicted high of 84 and N.O.S. We are apparently havin’ Spring although Winter could yet make an appearance again. Weather be weird. The guy doin’ some repair work on the garage and who is goin’ to rebuild the ramps to the storage buildin’ will be here mid afternoon(ish) to start on stuff. If the weather cooperates he may get it all done this week. He’s doin’ this after he gets off his regular irk, so it gets done when it gets done I reckon. Other than that not much else doin’. I shall make a Sam’s run this mornin’ as there are needed items such as tp and paper towels. Sup shall be tacos 'n fixin’s with refried beans. Fartfest to follow.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas and bother, I suppose I must purtify and don appropriate clothin’ for bein’ amongst the public. Woe is me.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

So much for doing anything outside today - we’re promised rain on and off. ick. Looks like it’s indoors again.

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 30 degrees and breezy. The expected high is 38 and snow fell further north and east of me. It’s dryish here and there isn’t any snow.

I called out today for a variety of reasons, but the main one was that I had only gotten about an hour of sleep when my alarm went off. I emailed both my boss and the leadership team that I would be out today.

Additionally, I have a tech coming forming Xfinity because the signal to my house is weak. They’re sending out a tech to investigate at no charge to me. They called me, which surprised me. I’d noted for quite some time that certain channels would act up and every so often, my cable signal would just plain shut down. I’d reset the box, but the signal always showed as weak when I’d run the diagnostic. I was going to reach out to them, but recently things had gotten slightly better, so I just forgot about it. Anyway, long story short, the cable guy is coming to check wires sometime between 1:00 and 3:00 and someone over 18 must be available to them. I guess I qualify for the over 18 part.

I’ll use the morning to relax, shower, and move stuff in the garage so he can get to the box with the wires. I tend to think the problem is outside somewhere because I’ve checked those wires and all the connections in the house and they’re all tight. However, I’m certainly no expert.

boofae, I hope kitty is alright.

nellie, I hope your appointment goes well today and that you get both answers and something that will knock the pain out. Also, very exciting news about your daughter. I remember the excitement of buying both my houses. I had so many plans and I executed many of them at the first house; vegetable garden, flower gardens, new and unusual plants, painting, and the list goes on.

I hope the move goes smoothly, butters!

If I had my way, when I moved everything but my art, photos, trinkets the kids gave me, jewelry, some clothes, and computers would go into a dumpster and I’d just start anew. Maybe some of my nicer porcelain enameled cast iron would come along and the RC airplane my dad built too. It’s one of the few remembrances I have of him. I’d also pay someone to empty my house. This DITY move shit is for the bird and I’m too old for that crap now. I have moved four times; two different apartments and two houses. Plus, I’ve helped numerous friends and family move. All of those moves entailed using pick-up trucks or renting Uhauls and carrying stuff in and out. I’m over that crap. The most recent move was helping my daughter and son-in-law move into their current house around four or five years ago. Both the old house and the new house were multi-story houses and on steep hills. Not fun; at all. But the kids were grateful and we were happy to help them. Now they’re looking to move again, but will be hiring pros.

I was woken up by a hail storm. That sh1t is really loud! Ursala Kitteh kinda freaked out and came on the bed. After brekkie she went into her paper bag until just now. I am technically irking from home but with retirement so close I simply no longer care. I’m delegating stuff to the new librarian. I believe I will go ride my horse this afternoon.

Morning all. Slept in today, nothing much on the schedule except the daily gym visit.

Sometimes I think we forget just how easy computers have made things; I sent in a credit card payment and moved moved from my savings to checking this morning in about 4 minutes, without having to do more than press a few buttons. Will stop by the bank later this week for some cash (still haven’t completely converted to the cashless society) as it cost $79 to fill the gas tank last evening.

Taters, I presume the cable guy’s name is not Larry…of course he would git’er-done if he was…

Swampy, it’s heading to 70F hear in N. Ali-bama, but more rain is expected tonight and it’ll cool back down to the 50’s tomorrow.

boo fae, some extra scritches for shadow; hope 'Im follows through.

shady, you have lived in interesting times…

nellie, good wishes on the ortho visit. Sit on them if you have too, but get results!

OK, pills have been in the system for over an hours, so off to break fast. All y’all take care.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I talked with my sister last night. When I was in Raleigh over Christmas, she, my brother, and I went to lunch to discuss the situation. She and I were nervous that my brother would be out on his ear, if our parents moved out. He assured us that he understood our concerns and would be okay. I also sat down with Mother, and told that I would come out again in spring, so that we all could discuss the future. I think she was afraid of an ambush and a dictating of terms as she and her brother had to do when their father was in the grips of Alzheimer’s. I assured that no, it’s just that we (the kids) only have an idea of what you all want, and we all need to get on the same page to make whatever you all want happen. I guess that got her thinking.

Anyway, I asked my sister when would be a good time to fly out. She told me to hold off until they start faffing about again. Apparently, I’m the heavy now.

Welp, trash just came, and I had better pull the bin around before the rain starts in earnest.

6 students Period 1, 5 students Period 2. Senior Ditch Day is in full swing, despite the weather. You people need to get on the ball and keep me entertained today, because I’m sure not getting any teaching done.

It’s drizzly here in western Mitten State, and I have accomplished … exactly jack nothing today so far.

Okay, I put butter that was sitting out back into the fridge. Which made me want more fresh bread. But, yanno, rainy, blah.

Eventually I need to get sheveled for Gentleman Caller and his return visit. This is probably where we figure out if it was just a one-off (“been too long”) or if this might turn out to be a FWB thing.

{{ here are some more pearls for y’all to clutch }}

Interestingly, he seems fascinated by listening to me yammer about, well, mundane pointless stuff.
I got anxious, asked why, and he said he just likes hearing my accent.

Y’all, Michigander ppl are just waiting to melt for some Southern warmth & charm.

Also: y’all. So much y’all.

If we (erm, I) decide this is a thing, imma have to come up with a cutesy nickname for here. I’ve already got Inappropriate Crushy-Poo but this one is appropriate, but hardly a crush.

In other news, I’m due for a car wash (don’t wanna let that salt :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: up my car) but I’m hoping Mama Nature and the rain today can take care of it for me.

In other OTHER news, InCrPoo returns to work this week, and it looks like we’ve got two shifts together later.
There will be flirting. And much batting of eyelashes.
At least, on my side.
He’ll just be oblivious (and cute) and then we’ll go on with life.

Rain is easing up. Maybe I’ll go to the Gettin’ Sto’ after all & fetch that crusty bread.

We were once riding home well after dark on Hubs old shovel-head (old Harley) when the exhaust pipes fell off. It was good no police were around to see his flame throwing motorcycle.

How many days left? What are you going to do the first week of retirement?

I’ve been keeping up with all y’alls goings on, haven’t posted because I didn’t have anything that motivated me to do so.

One of hub’s friend’s cats was living in our catio while waiting for a place at a rescue shelter. It wasn’t the best option for her, but it was all we could do. She went to Miss Kitty’s Kat House in Prescott yesterday so GG can go outside again. He’s loving it, it’s cold out there. Probably not cold for most of you, its 38F now, but cold for a desert cat. VBC is loving it too because now she gets to take mostly undisturbed naps.

GG still wants to nap with her though. He’s patiently waiting for her to finish her toilet.


And then got distracted by the ceiling fan. Again: Wow, Mom, is that a ceiling fan? How long has that been there?"


I’m finally far enough along to start the border on my piece and holy cow, the designer was amazing. There is still a bunch of bead work to do, I need to get that done before the seminar, seed beads are too scattery to take places with me.


I just heard that stoopidly cheerful dryer tone that indicates its time for me to get off my butt and do stuff so off I reluctantly go.

I hope your kitty is ok, boofae.

taters I hope the day brings better cable and some much deserved rest. :slight_smile:

wet one Does Ursala have just one paper bag or does she rotate? There’s something very cute about cats in bags.

quietly Ditch Day? I (vaguely) remember that. I’ve been meaning to ask you about your avatar. Is that an umbrella?

shoe may I suggest FWB?

We currently have scattered rain here, and actual snow in the Sierras. Phew!

In other random news, I have a pair of pigeons nesting on my roof, and a pair of phoebes nesting on my porch. It makes me happy to see the wildlife coming back to the area.

I might cook pork roast tonight. We’ll see how it goes.

The Monster In the Darkness

One of my favorite characters in The Order of the Stick webcomic. It’s an Umbrella of Magical Darkness.