The I'm up early MMP!

It’s a bee with an itch.

It’s grey and drizzly and misty and I’m glad Bob the Wonder Pony has his winter outerwear on. I concern myself more with him than with me. Today’s lunch is a ham sammich and carrots. I’m trying a) not to buy lunch in the cafeteria and b) I made a deal with myself to lose a pound this week. Yoga after work. I love me some yoga.

I’ve been spending too much $$$$ at the gift shoppe on Christmas presents. I better get good stuff in return!


That is all


Guess I should get laundry started now that it’s only me and the kid here.

Pizza for later as I just had breakfast and am not hungry and the kid just woke up so he isn’t hungry yet. I still haven’t gone to the grocery store, I need to get my lazy ass moving. Mostly today I am going through paper work, I think I need to buy a few notebooks to keep everything in. All my envelopes are starting to fall apart

Ok, so far today I have dealt with situations in the southeast forty, east forty, and now here at the orifice aka the central forty. TVCTPMO is irkin’ overtime today.

The one locally is almost unbelievable. If’n I didn’t know the person involved as well as I do I wouldn’t believe it. However, I do know her and it’s oh so totally believable. Sigh. Upshot is she’s actin’ up at her trainin’ site to the point I’ve been asked to remove her from there. Not a good thing. Not the first time that request has been made concernin’ her either. I have removed her from two other sites and thought this one would work out, which it did for a while, but, alas, no more. It ‘s all the same old goofin’ off, not doin’ what she’s supposed to do, showin’ up late or not at all routine. I foresee a thirty day leave of absence followed by an exit due to there bein’ no trainin’ site available for her. I can do that. It’s allowable in policy. Heck, with her history (all duly noted in writin’) it’s probably the right move to make. She’ll bitch, whine, moan, and complain to everybody but with documentation on my side, it won’t do much good.

Ok, I got that out of my system now. Just had to write that out to clear my haid.

What? That’s what the MMP is for!

Howdy! I think my inner child is rebelling against Monday morning posting. I dunno.

Here’s what happened in my town last night. Da bears here aren’t very neighborly…not like Georgia bears. My daughter lives very near this development and has also seen bears in her front yard. Scary stuff!

You all must see what a brain child Foo Foo Dog is here. She learned all three commands in a very brief time. I’m such a proud mama! :slight_smile:

I has a :frowning:
One of my profs passed away last night after a loooong battle with cancer

Howdy from da cave! Irk is over for the day at last. Got a pot roast with little carrots and N.O.T. for dindin along with baby lima beans and rolls. YUM! Got the roast, carrots and N.O.T. warmin’ up now. In a bit I shall cook up beans and rolls. Won’t take long. I foresee an early dindin cause I’s hongree and so is OYKW.

{{{Rosie}}} so sad about your prof.

Puggy smart dawg! She’s trained you well on how to obtain treats from the human. :smiley:

'Tis drizzly and dreary out but the temp is 72 Amurrkin so there’s that, at least. High 70’s tomorrow allegedly. We shall see.

I have a hurty tooth.

I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Yay I guess. More painkiller time before bed or I won’t be able to sleep, tho.

Sorry about your prof, Rosie.

When I had that last tooth forcibly removed from my head, I suddenly discovered the existence of clove oil, something nobody had ever told me about in twenty years’ worth of toothaches. I think it’s made of unicorn blood and phoenix tears, because it was AMAZING. If you can find some (I found it in a generic toothache kit at the pharmacy), it will at least help you long enough to get to sleep.

Seriously. I don’t know how I never heard of it before.

Just drinking some green tea. Had a nice day today.

Early dindin has been et and kitchen is clean. The good news is, leftovers for tomorrow’s dindin. No cookin’ for da bear. YAY!!! The bad news is OYKW had to eat and run due to a ton o’ paperirk he has to deal with tonight. BOO!!!

Sorry for the hurty tooth Nava. Here’s hopin’ it’s better soonest.

JimmyCrest I’m drinkin’ green iced tea. It’s like we’re twins! :smiley:

Whew! Another crazy day… Very busy at work, but productive busy, so that’s good. And I tried the recumbent bike at the gym - a shin-splint free workout. Then we dropped the car off to get a trailer hitch installed tomorrow. Just finished a supper of shrimp, twice-baked N.OT.s and succotash. This is my first chance to sit and chill.

I need to check out my kiln - I should unload it and start my inventory sheets. I’ve also got to load the dishwasher - **FCD **rinsed them all, but he can’t load as much in the machine as I can. All those games of Tetris paid off! :smiley:

Hoping tomorrow we’ll meet up with my former team leader for supper - we shall see. Tonight is just for chilling and knitting. And early bed, I hope…

**sari **- I’ve been using one of those pill thingies for ages - it’s wonderful!! Mine will hold 14 days of meds, and I need to get one more so I can load 4 weeks’ worth for my cruise.

No chocolate in the house, dammit! Happy Tuesday, anyway!

Worked, came home. Hockey on TV.

My dream: I met hockey Lady in a parking lot and we exchanged fluids(Her car needed antifreeze, and I needed oil. :dubious:)


Puggy, so Maddie trained you to feed her treats on demand? Good human!

Kiln is unloaded - not all good news. :frowning: But I do have penguins, so there’s that. I’m gonna go veg and knit.

'Tis rainy out which makes me sleepy. I may shortly go lie upon the bed and watch teevee until sleepy time. It’d be so good to fall asleep to the sound of rain!

I just watched “Sharknado”, while I do not feel enriched, I do have some new “Ideas”.

SWAMPY are you asleep?

Cool, he can’t hear us.

Given the new things I have learned about SHARK biology from the above film, I think we can take a new approach to planting a SHARK in Swampy’s ceement pond.

Damn it, Spidey has not been around in a while and I need a balloon and pilot.

::scheme scheme::

Back with another idea soon.


I’m in!

Well, not the PILOT thing…

For Crying Out Loud, just attach PJC pictures to all your posts.
This one looks menacing enough.

Dun dun…dun dun…dun dun dun dun DUN!

not like that! :eek:

We Fight Ignorance here, Oh Cute One.
Pray, enlighten me, though I am unworthy.
