The last MMP of 2018

Howdy Y’all! We ate. We drank. Bday boy got some presents. We feasted. We talked. We laughed. Company went away (as good to see them, both comin’ and goin’) and I got the kitchen all cleanded up. OYKW is havin’ a lie down as he got slightly tipsy, which is OK for the one bein’ celebrated to do. Now all is quiet. Also warm. 78 Amurrkin out. I have ceilin’ fans goin’ in da cave and whilst company was present the a/c got turned on. Bodies do tend to warm a place up. All in all a good time was had but glad it’s over.

Oof. Essay first draft finally done.

This is the first one I’ve really had to write where the issue wasn’t ‘writing 2000 words’ it was ‘whittling down around 5 books worth of information into 2000 words’.

I had to cut out all the most fun bits, like the utterly insane historical malaria cures- application of split pickled herrings to the feet? Why not! The embrace of a bald-headed Brahmin widow at dawn? But of course! (And no, I’m really not making that one up). Swallowing a live long-legged house spider? Uhh… You know what, I’m good with the malaria, thanks.

Now I can start on the other bit of coursework I have to finish in the next few weeks. Ehhh…

First, bed.

Oh, wait; first do the washing up, then bed.

insert a string of epitaphs here -------- I got to Da Jungle just to find out that at 3pm they decided to run the first sort long and cancel ours. Which means we get cheated out of our “scheduled to work the holiday” pay. Which means we get cheated out of our guarantee pay because of how they entered it. Which means instead of going to a really good party I wasted my time and gas for less than nothing. They could have split the volume between the two shifts giving us each basically 3 hours and done a “lack of work” but noooooooo – that would make sense. I love the company; really. But the two assholes running our site now couldn’t manage a bowel movement with a box of ExLax. :smack:

And people wonder why I shop WalMart. :smack:

I think walmart is not much better.
At least da jungle doesn’t lock you in overnight.

My son took the dishwasher apart and cleaned the filters. I think he did that because he doesn’t want to have to clean the intake filter, and he hopes this will work.
I think he is still going to have to clean the intake filter.

I think I’ll have a taco for dinner. I didn’t take anything out for me and I don’t feel like cooking anyway. Ot I could make myself some eggs.

They aren’t any better but at least I don’t work for them. The way it is now ordering from us is like splitting the wood being used to roast me at the stake. :wink:

My company is gone now and it’s just Nelson and me. I’m hitting the hay around the normal time that I do when working the next day, even though I have the day off for a doctor appointment.

Took a nap and am eating a bowl of mac-n-cheese. That sums up my accomplishments for the day (oh, I did move my 2018 records from the file box to the file cabinet, which took all of 2 minutes).

Ruble, I am always amazed at the idiots that end up in charge. Then again, I worked for the Government, so maybe not so much…

Nut, if it’s between spiders and death…I’d have to think about it.

Butters, after my dad retired was the hardest time Mom had, because he was underfoot all the time. Not like your story, but couples need their own time now and then.

Rabbit, rabbit! (Does anyone else do that?)

Fireworks ran around here from 8 pm(?!) to about 1 am. Fortunately, the dogs didn’t seem to care. I’m pretty sure at least some of the bangs were the idiots who like to fire guns in the air to celebrate. :smack:

Today was pretty low key. I took the puppeh on a play date, and managed to make a pot of coffee. Also paid some bills. Go me!

Nap was had and if someone had not turned on lights and made noise I would still be sleeping but I have loaded the dishwasher and completed a round of laundry. The last load is in the washer.

I still need to arise extra early so I can get to irk extra early since it is EOM/FOM…stuff like inventory which must be completed before any sales for the day. Normally I would have done it already but nothing has been normal due to holidays.

Ruble that sucks. Now I shall punish the jungle and not shop there for a while. Speaking of shopping we ordered a new living room set so we can both sit at the same time. I scheduled the delivery for the 15th since hubs is gonna be away. I want him here when it comes. It is leather but not top of the line due to cat scratching. But it will be nice for a few days. Beats nothing which is what we have now. Even mid range furniture is high priced. Enough money has been spent here lately.

I already do not want to go back to irk but irk I must.

Some silly tradition says I maybe ought to cook greens (or black-eyed peas) and cornbread on New Year’s Day, so I did. Seasoned the mixed turnip and collard greens with a ham slice, red pepper flakes, garlic, black pepper, and a sliced leek. Made “crackling” corn bread.

Best meal I’ve cooked all “this” year.


Fireworks shows being a dime a dozen here, we blew off the midnight show and went to bed early. But as we keep our windows open at night and are only a couple of blocks from the beach, the fireworks woke us up. Oddly, they also woke us up an hour before at 11pm. What, were they celebrating, New Year’s in Alaska?

7:45pm and 77 degrees now.

Happy New Year to all!

were suffering through the coldest time of the year…and theres a storm coming from the east that wont make it snow…just cold as hell this week……. (the same storm that’s making it snow in west texas nm and some of mex)
theres gonna be icicles on the Joshua trees…….

Folks, if you pray, please send a couple for my mom.

I’m just back from the hospital. She fell late last night and broke her hip. At eighty-six this is not a good thing, and later this morning she will have surgery.

I’m worried as all get out. Something like this could take her on out… Just now I’m going to try and get two or three hours of sleep, then I should be hearing about the surgery schedule

Thank God for Lifeline, she had it on and help was summoned.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work.

I had my black eyed peas and collards yesterday, so I’m set.

Prayers and {{{{{Baker}}}}

{{{Baker & Mom}}} - I hope the surgery is easy, uneventful, and successful.

Looks like I should have come in on Moanday - lots of stuff on my desk. On the other hand, I can probably clear it up in no time. Onward!

Happy Wednesday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN Actually I woke around five-thirty, peed, and then went back to bed for a while. ‘Tis 66 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 72 and cloudy for the day. The rain TWPTB keep threatenin’ us with is supposed to move in tonight and over the next three days. We shall see. Today is OYKW’s bday official. We shall N.O.L. at Cheddar’s, his choice. He has his small ice cream cake as well. The big one got et up yestiddy, as was the plan. Sloth is on the agenda as tomorrow he goes back to irk after two weeks off, poor thing.
Nuts you made me think of this. Consider this your daily earworm. :smiley:

{{{CupCakes and Mom y’all are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m glad she had lifeline and was able to get help quickly.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy demands sustenance. Then, I suppose purtification and the donnin’ of goin’ about the public attire must commence. The things I must endure!

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Birthday OYKW!

It’s going to be a grumpy day.
Not enough sleep and miserable weather.
It’s 39 degrees and cloudy. Not going to get much better than that.

I’m ready to knock the crap out of two critters.
I should have gotten up earlier and taken Ripple to daycare, then I’d only have to knock the crap out of one critter. They both know I am pissed at them, neither of them care. They both have a whatever, you’ll get over it attitude.

I hope your mom is okay, Cupcakes.

Awake and generally adulting and watching some of Night Gallery Season Two. Curious to see when I get to work today if we actually work today. :slight_smile:

I’ve learned here that I just can’t disappear from the mumper thread for this long… there’s waaayyy to much to catch up on!

So we’ve had a fairly uneventful New Year thus far. Got a bunch of snow on New Year’s Eve, so it was beautiful to wake up to on New Year’s Day. A clean, white, fresh slate. But the drunks that were out on New Year’s Eve had a real fun time getting home.

But now I’m back to work for the Mondayest Wednesday ever.

Morning all. Did some early morning shopping since rain is in the forecast for most of the day. 47F outside and thinck cloud cover. Bleh.

{{{{{Baker and Baker’s Mom}}}}}. I’m 20 years younger than she is, but falls are what I fear most. Hope everything goes well for her.

Sari, they know that they have you trained…

Need to bathe myself and procure sustenance.