The New Guy MMP

It’s officially monday so I’m starting us off this week.

What did you think of the SDMB when you first found it? What made you stick around? I’ll answer when I get up in the morning

It’s Monday and I have a bad case of the Donwannas. But it’s my last week in this project, so that’s that.

I found the Dope via a link to a Threadspot. So far they haven’t kicked me out yet.

Thanks for starting us, rio!!

I had never heard of a message board before I found the Dope. And I only found the site because I used to read Cecil’s column in Folio Weekly in Jacksonville, and I wanted to see if they had an on-line presence. They did, I joined, and I’ve been here since Aug of 2000.

There was so much to read and so many laughs, I knew I’d like it here. And I have.

Good morning! **FCD **has an appointment today, so I came to work alone. Since my daughter is using my car (hers should be ready for pick up this afternoon) I got to drive the truck in today. It’s a big-ass full-size pickup with an 8’ bed - a bit different from my little Scion. But it got me here, so there’s that.

Today promises to be just another day - drawings to fix and emails to answer. Amazingly, I slept thru the night last night, so I’m awake and functional… so far.

Happy Monday!

Sigh. I want to be one of the cool kids. So if a newbie can start the MMP, I figger it’s OK for me to jump in.

It was the “broken lightbulb/potato” thread that sucked me in. The first question I asked, however, never did receive a definitive answer.

Now I have to go and get packed and saddled up for my bike commute. It’s 21 here. Debating whether or not I need my winter shoe covers.


I read the SD page for quite a while before I waded into the message boards. I don’t remember how I found the SD, but it was around the same time I was a big fan of News Of The Weird.

It’s always OK to jump in here. The MMP is just an on-going attempt to out-MPSIMS the entire MPSIMS forum! And you seem to possess a necessary trait to be one with the MMP - you are apparently insane. Biking in 21°?!?!? Your real debate should be whether to crawl back into bed or camp on the couch with a warm blankie, some hot chocolate, and the remote!

Hmmmmm - I shall call you **freebie **- you now have a MMP nickname! :smiley:

Oh, and you can get all kinds of answers here. They may not be particularly helpful or pertinent, but they will be answer… of a sort…

Welcome! :smiley:

The very first thread I read made me laugh so much I had to stay. :slight_smile: It was a thread about someone having a mystery trip through work and getting clues and everyone trying to guess what the trip might be. Then there was the thread that made me join…

Good morning everyone. Today has the potential to be really crappy. Yay me!

Hope everyone else’s days are happy!

It’s been so long and I have a short memory. But I believe it was because we had AOL at the time and I stumbled upon it there.

Welcome,** freebie**! Enjoy your chilly morning commute. You’re a braver woman than I am.

Today I’m going to take it kind of easy. My knee is very cranky so I’m just going to go do a little bit of walking in the water, if any exercise at all. I might just take the whole day off and work on the mountains of homework that I have.

My first SDMB thread was about things I (and other Baby Boomers) grew up with to which Gen-Y and younger folk have no connection or frame of reference. After that I played around in the other threads until I found the MMP and except for the Death Pool and Baker’s Dozen, here I’ve stayed.

Welcome! I declare your nickname shall be freebie.:D:D

Welcome freebie. I am realitivly new myself to both the dope and the MMP. I got a link from Etiquette Hell on a thread about a dog and a dear head in the BBQ Pit. I laughed so hard I cried. Then I started lurking. I finally got enough courage to post in the MMP, and they have been super nice here, but haven’t had much courage elsewhere. I am not an expert in anything so don’t really have much to add, but I enjoy reading about other people’s trials and tribulations, so there you have it.

Nothing exciting this week except waiting for March 1st. Sequestration = BOO!

I read the Straight Dope in the local papers for years, so the 1st thing I did when I got the Internet was sign up for the SDMB.

Up, caffeinaed, off to irk.

Welcome freebie!

I got sucked in by the Evil Nazi Groundhog thread. Truly a classic, much like “The Horror of Blimps” which, as you will notice, was also started by Scylla.

Today I do laundry. I also must do some shopping for things. Yaaaaaaay.

I liked the SDMB. I lurked for many years before posting, mostly in GQ.

It’s cold in the office - I think it’s time for a little hot chocolate. A warm muffin would be nice, too, but that ain’t gonna happen. Oh cruel cruel fates!!!

I already said that! Stop it! Nobody like a copycat!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


I still have the squid from last week if someone can find that goat we can introduce ** Freebie ** to the MMP properly:eek::smiley:

Yeah, nobody like a copycat!!!

(hee hee)

I’d never heard of a message board before coming here either. Jarbaby introduced herself on another site and invited me over. That site discussed WalMart receipts. Yes, you actually read that correctly.

Here’s a rosemary flower to get your day started right. Hopefully it’ll get a meal started right for me too before too long.

The message board I used to frequent on a daily basis has just about dried up in the last 2 years, due to the band who runs it not putting out any new material in 5 years :frowning: SO I was looking for a new board home and found the SDMB. I started reading the SD after becoming active on the boards.

As for the MMP, it just happened. I saw it on the new threads page once and jumped right on in. Fate perhaps? :wink: