The Walking Dead; 4.03 "Isolation" (open spoilers)

An epidemic is brewing, somebody burned those bodies (& possibly euthanized them), Rick seems to be getting back to his hold self. And maybe, just maybe they’ll decided to start locking their doors at night.

Just watching the rerun of last Sunday’s episode, and Cooper’s on the bed with me (my dog), the scene with the screaming baby was just aired, and Cooper was doing everything to get AWAY from that horrible noise, he shoved his head under the bedcovers and tried to crawl completely under the bedcovers

He has impeccable taste, screaming brats ARE intensely annoying…

The moans of the walkers don’t bother him, heck, the screams of the piglets getting cut didn’t phase him, gunfire doesn’t phase him, people getting eaten by zombies doesn’t phase him, but that screaming baby made him want to hide as far away as possible

Toldja he was a smart dog…
…also, given his past history, this behavior makes perfect sense, his original family had a 3 year old that would not leave him alone and was constantly tormenting him, probably screaming in his ears, pulling his fur, stuff like that…

A dog that hates babies, another reason I love this dog, we see eye to eye on this, a screaming baby is one of the most annoying sounds in the universe

I just hope the new episode keeps the screaming brattiness to a minimum, or poor Cooper may never come out from under the covers…

Okay, will our Motley Crew get a clue and somehow reinforce the fence, or perhaps set out an outer ring of passive defenses or will they eventually end up with a “hull breach”

I’m also going to introduce a “Cooper Rating” in my posts, if something rouses Cooper from his dozing, I’ll put it in my post (in his words)…

How does Herschel figure Carl doesn’t need to kill the walker with the leg-trap on her leg? And how does Carl listen to him - Carl of all people knows the the walker you don’t kill today comes back to bite you tomorrow.

At the very least, spike the leg trap walker and moss-walker, they may not be worth wasting a bullet on, especially considering they must be running low on ammo, but they still should be put down, leaving a walker active is tactically unsound

Well, that answered a question I had earlier. We got to see a herd again. I wonder how far it is from the prison.

So Carol is the murder (& rather blasé about it) and I guess the Indian guy is Dr S and not Dr Stevens from Woodbury (I’m guessing the character died off-screen because they couldn’t get the actress). Is anybody in the prison somebody we saw in Woodbury last season?

Carol - why you do this? If they died and turned, you could have just staked them. Why dragging them out and burning them?

First - I called Carol.

Second, she killed them because she thought she could stop the epidemic that way. Not strong logic to think they were the only two infected, but Carol has become a woman of action.

That’s some good policing Rick. Also, wtf haven’t this people heard of covering their fucking mouths when they cough?

His full name is Sanjaygupta.
Anyway, these people are idiots. If you’re going to take a product-placement fee from Dodge, at least get something with four-wheel-drive.

Has she gone all Mother Bear - she has to protect her cubs?

Another disappointing episode with a single zombie fight, not counting the obviously stupid bicycle lure that had no hope of success.

I have an idea build a giant size version of the drinking water bird desk accessory, that would be an improvement. Or the newton balls. Or, like AE, show reruns of the walking dead.

Also, how can they possibly hope that the hole in the fence is secure?

I thought they didn’t want to draw any attention in case other walkers were close by.

So are all the infected just hanging out together? Or are they locked in individual cells? There must be a lot of them since there appears to be less than a dozen people left to keep things running. It doesn’t seem there would be enough cells if they are in the Death Row section.

Another tedious talky soap opera episode, meh…

Good ideas;
Setting up a “crybaby” type zombie lure
Using native plants for medicinal purposes
Sending an “away team” to scout for Meds in places that may have been overlooked

Bad ideas;
Setting up the “crybaby” lure INSIDE the prison fence, I thought the object was to lure the zombies away from the fence, not spread them out
Not spiking straggler walkers while gathering plants for traditional Meds
Putting the three strongest fighters (two and a half if you count Tyrese’s pacifist tendencies) on the away team, reducing defensive capability at the prison, lets hope none of the away team are wearing red shirts
Not locking down the patients in “sickbay”
Now that Herschel is likely infected with Captain Trips, I would hope they’re not stupid enough to let him back into the general public, at least not without passing quarantine, Mr. Flibble would be very cross if they don’t quarantine him

Oh, and Cooper slept through the entire episode, it utterly bored him

Carol is not the killer. She is speaking in some figurative sense and believes she killed them through some failure that indirectly led to their deaths. I still think it’s the “messed up” girl. She took a knife into the quarantined area and was clearly faking her cough.

She is going to kill again, then my bet is that she gets zombified so the show’s writers can avoid having to deal with the question they introduced about how you punish a child killer during a zombie apocalypse.

Carol could be covering for the girl, but that wouldn’t make any sense and it would be terrible writing since Carol put the girl in with all the vulnerable sick people.

(Maybe I’m wrong. I’m going purely by what I saw on the show. I don’t do any podcasts or Talking Dead and one of those could reinforce that Carol was speaking literally when admitting to being the killer.)

I’m with theR. Aside from the other things mentioned, as far as I could tell, Rick was gauging the height of the bloody handprint on the door.

I think we the audience may have gauged the height, but the writers were trying to show him gauging the size of the handprint, which is why he asked Carol if she did it. Rick was supposed to have noticed the handprint was too small to be a man. I guess it’s also possible that Rick knows Carol is lying or not speaking literally because the handprint is too small even for Carol.

I think the height would be a poor indicator in the real world since someone dragging a body would be stooped, assuming the person grabbed the door while actually still holding onto the body.

We saw Rick look at some blood on the edge of the door which leads to the area where the burned bodies were discovered. He put his own hand up to the blood stain. After this, he asked Carol if she was the killer. Are we to imply that his noticing the blood led him to thinking Carol was the culprit? Is so, how so?

Regarding the two burned corpses, I just assumed they dragged themselves out there and killed each other. Which side of the door jamb was the blood on when Rick looked at it? If it was on the outside, they pulled themselves out, if it was on the inside they were fighting. Also, they were holding hands when they died, not exactly signs of a struggle (or being zombies).

Also, who thought it was a good idea to take the bike apart and pedal it with your hands to turn the crank on the water pump? How about leave it right side up with the seat on? Then you can still sit next to it and use your hands if you want to or you can sit on top of it and pedal it like a bike and not get tired…and keep your running muscles in good shape now that I think about it.
But, as I’ve always said, you really can’t try to think to hard with this show, it’s always been full of plot holes. If you like it, you’re better off just sitting back and enjoying it. Almost treating it like a sitcom.