Things you're expected to know/do, but don't...

The actual title of the major was “Graphic Communications.” We students just called it printing. I received a B.S degree. I learned how to read upside down and backward by hand composing metal type back in 1971 and '72. I can still do it.

Why would you pay for satellite TV service if you never use it?

I’m a gearhead/motorhead who loves to see the crestfallen looks of those who assume I’m a NASCAR fan when I’m not…At. All. Motor good. Sports bad.

Those who know I have an interest in classic/muscle cars almost always use the buying/selling/What-it’s worth angle as a conversational ice-breaker. Fail. If they want to talk about history, engineering, experiences working on/driving them, quarter mile times etc…I’m all in. I don’t give a fiddler’s f*ck of how much this or that car went for on Barrett-Jackson, Mechum or any other televised banality of auctions as a spectator sport. I don’t care what what my or anybody else’s car is worth. I hope the prices free-fall so as to make the hobby more accessible, and for the moneyed poseurs to lose their shirts.

I do not know how to drive, I have never driver or had a driver’s license.

People’s jaws fall open then they hear that.

Which people were surprised: the people you lived near in Colorado, or people who learn you lived in Colorado? I’ve lived in New Hampshire most of my life, and no one around here expects everyone to ski despite there being places to ski all over the place. I don’t ski, and no one’s ever surprised. Though maybe I’d get asked about that if I were to move to say, South Carolina.

I was going to the University of Colorado in Boulder. The people who were surprised wouldn’t have been native Coloradans (of which I didn’t know very many). They would include people I knew back in New York, plus other students or residents of Boulder who had moved there from elsewhere, many of them specifically because they liked skiing. They just assumed other non-natives had moved there for the same reason.

I concur. I have the my 19" TV on whenever I’m home, but it’s primarily for background noise and emergency alerts. When I ‘watch TV’, it’s on my 55" and something from my video collection (99% of which is Asian movies and TV shows). If it’s network TV, Shark Tank, Law and Order SVU or Big Bang Theory, it’s On Demand and 80% web surfing, 20% glancing at the 19" TV above my PC monitor.

I assume you live where there is abundant public transportation? How do you normally get around? Is grocery shopping a daily thing rather than bi-weekly? I’m genuinely curious. Not driving in my world would be extremely difficult and limiting, although I suspect a little easier now with the advent of Uber and Lyft.

To the OPs question about what I’m expected to know;
I am a software engineer, with various degrees bearing those words. I program guidance and flight control systems for various types of vehicles. No, I can’t diagnose your PC issue. All I can do is Google it for you. I only use Windows machines for email etc.

I don’t, my gf does. She likes to watch presidential debates every four years, and she wants to be able to offer television viewing to our house/pet-sitter when we vacation.

A few weeks ago she wanted to watch election returns. Neither one of us were able to get the dish receiver and television to work. We gave up and she used her phone, I used my iPad. But we sat side by side on the couch as if we were watching tv.

I have an undergraduate degree in architecture and square footage of homes still does not register with me. I know what it is but telling me how many square feet a home is means nothing to me in how larg/small the house is. We even just sold our house last year and had a new one built. I couldn’t tell you the approximate square footage of either of them. 3,000? 5,000? 20,000? Beats me.

Yes, I’m from Spain.
No, I don’t dance flamenco, and if you ask me to play you some “Spanish music” whatever I play is unlikely to be what you’re thinking of.

I’m studying horticulture. No, I probably can’t tell you what’s wrong with your plant, especially without looking at it. I might know what the plant you have in your garden is, but there’s hundreds of thousands of plant species, and I can maybe identify a few hundred at best.

You’re not the only one saying this. I’m a computer scientist, but I’m reasonably good at diagnosing PC woes - though I was in school long before there were PCs. I wonder if the reason is that when I was learning the bare computer was not hidden by layers of OS, programming languages and apps, and architecture was much simpler than it was today. We all had to learn assembly language, and operating systems were reasonably understandable.
And no GUIs.
Anything very weird I Google, but I have a feel for how it all goes together.

Ai no korīda

I live where the bus service is adequate, and recently moved to a place closer to a major highway, where little vans go back and forth all the time. I take the bus to the next town from my job and walk back in the morning, and to the closest bus stop to my place at night. I’ve always enjoyed walking, and the daily walks have become a devotional with me. The grocery is about 15 minutes from my new house, so twice weekly trips on my way home from the bus stop are not a problem.

I can drive but I don’t usually drive. It’s much less stressful for me to take public transport.

Not me, but a friend.

She’s lived in Seattle all her life. Does she drink coffee or beer? Nope, and nope.

I was trained as an electrician back in the day. I used to get requests like “Can you look at my TV?”

Sure, what’s on?

“Do you buy Bosc pears?” Nope, never. Only D’anjou.

I can’t figure out how to use Steam correctly.

Whenever I try to play the latest video game my friends are into, I can’t get the game to load. It will be stuck in the server list and go no further. I’ll google on how to enter the game and get the same instructions each time, which don’t work for me. I’ll ask the friend who told me about the game, and he’ll say “Oh, you have to do this and this and this.” It still doesn’t work. It assumes I have an X Box, which I don’t. I can’t figure out how to get it realize I’m using a PC. I hate that I’m the only person on the planet who can’t figure this goddamn thing out, and it’s as natural as breathing to any 5-year old.