His wife could decide to go on tour with him , the kids are not in school yet. And even when they hit school age they could homeschool them on the road. I am pretty sure there are golfers who are on the road with their family.
I agree. I was just trying to make a joke.
Neither karma or reincarnation are necessary beliefs in Buddhism. You’re describing Hinduism more than Buddhism. Buddha himself refused to ever say anything about the nature of reincarnation, and sometimes seemed to deny that it existed at all (at least not in the sense of a single, surviving consciousness. He likened it mor to lighting one candle with another).
Buddhism has no concept of “sin,” or any need for any divine “redemtion,” so it’s kind of empty point to say that Buddhism doesn’t have a solution to a dilemma it doesn’t recognize as existing. What Buddhism does have is the idea that “redemption” (for lack of a better word) can be accessed by practicing forgiveness and “loving kindness” towards others (sound familiar). In Buddhism, redemption is something you actually have to earn by being good to others, and changing your personality, it’s not something you can just ask a god for and be don with it. Forgiveness is something that can only be given by people you have wronged. That right of forgiveness does not belong to gods.
Brit Hume’s argument is essentially tautological and obliviously ethnocentric. Basically he’s asserting that only Christian theology has a Christian theology. Whoop-de-doo. The thing that he’s missing is that he’s appying a religious diagnosis to Tiger (he needs divine “redemption”). That diagnosis in itself is predicated on the presumption that Christian theology is true. It’s no different than a Scentologist saying that only Scientology can get rid of his engrams. It’s stupid.
Was Tiger’s specific image really that wrapped up in his fidelity to his wife? I didn’t even know he was married until the recent kurfuffle, so to me at least it seems sort weird to say that, but then I didn’t follow him as closely as many did, so maybe I’m wrong.
If he was a religious figure, or someone that spent a lot of time in public moralizing or talking up how great married life was, or he received sponsership money to sell products that were related to marriage and fideltiy, then I think it would make more sense.
Well, that’s why I ask. I’ve got enough past screw-ups to fill my own mini-series.
His family were often there on TV when he won his big tourneys. Before he was married you saw his parents on TV a lot at tourneys. His mother still shows up now but not as often. But he never used his wife or kids in any ads.
Well the amount I follow golf at all is pretty much nonexistant, so I’m not the most qualified person here to be talking about his image, but I am under the belief that for the people who do follow golf and Tiger more closely that his image is kind of sort of wrapped up in being a “wholesome” guy.
EDIT: What Bijou said. So yes apparently being a wholesome family man was part of his image.
Yes I agree.
To most people in the west, the difference between reincarnation and transmigration (which the Buddha does spend quite a bit of time talking about) are somewhat trivial. Brit Hume is a special kind of idiot, but it’s not exactly crazy to confuse Buddhist and Hindu beliefs here. To most people, even Buddhists and Hindus, whether reincarnation flows from Atman and Jiva or not is somewhat academic. You’re still coming back.
Tiger’s marriage was a big deal in the media because his wife is such a beauty, she was a model for a while. He met her because she was a nanny for another golfer on the tour. When all this came out the other golfer said he wished they had never met.
About time the Tigers apologized for their horrible play of late.
With everything he has to worry about, I doubt it. Not everyone obsesses about FoxNews like people on this MB.
I thought it was OK. I didn’t like the part where he yelled at the press-- he’s no one to lecture. I only really care about when he’s going to be back on tour, and that remains unanswered.
I would think part of rehab is not to rush back into the environment where you had problems. For him that’s traveling on tour.
It’s not about “obsessing about Fox News.” We’re not talking about getting upset at some stupid thing Beck said. It was someone calling him out specifically and personally to piss on his religion. It wouldn’t be “obsessive” for him to respond to it
What do you mean, “he’s no one to lecture?” Why not? Why doesn’t he have the right to be angry about people stalking his children?
I’m sure you can fit what Hume knows about Buddhism or Hinduism on the head of a pin. But the same is true of 95% of Americans.
Tiger hasn’t really “toured,” as such, in years. He plays the Majors and few select tourneys, but he doesn’t actually have to slog around on the tour like the rest of the Not-Tigers. He can bring his family to any event he wants to play in.
He plays about 17 tournaments a year, of which 4 are majors. That’s still a lot of touring-- ie, being away from home.
Yeah, whatever. I’m sure it’s something important enough for him to make sure it gets in to this speech.
He fucked up. If he hadn’t fucked up, they wouldn’t have done it. He should concentrate on his apology.
That’s victim blaming. It’s not his fault if people stalk his kids. How about some personal responsibility for the stalkers here?
They can make their own apology. To me it looked like trying to deflect attention away from him.
It looked to me like he was trying to deflect attention away from his wife and kids. He was saying. I did this, not them. Leave THEM alone." He never said “don’t pay attention to ME,” he was telling them not follow his kids to school.
False dichotomy.
Of course he never said that. The apology should be about himself and what he’s done to his family.