Tiny tiny things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Who spits out an unfinished mint, anyway? Someone who’s concerned about their breath being over-freshened? :confused:

As if to suck the spirit out of this, I am going into pedantic mode.

I have on many occasion had to remove gum or a mint to take a phonecall…

Usually I hold it in my hand and insert it back in my mouth when the call is finished.
And back to the ash tray thing… Take a few steps back and think about this… It bugs you to see mints or gum in there… but used death-sticks - fine. :dubious:


One time, I was applying packing tape to a box, and my wife was in a different room and didn’t know what I was doing. After I had applied a few long pieces, she asks “Are you making monkey noises in there?” Now I always make monkey noises when I tape up boxes.

Speaking of monkeys, one thing that makes me :rolleyes: is when I see some dumbass banging on the bottom of his pack of cigarettes like some kind of monkey banging two rocks together. I may have to start making monkey noises when I see this now too.

I find that making monkey noises is a great way to respond to many of life’s issues. :slight_smile:

Jackets or trenchcoats? Either way, they have to have high collars that can obscure parts of our faces.

And, sure, you can betray me at that Critical Moment™. I don’t think it can work any other way. However, be prepared for your Trusted Henchman™ to unmask at the Crescendo Moment of Your Diabolical Plan™.

(I’ve read too many comics.)

WTF? There’s another name for it? It’s not the shoulder-- that’s the part that’s not actually paved. What do you call it?

Agree on that, but my personal drive-me-up-the-wall grudge on the Underground are the screaming fuckwits who stop, at the bottom of the stairs, directly in front of the tube map, to figure out where they’re going. Bonus for family groups who do this en mass. Makes me fucking homicidal. Yes, I know, they’re usually tourists who actually don’t know where they’re going and yes, I know the underground can be confusing the first time you use it, but for fuck’s sake - at the bottom of the stairs into the Underground you’ve got two fucking choices; how long can it fucking take to decide North or South / East or West to get to your fucking destination? And do you really need to discuss it amongst your whole fucking group?!?!?!

I also get extremely angry at the sound of fat people breathing heavily when just sitting there. I know, it’s not their fault (sort of) and it’s totally irrational, but for some reason a morbidly obese person sitting next to me breathing loudly just makes me nuts. Other people breathing heavily doesn’t bother me at all.

I must hate you forever, then and I don’t want to know who you are! It’s called the breakdown lane because that’s what it’s for–cars that breakdown.
Name your friends.

When stuck in traffic on the Mass Pike, it is also referred to sometimes as the “express lane.”

I would just like to chime in that I also hate this with the burning passion of a thousand supernovas. If I wanted to select the punctuation, I would have highlighted the punctuation all by myself!

I see it will be two against one. No matter–honor and character shall win the day.

<flings gauntlet down>

Are you talking about the assholes who drive on the shoulder to bypass the stopped traffic? Or are you talking about two lanes that will be merging, say 1/4 mile down the road?

If it is the first–I agree, those people should be tarred and feathered

If it is the second, you are incorrect. Traffic studies have shown that cars flowing and merging at or near the end have a much better traffic flow then those where the cars merge way too far in advance. Now I would have to search for those studies (and there have been several threads about this too if I recall).

so which do ye speak

I hate in when people are always flinging the gauntlet here and there
pick up the damn mess!

A question for those who hate me regarding my breathing habits…

My sinuses are seriously jacked up. I’m lucky to be able to breathe through my nose at all, ever. And if/when I do, it invariably whistles or rattles or makes some other godawful sound. My only option, then, is breathing through my mouth! Obviously, this is not acceptable either.

Why do you want me to die a slow, painful death due to not breathing? I know I’m not the coolest Doper, but am I really that bad?

Yes, but do it quetly please.
I am not one of those who has a problem with mouth-breathing sound (I find it soothing) but sometimes someone who’s nose is absolutely fine will just let it whislte. I know they don’t mean to be annoying (they probably aren’t aware) but it’s one of those things that annoy me, and I feel bad for being annoyed by it, but I can’t swap my brain for one that isn’t annoyed by it. (If only we could switch on and off our particular reactions to things in the outside world)

There’s this music group whose songs I love - but I loathe the breathless way in which their singer sings. Damnit woman, learn to breathe! It’s like two words, gasp, two words, gasp, two words, gasp… she seems to breathe normally when speaking, just has never learned to breathe and sing at the same time.
Seeing plurals written with an apostrophe. It’s bad enough in English, but since when does Spanish use apostrophes? I’ve only seen them when someone is writing a particular accent which “drops letters,” and even then people are much more likely to just skip the dropped letters than to put something as foreign as an apostrophe there.
People who don’t bother with spelling because “if ure intligent ull unrstand anyway.” I don’t care if you’re a Mensa member or the Chief of Engineering of a major multinational, spelling like that in email shows you as a complete idiot. In the phylological sense of the word, i.e., someone who can’t be bothered take part in polite society.

Fast lane cruisers - dumbasses driving along in the “fast lane” at or below the speed limit when there is obviously someone trying to get around the even slower car in the right/slow lane. These fast lane cruisers either ignore the person riding their ass or are just too oblivious to know there is someone in a hurry that needs to get around them behind them.

Thanks, Lobsang, for sparing my life. I’m forever in your debt. :wink:

In my personal opinion, this betrays a startling inability to multitask.

Yes, but I’ll get to work on time, and you, yet again, will be tardy. Neither honor nor character matter in the workplace, punctuality does however.

I laugh at your late ass.

I hope this is a whoosh… It’s the height of bad manners to participate in a phonecall while still chewing/sucking something.

I know this has come up in other threads, but I’ll share my recent experience. Busy Saturday afternoon at the grocery store. Three adults, four small kids, three carts. Not one kid rode in a cart even though one was obviously new to walking. And they traveled as a pack. The adults saw me but did nothing to clear a one-person wide path. This was several weeks ago and it STILL burns me!

But maybe this doesn’t answer the OP because it isn’t tiny tiny.