Tiny tiny things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

That doesn’t mean you have to spit it out; just stop chewing or sucking it. I have no trouble parking my gum off to the side of the mouth or under the lip while speaking on the phone.

You’re better than me then - I would be in fear of swallowing it. (I’ve been brought up to believe you shouldn’t swallow gum)

Bosses who call you in to speak to you, but instead of carrying on an actual conversation, they think out loud to themselves. I guess they want an admiring audience while they do a lot of outer monologue rambling, but I’m damned tired of waiting for them to eventually get to the point of what they want me to do.

My husband does it too. Feh!

It pisses me the hell off when I’m outside for an hour at nine in the fucking morning, wearing SPF 25, and I get burned. I’m not albino or anything. I have no conditions that would somehow decrease my skin’s resistance to the sun. The only possible explanation is that my skin hates me, and it pisses me the hell off.

Also, assholes who don’t “share the road” with bicyclists. Seriously, I’m well to the right of the fog line. There’s no traffic coming the opposite way. There’s no reason for you to crowd me into the curb, other than you being a passive-aggressive dick. I shouldn’t let this get to me, but damn does it piss me off.

I guess this is as good a place as any.

There are no vowels in the name Lynyrd Skynyrd!!!

Thanks for your cooperation.

Haven’t cycled for years, but when I did, that peed me off too.

I drive now - Never tailgate (I know it pees people off), Never ride up the back of cyclists (I know it pees them off), and when I pass, I give looooads of room (I know how much I used to appreciate when people didn’t zoom past me at four million miles per hour leaving a two-inch gap, and taking me out of kansas with the slipstream.)

I thought “Y” was a vowel? :confused:

Are you kidding? A E I O U

Vowels, according to Wiki:

It’s true. The idea that y can function as a vowel is merely a pervasive myth. Why people think this is a puzzle I probably will ponder to my crypt. Ah well, I think I’ll practice on my synth and rock out to some righteous rhythms.

Yet more proof that my state schooling up to the age of sixteen has been worthless.

On a related note, people who are waiting in a long line at an eatery, yakking their heads off, when the guy behind the counter says “Can I help whoever’s next?”, Gabby McYakkity finally shuts up, looks at the menu, and spends three minutes deliberating (Ooooh, the crispy McChicken regular, or Extra Crispy McDeluxe? I just can’t decide!").

Unfortunately the genes for this behaviour seem to have a way of surviving in the human gene pool.

Somebody recently posted an ATM law to the effect that when you don’t need one, you’re practically surrounded by them, but when you do need one, you can’t find one.

To elaborate:

The distance of an available, usable ATM is proportional to the urgency of your need, as well as to the inclemency of the weather. It is also proportional to the relative skimpiness of your attire. In terms of a practical example: if it’s 50 degrees out and drizzling, and you’re wearing only a thin pair of boardshorts and a T-shirt, because you’ve just come out of a yoga class, and you left the house without any cash, because you thought the yoga studio’s validation would cover your parking, etc., the nearest ATM will be at least three blocks away.

To all the people complaining about selecting text: you can turn off that function. I have forgotten how, and am working from a mac, so I can’t tell you how to do it, but there is some preference you can change that makes the computer highlight what you tell it to highlight.

And I’ll add my tiny thing that shouldn’t piss me off but does:

Pairs of people walking slowly down the middle of the sidewalk. I generally walk at a pretty good clip, and it drives me absolutely batty when I get caught behind these people. If you’re going to mosey, stay to one side!

I bank at Washington Mutual. In my immediate area, there are two branches. Both are fairly easy to get to. Both have drive-thru ATMs and only drive-thru ATMs. This makes me so fucking angry. I don’t even know who to complain to. Not that it would do any good. Fucking assholes. I have short little arms. It is very difficult for me to use these things. Plus, there’s only one. Fuck. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

I really hate it. Ultimately, the added inconvenience really doesn’t merit this vitriol. I still get my banking done in a reasonable amount of time. It really is no big deal…but I HATE IT SO MUCH!

Ooh, this reminds me of another tiny, tiny pet peeve. I’d never seen a Washington Mutual ad until last year (one of the joys of not getting cable), but was suddenly inundated with ads calling the bank “Wah Moo” when I went on vacation and vegged out with the hotel TV on. I kinda dislike the whole take-a-syllable-from-each-word thing… the Soviets did it with panache, and there are some okay military terms today, but usually the results just sound twee and juvenile. WaMu. Tee-hee.

Washington Mutual-- sounds like a bank. A solid bank that will keep money safe. WaMu, on the other hand, sounds like a baby Pokemon. A baby hippo-like thing, perhaps.

I can’t wait until Thrivent Financial for Lutherans does it. Then they can create a cartoon mascot called ThriFi Lou.

Ohhh man, that reminds me:

I was working as a waiter and a customer was paying with a debit card.

He spent so long finding and replacing his debit card that the pin pad timed out.

This happened three times in a row. And he was getting mad at me!

“Hey Jackass, if you are going to turn finding and replacing your debit card into a feudal Japanese Tea Ceremony, you might want to do it after you’ve punched in your PIN. So that it doesn’t time out. Three times in a row.”

I think it’s ok you being a woman and all. The ones that get me are the teenagers. They way they move in general not having all of their coordination yet and walikng around with their mouths hanging open. When I was a kid I was so uptight I could barely stand being out in public much less walking around looking goofy.

Good one. Same thing waiting in the car at a fastfood place. What’s worse is my wife will do this with me in the car and I’m driving. ARG!!