Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

They already been cornfielded?

Not. Quite. Yet.

Ah, you were missing an l.

It was an unfortunate Xmas present accident. I don’t like to talk about it.

Jillena asking questions and kanicbird giving extensive cited answers seems to be a match made in heaven. I suggest we just let the two of them get on with it.

Dunno if any of those were super-long omnibus threads tho–IIRC the last one for Clothy was indeed of that type. Nowadays instead of starting 2 dozen threads on the bugger in question we now just rezz the omnibus one over and over again.

Free to become ‘one flesh’ in the ‘eyes of god’.

I just went to find out what other thread Jillena was up to beside the eating without killing nonsense.

Jeebus that love vs sex thread is painful. She’s either psycho, an emotional child, or a troll reeling in peoples’ chains. Count me out of her stuff.

As I mentioned upthread, the one-line uncomprehending kneejerk response posts are really tiresome. I wonder if she has some mistaken notion that padding her post count will keep her below the notice threshold of the bouncers around here.

Not necessarily, because there may well be lurkers reading, and old threads often come up in Google searches (or at least used to before the move to Discourse).

When I was lurking I was reasonably often convinced by arguments that did not change the minds of any posters.

Well, that’s good to know. Now I’m freaked out by the idea of all those lurkers watching our every move! :flushed:

Literally no different from posters watching your every move :slight_smile:. I lurked for months before first posting on the old board.

Uh, sorry about that?

As for UR2, I don’t think he’s here to learn, but it’s useful to have an insight into the mind of a Trump supporter. And also it’s easy to over-estimate what people outside the progressive bubble know and how much their minds have really changed. UR2 is a good illustration.

Yeah, but I know who you guys are!

I’m really only joking.

Equally useful to know how pointless it is to try to persuade them of something they are determined to be wrong about. Their entire identity is vested in their right wing ignorance, but they view it as a virtue, and rebuff every attempt to inform or reason them out of it.

That right there was one of NINE replies in a row from Jillena. All of them contentless, unneeded, cutesy, and oh my god, giggly.

That was from her “what can you eat without killing” thread, where she doesn’t want to eat seeds because they could have become a tree. But animals can eat them whole, but they can eat anything, because they don’t have a soul, or morals, or something… I gave up.

Especially when she started giving short platitudes to every poster who replied: “Good point, Jimbo.” “I like your post, Boyjim” …
(It was a little like that James Otto fan :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: all over again)

Either she’s not real or she hasn’t been paying attention at all to the culture here. Could go 50/50.

I vote not real. Or some sort of psycho/emotional problem too big for us to made a dent in. Which amounts to the same thing; we’re not going to get through to her; she’s pure neutronium.

Yeah. I don’t care for that. Not at all. :angry:

Oh, she, man, was a TRIP.

You’re an amateur lurker. I have been reading the SB faithfully since the late 1990s. Didn’t join until 2005. I still rarely post, although I read the dope multiple times a day…!