"V" — s1e2 — 11/10/09

Well, it seems to work for the Scots and their sheep. :smiley:

I keed! I keed!

I thought of that, I’m embarrassed to admit. But generally, people, er, interact with domestic animals either as experimentation or for lack of a human. And I have yet to hear of any human, er, interacting with reptiles, at least in an intimate social way. I’m rather hoping I never will.

You’ve clearly never heard of furries or MMORPGs or… the internet

See previous thread.

Or teenage males.

The old priest set off my Lizdar about ten seconds into the pilot. Very little doubt about him, unless he’s going to be mistakenly killed by the resistance.

Most interesting thing about this one was the revelation that there was a previous resistance. So, all the people wondering how come they never got discovered before…they did. It’s just, well, who believes Eick?


I just had an “aha” moment.
From the original mini-series:
Robert Eglund was the visitor in love with the human who had the baby with the long, long tongue. Yes!

Not quite. Yes, he was the friendly lizard with a human girlfriend (Daisy? Maybe?) but it was Robin, a human teen girl who gave birth to the lizard baby. And a human-looking twin, who of course had magical powers. Because 11 times out of 10 that’s what interspecies breeding gets you.

It did on Soap.

Thanks. I’m going to try to rewatch the original sometime soon. Mixed up memories.

The baby I remember looked human until his tongue did the lizard thing.

Robert Englund was in love with Harmony…and I think she dies in the end.

Yep. Just re-watched the original 1983 2-part movie a week before this aired. Robin got impregnated by Brian on the mother ship. And she was a virgin. Talk about a chick with baggage. A nice surprise was seeing two of the regulars from Oz - Elias and Stanley Bernstein.

My main question so far with the new series is how does BLG eat? In the originial they had refrigerators stocked with rodents which they would occasionally extend their jaws to eat. I guess they’ve evolved to people food, which is a shame, b/c that was a great moment in the original, when Marc Singer caught them eating a rat.

And I think Scott Wolf is totally going to get kidnapped, killed, and replaced with a lizard Scott Wolf. (Bailey Salamander)?

Wait up. They began eating the same food that people eat, or they began eating people?

The same food that people eat. I’m guessing here, on the assumption that BLG’s fiancee would probably wonder why her future husband is eating rats.

You mean this? :stuck_out_tongue:

The thing that bothers me about this show is the relative non-involvement of the military. I still say there’s no way in hell alien spaceships will be allowed to park over cities. Also think pretty much all contact/negotiations would have been conducted with the military playing a much more visible role in the proceedings.

The way the V’s took care of the F-16 in the opening montage (“Yeah, we’re gonna need a MON-TAGE!”) may have chastened them a bit.

It seems pretty clear to me that all of that sort of stuff is being done off-camera. We haven’t seen any real politicians to speak of, either. I prefer to credit the writers for keeping the story focused on the specific characters they’ve chosen to involve at this point than condemn them for not making this another generals-fly-fighter-jets-and-the-president-can-kickbox kind of story. Keep it focused on real(ish) people and it will be more involving, hopefully.

They were pretty explicit in the first episode about that group not being the first time a resistance was being organized. BLG refused to join at first because it always ended with lots of people being killed. Which it did again i guess.

That’s entirely consistent with BLG having been one of the advance troops in a V offensive on another planet, presumably with whatever skin type was in fashion there.

Exactly. Apart from that, it seems pretty obvious to me that a military confrontation would be pretty one-sided.

This is going to be kind of like the Os/Ka/Loq vs. the Irryan Colonies. The real battle won’t involve guns and planes, it’ll involve finding out what the V want and making it…unpalatable to them.
