Vote Here For The Supreme High Temptress of IMHO

I would hereby like to nominate, and vote for, Diane as The Supreme High Temptress of IMHO.

She meets all the qualifications and then some! IMHO, the woman totally rules in this catagory. I mean, how many others here would offer blowjobs for a mere vote so that they might wear a cyber crown upon their gorgeous blonde locks?!

Let’s see how far she’s really willing to go, shall we? Or if anyone out there is willing to top her offer. I do believe Sassy said she could give Diane a run for her money.

All nominations are welcome.*

Let the tempting begin!

*Except me. As the one starting this contest, I am not eligible to participate.

Shayna gets a vote.
Looks like we need a tiebreaker.

Hmmm…can I vote twice? :wink:

Well, I was going to vote for Shayna, but seeing that she isn’t even voting for herself…

Plus, <b>Diane</b> will certainly do the job nicely. So, I vote for Diane. You go, girlfriend!

I think Shayna has an irrefutable point here.

Therefore, I cast my vote for Diane, and BTW, I checked out her homepage, and she is gorgeous!


You are all fools! Don’t give away your vote, sell it!

Waiting for highest bidder…

Shayna gets a second vote.

Water Boy, I’m flattered, but I’m still not eligible. Any votes for me won’t count, so they’re just being wasted.

I will gladly accept your vote for Prom Queen, though!

Well, I think everyone knows that I’m madly, hopelessly, irrevocably head over heels in love with Shayna, so my vote goes to Democritus.

He’s uglier than a hatful of assholes, but he’s not much to look at either.

Shayna’s nice and all but temptress? Nahhhhhh!!! I’ve seen Diane and she’s got my vote.

Diane DID offer blowjobs for votes…however, that was in the IMHO prom queen thread, not temptress thread. If the same conditions go for this thread, my vote’s for Diane.

If not, well, temptresses are supposed to be convincing…

What qualifies or disqualifies someone? Is a temptress different than a flirter? Shayna seems to be quite a flirter but everyone seems to be saying she doesn’t qualify as a temptress. And isn’t Diane older? She seems to brag about being the “sexist old hag of the SDMB” to use her words. But I think most temptresses are on the young, nubile side.

I will give my vote to the female poster with the best nude photos, though I can be bought with sex.

sheesh! gone for a few hours of rock climbing and another vote is in effect. i’m voting for…
oh yeah, right Arnold,
my vote aint free, but it’s cheap, who wants it? :smiley:

Can I be a temptress? Or would I have to change my sex first?

I suppose, then, that Diane’s got my vote to. I don’t know who she is, or what she looks like, but if half of what they say about her is true, she must be some temptress (or I must be pretty naive.)
That’s 6 for you, I think.

Based on her picture, her shameless flirting with me, and the offer of a blow job*, it can only be DIANE! :wink:

*but I voted for you, Diane-my-lovely, pre-offer, so my interest is not (entirely) prurient. :wink:

Jeesh Soulsling, you were rock climbing and I was hiking a lovely trail near Causey Dam. Think there is a connection here? I even have a sunburned nose and scratched legs to show for my effort.

BTW - My annual grab a friend and hit the trails summer weekends just kicked off today if anyone wants to join.

Uhhhh. . . .

Anyway, back to business. . . .

My new rules for this contest.

(1) “Kisses” only offered if I begin to lose ground in the voting process. Yes, I cheat and don’t play fair when it comes to playing with testosterone.

(2) “Kisses” only offered to those who initially vote for me. No voting for someone else then running your scrawny little white asses back to me when you get horny. Nope. You snooze, you lose.

(3) Persuade your sock puppets to vote for me and I will include my special prostrate tickle technique. Nuff said. It’s a show, not tell thing.

(4) In the case of a tie, the winning vote will receive a special email describing what I can do with these:

And probably the most important of all. . .

(5) If I lose, I will post a picture of me the first thing in the morning. You won’t want to be eating lunch when you open it. It ain’t pretty.

Oh, and about the old thing. I am 38. Trust me on this one - 38 years of experience, aerobic class induced endurance, vivid and unbridled imagination, and the fact that I am can put both feet behind my head (and yours too) while singing the National Anthem, will have you youngsters gasping for breath and screaming for mama.

Bring it on!

Oh, and Prom Queen Shayna? I like your mama now. :smiley:

38 years or 38 bust? :smiley: Seriously, to those of us who recently hit 45, you are a young babe. Those kids don’t know the tricks, anyhow. “It’s not the years, it’s the miles”, or to put it in Gaming terms ( I made this up) “It’s not the Stats, it’s the EP’s”. and boy do I got the miles & EP’s!

and Ageable: hit the site, look at the Babe!

OK, that tears it; my vote’s for Diane (sorry Shayna; still marry me? I promise you’ll never have to know about this thing with Diane… honest!)

And I didn’t even sell my vote! Damn…

(BTW, Diane, maybe a 41 yr old can broaden that base of experience a bit…)