Weather Report: What's it like where you are now?

I recently moved to an new office with an entire wall of glass. Previously, for more than five years, I was in an upstairs windowless office in a well-fortified bunker-type building. The only time that I knew if weather was occurring was if there was a very loud thunderclap directly overhead, or if someone came up from downstairs to report it was raining (or snowing or sunshining or tornadoing).

So, today the sun is pouring through my windows, and there is some wind. I can hear it blowing, and see the trees swaying on treeline between our property and back yards of the neighborhood across the way. There is not a cloud in the sky.

What’s the weather where you are?

32 degrees F. Starting to cloud up. It’s supposed to start snowing this afternoon and continue for about a week.

Slightly above freezing and partly cloudy.

80’s and partly cloudy.


Southern NJ here. After several rainy days recently, and one teasing 74-degree day last Friday, the weather is FINALLY starting to break - it is a beautiful sunny day, in the low to mid 50s…just that HINT that spring is on the way. The forsythias have been blooming for about a week, and I can see all the flowering pear trees ready to bloom in another few days. The magnolia tree up the street from my house is blooming, too. sigh I can’t wait for the lilacs and lilies-of-the-valley, then it’s TRULY spring :slight_smile:

Unseasonably, nay, ridiculously warm here in London today. Sunny and 23C (73F) - it feels more like June than early April. :slight_smile:

(Depending on what the final figures were, it may turn out to have been a new date record for April 6 for the UK - that’s how noteworthy it is.)

We’re supposed to get a mix of snow and rain today, but so far it’s cold but beautiful.

My office, however, is hot. There’s no window to open and no thermostat. I think summer is going to kill me in here. I just called Engineering to see what they can do about it.

In Northeast Germany it was cloudy and windy today and we had about 15°C.

I’m currently in my basement office with no windows but according to the weather network it’s cloudy and 6°C (43°F)

Clear, upper 40s at night and upper 70s during the day. Near perfect.

That ain’t gonna last.

Sunny and 54F right now. Barely a cloud in the sky. Slight breeze. I have a few windows thrown open, to try and get out the winter funk.

Santa Clara, Bay Area. According to weather channel app on my phone, 62 degrees F and partly cloudy, but the sky is blue and beautiful outside my window.

Yep, I’m in that same place. Sunny, mid-60s. I think I’ll go out and go for a walk.

It feels cold, but exercise worthy. The morning run in the rain was the best. The afternoon bike ride was colder because of leaks in the equipment. The afternoon treadmill run got skipped.

In the low 40s and pouring rain all day, with no end in sight. Ugh.

5 C and mostly sunny. Predicted overnight low: -5. A bit warmer predicted for tomorrow. Still large piles of snow on my lawn where the town blew it in the winter.

We’ve had weeks now of the most terrific autumnal weather…warm, clear days (24-27c) and nights cool enough to snuggle properly under the doona. No rain, no wind, just perfect.

I’m not one to complain, but it’s getting a bit boring really. :smiley:

Sorry it took so long for me to respond. I was out in the garage building an ark. In a parka. :mad:

Cool, but clear and sunny. Unbelievably windy. The numbers on the gas station price sign are being rocketed across the lot. Daly City, CA.


It’s a pleasantly sunny autumn morning. Temp currently 22.7C