Welp, I'm-a be a daddy!

For the first time, no less. Some time in late February, it would appear that Ogre and the Ogress will have spawned a wee, uh, Ogreling?

Name suggestions will be entertained. :slight_smile:

Well, there’s Shrek, of course!

Congrats to the Ogre clan!

I’m right there with you… well, I’m gonna be a mommy not a daddy, but yeah, 6 and 1/2 dozen. Due in late March. We’re thinking Willow if it’s a girl and Phineas if it’s a boy. Feel free to steal one of those if you dig 'em. Congrats and good luck!

MAJOR congrats, dood! Is this your first child? Babies are kind of weird little lumps at first but get cute very soon. It doesn’t last long though, they grow up so fast! Take lots of pictures and video!

He knows how blackmail works, sheesh. He is a Doper after all. :wink:

I’ve been waiting for a good giggle all night - much appreciated (she said, not at all ironically!)


Speaking as a fellow Alabaman, I believe you have a generational obligation to name your Ogrette “Paul,” “Bear,” “Bryant,” or some combination thereof.

Don’t you realize that southern folks need two names? I’m Pamela Ellen (pronounced pamlaellen, my whole life), my brothers are Bobby Joe and Johnnie Mack. We wouldn’t think of calling them anything else.

Yep, two first names are a southern essential!

Congrats! May the Ogreling be healthy, also may Ogress have a quick delivery and recover ahead of schedule.

Gwynedd (pronouced Gwyneth) is a wonderful middle name for a girl - she can use it when she goes through the “I must be different” phase, then return to her first name. Uriel is also good of a boy’s middle name for the same reason.

Congratulations!!! Kids are wonderful, except of course when they are not. I’ll leave the naming to you…

Many, many congrats!! We had our first 2.3 yrs ago, and yes it changes your life entirely. It is no doubt the best thing that ever happened to me and my wife.

Btw, the first 3-6 months were very, very hard. After that it got much better, and now it’s a frickin’ joy.


Whatever sex, the middle name should be Earl.

Wishing you a lifetime of love and joy with your new family! :slight_smile:

Congrats! Is Bubba too cliched? Bubba-John? Hmmm, I’ll think more on that later. My only advice is to NOT teach them to talk! Once they learn, they never stop, and eventually learn to talk BACK!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats! I hope your wife survives her John Hurt moment with relative comfort and ease.

Huge congrats, Ogre! Guess you’ll be putting your electric guitar away for a year or three!

I thought the middle name should be Wayne.

Only if you want them to be a murderer! :o

The middle name has to be Bob, because it goes so well with many first names for that two name pairing. (Full disclosure: I do actually have a cousin from Texas who, as a kid, was called Jim-Bob.) Joe is a close second, because you could use “Jo” as the feminine version.

And congrats!

Congratulations! :wink:

Or Earline.


Paul, Pauline; Earl, Earline. Perfectly cromulent!

Congratulations! I suppose I should also disclose that we have found out it’s going to be a boy. The baby name grinder is already in full swing. Whew.

Enniaunus, “Paul” is definitely on the list, and although it’s not explicitly a reference to Bryant, it really kinda is, yanno? :slight_smile:

Speaking of Southern names, we’re strongly inclined to go with a normalish first name, and a family surname as a middle. We’ve considered Talmadge, Brewer, Ussery, Crawford, Ellerby, Webb, and a whole host of others.

I kinda like “Emerson” (thus my recent kvetching about the yuppies attempting to feminize it. Somebody even PM’ed me an amusing story of a friend of hers naming their two daughters “Carsyn” and “Emersyn”. Good Christ.)

Geez, I hope not! I’m supposed to be doing some Nashville session recording soon! That’s huge enough that I do NOT want to see it go away.

Too true.